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Thank you George for the birthday present ,the 4 young birds are top class which could only be expected from a fancier of your caliber,they are well appreciated your a gentleman mate.hope you's had a good day. :emoticon-0167-beer: :emoticon-0167-beer: :emoticon-0167-beer:

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had a really good day, our fed has lots to decide although i know my opinion already :emoticon-0140-rofl: :emoticon-0140-rofl: the two darks are mamwell bros birds , same way bred was 2nd section alnwick last week, also had a 1st and 2nd section in previous years from this pair, the red is a padfield x brian sheppard same way bred as this weeks fed winner from Ripon and the pied is from a haelterman cock who won the fed from peterborough by 20 mins paired to a preece bros hen, the cock bred the NOS fed bird of the year last year, so happy birthday and expletive remove vote YES :emoticon-0140-rofl: :emoticon-0140-rofl:

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