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dont do that andre, doos love their own droppings and thrive on it, i know national winners whose birds make nests and rear winners on droppings, pigeons love sh** but this isnt what its about, you have lost interest and are giving away, no need for arsholes to critisize yir dookit min, all the best in what you do ma man, davy.

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I apologise that I have not got the time to tend to my birds like I use to. That's why I am giving them up, sounds like I am better of to ring there necks than to bother coming on to forums like this.

Nothing to apologise for birds look in excellent condition and could do some-one a good turn.Hope they go somewhere appreciated.

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Guest johnhunter

dont do that andre, doos love their own droppings and thrive on it, i know national winners whose birds make nests and rear winners on droppings, pigeons love sh** but this isnt what its about, you have lost interest and are giving away, no need for arsholes to critisize yir dookit min, all the best in what you do ma man, davy.

yours must be thriving on it as you have stated on another topic that you have not separated them yet andthere is eggs everywhere and young, now that's what I call a latebred you also stated that you are hardly ever there ,so with all that sh..e lying about, a reckon you will win a national LOL

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I would not like to see your loft if you think that that's ok,and yes it will improve the doos ,oh I forgot you are the guy who is not going to clean drinkers out ,down right laziness on his part and your part


Ye never quantified yer answer knob heed. How will it improve the doos ???

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Guest johnhunter

Ye never quantified yer answer knob heed. How will it improve the doos ???

oh the big mighty bouncer has spoken the clown who dresses up ,anyway on the point you are on about how will it improve the doos ,well if you keep letting them sh** it is obvious that there tail feathers and there primaries will be matted with sh..te so if kept clean I think that will improve the doos and I know for a fact that 90 odd percent on here will agree ,but if the wish to keep quite fair DOOS ps keep taking your medicine

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oh the big mighty bouncer has spoken the clown who dresses up ,anyway on the point you are on about how will it improve the doos ,well if you keep letting them sh** it is obvious that there tail feathers and there primaries will be matted with sh..te so if kept clean I think that will improve the doos and I know for a fact that 90 odd percent on here will agree ,but if the wish to keep quite fair DOOS ps keep taking your medicine


whit ?

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