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Having just read page 2 of this weeks bhw, i find it utterly shameful that members of staff faced abusive ''members'' at blackpool. The members in question should hang their head in shame. Also those who are ringing the offices. if it is ever found out who these are action should be taken. These members of staff are employees and do not make or pass the rules, most are not pigeon fanciers. disgusting.


I don't often comment on politics but when something like this happens i feel i must.  

Having just read page 2 of this weeks bhw, i find it utterly shameful that members of staff faced abusive ''members'' at blackpool. The members in question should hang their head in shame. Also those who are ringing the offices. if it is ever found out who these are action should be taken. These members of staff are employees and do not make or pass the rules, most are not pigeon fanciers. disgusting.


I don't often comment on politics but when something like this happens i feel i must.  


Depends what you mean Geraint ..I am not condoning the abuse of the RPRA staff but at times they can be very frustrating when trying to talk to them...I had reason to phone them recently about a matter and they where totaly useless and most unhelpfull !!!!


I know some people can find the Irish accent a little hard to understand but their total disregard towards the matter I phoned about was unbelieveable ..so much so I will be giving Mr Bills a call this week.


Lets not forget in this that we are the RPRA and not some people sitting in a comfy office on generous salaries !!!


what i mean is idiots/ fools going upto members of staff and giving them abuse. not on. and i would like you to take a look at the salaries that these members of staff that answer your calls are on,   ,, wouldnt say they are generous.

what i mean is idiots/ fools going upto members of staff and giving them abuse. not on. and i would like you to take a look at the salaries that these members of staff that answer your calls are on,   ,, wouldnt say they are generous.


I think you have taken me up wrong regarding my use of the term "generous" ...that was meant as generous in terms of the work they do or for that matter they think is within job description!!!


I have always found the staff nothing but extremely helpfull and curtious and have nothing but praise for them , they are a credit to our sport :)

i hear Mr Bills has hung up on quite a few people and is not prepared to listen to members opinions!


two sides to every story ;)

Guest strapper

i have to admit that some in the past have made me close to blowing a fuse..especially when you send a transfer off to them and it comes back in the same persons name ??) ??) ??)

it took me 15 mins to explain it was meant to come back in my name..

but on the other hand ive spoke to some very helpful people..so it might be the day we caught them on that they may be grumpy  :)


ive never had no problems with rpra always been very happy with them only thing i dont agree with is the new combi rings should of thought we should of had an choice one or the other but only time will tell if they will be more bad than good.but still dont make it right for the abuse  


all the best



two sides to every story ;)


He' also reported to have said that he does not like forums,may be he should be sent an invitation to join this one then we can hear his side of the story.





He' also reported to have said that he does not like forums,may be he should be sent an invitation to join this one then we can hear his side of the story.



He's not prepared to answer questions from the members in the BHW so why would he on a forum?


i think those who verbally abused them at the show are nothing short of spineless, and even though employed by the rpra should be afforfded to be spoken to courtiousley,because i for 1 would not accept anyone talking to me either at work or home with abusive talk...

Guest strapper

im dead against abuse...but try telling the wife off...ill get worst ;D ;D ;D ;D


but being serious, they shouldnt get abuse..spoken too in a direct manner yes but there is a cut off when abuse comes into it.



He' also reported to have said that he does not like forums,may be he should be sent an invitation to join this one then we can hear his side of the story.



like most dinosaurs they either move with the times or get left behind and become extinct ;)

Guest frank dooman

i have never had anything but a very profesional service from the rpra and i do agree when you get some one on the other side of a phone and your not getting any where its very frustrating but NO one should get abuse there is no excuse what so ever for that its not on


there is not one of use at work would be happy to be taking abuse from ANYONE so why dish it out to others simply just not good enough we should treat others as we would like to be treated

just think what if it were one of your daughters sister or wife at the other end of that phone food for thought

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