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Squeekers Falling Away.

Guest geordiejen

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Guest geordiejen

is there any health reason why one squeeker from the nest falls back on its development.found one falling back last week and i helped it along a bit with some extra feeding by way of soaking some corn and giving it to the bird.this seemed to brighten it up a bit but its not develpoing by way of size and feathering so i decided to dispose of it today.is this a health issue or could it be down to bad parent rearing.the birds get enough supplements in their diet and the droppings are all great looking.also around the nestpan with both youngsters in looked fine.is there an explanation for this?does it sometimes happen in your loft?

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is there any health reason why one squeeker from the nest falls back on its development.found one falling back last week and i helped it along a bit with some extra feeding by way of soaking some corn and giving it to the bird.this seemed to brighten it up a bit but its not develpoing by way of size and feathering so i decided to dispose of it today.is this a health issue or could it be down to bad parent rearing.the birds get enough supplements in their diet and the droppings are all great looking.also around the nestpan with both youngsters in looked fine.is there an explanation for this?does it sometimes happen in your loft?

Regular. Maybe a half spatrix or similar on spaneing. Have they been eating or just picking at small seed?

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Did the pair sit the first egg tight? I always remove the first eggs laid and Mark them with the nest box number and replace with a pot egg. When 2nd egg is laid the eggs go back. Meaning they should hatch within hours of each other. Any that are behind in development then are removed as they do not process the constitution I require in my lofts.

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Number of things can 'affect development' not all of them are health issues. As Wiley states, if the birds incubate the first egg rather than stand over it as they are supposed to, it can lead to a 2-day difference between nest mates. That's nothing at all to do with health, but what can exaggerate differences in size is the way youngsters grow in size - it's not an even growth - they grow in 'spurts' so one just gone through a 'spurt' looks ginormous and the other which hasn't, a right runt.


Cocks are also usually bigger than hens, so a cock & hen youngster in the nest can also be a reason for difference in size.


You'll know a runt - neither parent will feed it. They seem to instictively know there's something wrong with it, 'constitutionally'. It's a living skeleton. So it doesn't want special assistance, it's a culling job.

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Guest geordiejen

the youngster was full of grub but that goes for nothing as its crop could have stopped.it did become a living skeleton and to be honest ive taken a different approach to rearing my birds this year.any youngster that looks to be in a state of sickness or the droppings are not right then it goes to the pigeon loft in the sky.they get clean fresh food,cider vinegar in th4e water,garlic and a spoonfull of probiotic twice a week.the youngsters seem to be in good health but the odd one or 2 youngsters still get sick.i dont race pigeons so there shouldnt be any stress related illnesses.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest geordiejen

in between rounds mate no.i treat all the birds before pairing them up.i have stuff for canker which they get a drink of once every 3 weeks.i dont do any other type of meds when rearing young.all youngsters appart from one have done very well at weaning.i found a swelling of the wing joint(elbow)of one youngster.put it in a seperate pen away from all the others but ended up disposing of that as it could have been paratyphoid.

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Guest geordiejen

Regular. Maybe a half spatrix or similar on spaneing. Have they been eating or just picking at small seed?

still in the nest mate.on watching them after putting food in the hopper the larger squeeker was always at the front of the nestpan waiting to be fed.i wonder if this is caused by a cock and a hen squeeker.the cock being the one that gets fed first.

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