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Masacre - warning graphic photo

The White Rapido Man

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GUTTED.....................Unfortunately I have suffered a nasty predatory attack on my YB section on Sunday, which resulted in the death of all of first round including 18 YBs ad 3 stock hens which were left as feeders...... :'(


The attack happened an hour of so after I'd feed them....... I went back to install the new drinkers I'd made out of some empty koi carp pellet tubs...and was met with the carnage....  


I believe this may have been a mink...........as there were no visible signs of entry other than a small hole dug underneath the flight...... whatever entered butchered the lot...... heads and feet bitten off crops bit through.......backs and tails gorged out.


Whats made it worse was that this was to be my first years racing, which I've been really looking forward to ...... the birds I'd bred, by my own admission were crackers....... so now it looks like I'll be giving that a miss this year, as I've not really got time to crack another round off, what with my release business as well.....thats why I started early!!!!! :-/ :-/  


I supose thats a stark warning for everyone, not to be complacent about predetors getting in...... :-/ :-/ ??) ??)








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I'm sorry to hear and see this Paul, its a terrible thing to have happened, especially as you are just starting out with racing. If theres anything I can do mate, giv uz a shout!


All the best



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thanks chaps.....................I think I am only left with option of getting some young birds in............. which I really didnt want to have to do.


I've enjoyed the breeding and wanted to breed the neucleus of my own team from the stock I have.......and even test some of my loggies and repido's out on the race circuit....


Sometimes I think I'll never get a race!!!!! ...I had the same last year when I got an 20 odd bird YB team together...and lost the lot on a training toss!!!!...that nealry made me pack up the idea all together.....


we'll keep plodding on...................but Ive not been blessed with much luck upto know!!....... perhaps I'll stick to what I no and just keep the whites!!!!


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thanks Ted............      I've plenty of stock myself...its just I'd allocated the first round for the race team..................and the second round for the dove releases.....for this year


I know a couple of local fanciers, who will sort me out I'm with a few babies if I ask nicey  :)






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So sorry to read this WR Man.   :(


Do you have a trap to catch the mink?


I set a cage trap this morning,......all the carcases were piled up near the hole so I'm guessing he'll be back later.......


revenge will be sweet.....................if I manage to catch it..........



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may not be a mink could be rats had a problem once a rat got in and took the crops and necks out of 8 young birds and one old bird in one night then came back and killed some more put poisen down and got him found him dead under the bottom row of nest boxs which were boxed in down to the floor

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may not be a mink could be rats had a problem once a rat got in and took the crops and necks out of 8 young birds and one old bird in one night then came back and killed some more put poisen down and got him found him dead under the bottom row of nest boxs which were boxed in down to the floor


yeah....perhaps....................quite how anything could kill 21 birds in a large open flight and loft with v -perches though (in broad daylight)  baffles me though................. :-/

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yeah....perhaps....................quite how anything could kill 21 birds in a large open flight and loft with v -perches though (in broad daylight)  baffles me though................. :-/


Sounds like a mink or polecat, maybe someones ferret. A mink killed 30 ducks in one night at the local fish farm, never ate any just slaughtered them. It will be back, set as many traps as you can

good luck

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