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What To Give During The Malt?

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My birds have started to malt - i've been adding homoform to the feed and some peanuts now and again plus some multivits once a week.


Is there any thing i could add to get better feather qulaity?


I've not given the vinegar as there as some babies still in the nest - All have feathers but not ready to be weaned.


Should i give them breswer yeast?


Can I ask why you are not given vinegar with babies in the nest?


Regarding the moult Sedochol, Vinegar and garlic, are the only things I really believe in but the garlic and vinegar is only on a health note


I don't really change anything.


All year round they get iodine in the water once a week. Fine and course oyster shell grit, redstone grit, normal grit, black minerals, pink minerals and matrix before their feed.


I also put adherb on their food everyday.


Lloyd :)


I've added linsead seeds to the feed today.


Can I ask why you are not given vinegar with babies in the nest?
I was told that not to add vinegar as the babies crop can't cope with the vinegar. So i've avioded all through breeding season.


Is this wrong?

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