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Everything posted by dandydoo

  1. Mike, I am interested in why you think its "dead wrong" what are you basing this on. Clearly you are not in favour but you dont give any reasons. Can you let us all know why ...maybe we are missing something but you have views and have concluded that ETS is wrong what has informed this opinion DD
  2. In Scotland I asked the Minister responsible for AI policy would pigeons be confined or further measures ....wouldn't rule out a cull ...i have this in black and white. Media hype and public reaction would inform his judgement methinks
  3. Nor even Next year ...worst case scenarios 3,5,7,10 years until AI is deemed ok ... An area must be clear for 1, 3, years still depends on what the EU classify pigeon as in AI
  4. Why is this still an issue Hmmm all the debate is around "I have heard that someone could sneak in and meddle with the Clock" etc etc. The reality is a manual clock is easier to fiddle with as any clockmaker will tell you. OK there is no argument if YOU dont want it DONT buy it or use it but DONT oppose any one else from moving forward and having choice. THATS what split Scottish Fanciers those opposed to change who would not allow folks the choice. Is there not gain from stall Traps? Is a T3 not an electronic clocking device? Was it fair when only the well off had clocks and the rest had to run to the Post Office? Are we saying that the Belgians and Dutch (who all use ETS) are cheating and their racing is void? Think of North bound was that an ETS system? Luddites ..not a question of age but of mentality you either welcome and embrace change or not as long as you have good grace to accept other folks choice and not look to manipulating democratic rights of fanciers to get your own way. Progress ...hands up who doesnt have a PC, Mobile phone washing machine Microwave etc etc
  5. :o :o :oOR you can make illegal copies for nothing clockie ;) ;) ;)
  6. Hope your right Fifer but really dont see it myself .. French poultry guys will be up in ars as well as Dutch ....what made you think that anyway
  7. Apart from Avian flu what we dont need is moving birds around drom the Continent. I know guys who bought last week
  8. Wow this is very scary peckedhen
  9. For every black cloud there is always a very small consolation shame eh
  10. I know Rose, its just gets boring, basically we all dont like change nor expense but the reality is soon, you wont be able to buy a manual clock. Nowadays nothing lasts i.e. hoovers like they used too (urgghh getting old)
  11. I really dont think we will get Channel racing .....look at Foot n' mouth not the outbreak but how our government and the French etc reacted. I have already asked the scottish parliament Rural Spokesman ...and he said ( in writing) that on current medical/ vets advice he could /would not rule out the culling of Pigeons. I hope that we do but cant see it to be honest
  12. I would give a donation to that ...pity the b*****d didn't cut his throat on the broken window and pity the dog wasn't a mad Rotty. Clockie how do we do this
  13. I can remember away back nobody could afford a clock and we had to run to the post office only well off people had a clock ...was that fair did everyone leave the sport cos a few folk had ..no they didn't Did those having their own clock not have an unfasir advantage
  14. Fife King if you are a member of the RPRA your Clock should it not be three way tested scrutinised by other regions at the start of the season and after its taken off kept on the Clubs premises does this happen in you Club or do you just do what you like?
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