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duncan mckay ..bids on my birds

Guest strapper

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Guest strapper

I have been thinking over the situation concerning Duncan McKay and his bids for birds on this site.

I now want to put the record straight .

In a sale I held on this site in January of this year , Duncan phoned in bids for two birds ,plus placed bids on others birds on screen.

He explained that the phone bids that he had made he wanted to remain just that..and not have his name on the screen bidding for them.

The sale went as planned and Duncan had won the bids totalling £180.

Duncan then said that he would come down to s wales in two weeks to collect the birds (after his mot,s his car/van and pay for them..which didn’t happen.

I contacted Duncan to which he promised to send payment for the birds.

Another week went past and no payment.

So contacted Duncan again and asked for payment…which he said ok sorry ..ill make sure you get it in the week…which again didn’t happen.

So I contacted Duncan once again and stated I wanted payment by Thursday which didn’t happen …we spoke on the phone and he explained he had been on tuesday on his way down to collect the birds(without my knowledge of any agreement to do this.).but his clutch went on his car on the way down.

I stated at least twice on the phone that I wanted payment by this weekend..which wasn’t gonna happen but I gave him the chance too…something I may have been to soft in doing this over the recent weeks.

Now in this time of owing me this amount Duncan has bid on other birds for himself and others …knowing that he still owed me this amount.

I do not want to fall out with Duncan over this but I must get my part of this matter across and out in the open.

I have seen what has been said and refrained from posting this .

But I think members should know everything about this matter so everythings out in the open.

In this time I have contacted admin on a number of occasions hopefully going about matters in the right way.

Although the birds remain here ,I have been left with a bitter taste in my mouth so to speak on the reliability of bids on this site.

Now I want it known me and Duncan have not had cross words with each other and have spoken with respect .

Duncan comes across as a nice guy I must admit that.

I hope in future that matters are much better for all concerned in any bids and sales.

I will put this down to experience and leave it up to admin to deal with it as they so wish.







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there's been a lot said on this matter and a few of us have felt the  need to apologise, now I would'nt dream of accussing mr mckay of debliberatly misleading men without knowing the full facts on the other hand the rights to the agrived have to be aired people must understand the disruption to the charity sales and extra work for the organisers late and unexplained late payments cause.. in the case of a private sale the wasting of a mans time and the cost of lost revenue by posting a winning bid and not paying and then keeping a man hanging on till the ybs in question are to old to sell on is bang out of order and if this case proves to have substance then i feel the injured party requires an apology

pigeonbasics is a public forum so if an auction is posted then it becomes public domain and therfore open to public scrutinyJMO

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Dont see y anyone has to apologise  because first he gets a newbie to test the water then he comes on himself when people start feeling sorry for him.Feeling sorry for someone doesnt help the charitys,.

if you read the post as its written its giving him the oppertunity to big up and apologise for messing evrybody about


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It appears I got the wrong impression of Duncan McKay on the other post thinking he was just trying to help someone and it backfired on him.Now after reading Paul's experience of the man I'm afraid my thoughts on him have greatly changed.

Sorry to hear you have been pissed about Paul,it's not on mate when a genuine fancier offers good birds at a more than reasonable price and gets let down,especially when another fancier could have had the birds and all sorted.


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Guest lenwadebob

I rest my case, when I posted some time back about a "newbie" bidding on almost every bird available for auction. I believe I said "here we go again" and got a pm from Mr D McKay saying "and your problem is".................... Now he knows what my problem was...........I knew a bit more than most...............but allowed enough slack rope for him to hang himself.

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I rest my case, when I posted some time back about a "newbie" bidding on almost every bird available for auction. I believe I said "here we go again" and got a pm from Mr D McKay saying "and your problem is".................... Now he knows what my problem was...........I knew a bit more than most...............but allowed enough slack rope for him to hang himself.


Noticed he was on for quite a bit tonight Bob , didnt reply though  :-/ :-/



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Guest Jargre-
I rest my case, when I posted some time back about a "newbie" bidding on almost every bird available for auction. I believe I said "here we go again" and got a pm from Mr D McKay saying "and your problem is".................... Now he knows what my problem was...........I knew a bit more than most...............but allowed enough slack rope for him to hang himself.
Duncan bought a bird of me last month and paid the same day so I can only speak for myself.   For the record as there seems to be some ambiguity here, just exactly what is it are all of you accusing this man of?    Have to say it was a very poor show of Paul to come in and stick the boot in after that many months, you have to question the motive there, poor judgement to say the least.


I suspect the days of this forum are numbered because of the amount of libellous comments constantly being bandied about by people who think they are untouchable.   Shame as it seemed at one stage to ride the storms of controversy.   :-/



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Guest lenwadebob
Duncan bought a bird of me last month and paid the same day so I can only speak for myself.   For the record as there seems to be some ambiguity here, just exactly what is it are all of you accusing this man of?    Have to say it was a very poor show of Paul to come in and stick the boot in after that many months, you have to question the motive there, poor judgement to say the least.


I suspect the days of this forum are numbered because of the amount of libellous comments constantly being bandied about by people who think they are untouchable.   Shame as it seemed at one stage to ride the storms of controversy.   :-/



Not libellous comments pal, based on facts, and as you know very little about the situation I suggest you butt out. You only ever seem to appear from obscurity when anything controversial occurs. Such is your nature.

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Did he buy birds from you Bob and are there any others who have had a bad experience maybe if the information had been put up earlier some sort of ground rules could have been put in place by Admin and all this "hulabaloo" could have been avoided. JMO  :( :(

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Guest strapper
Duncan bought a bird of me last month and paid the same day so I can only speak for myself.   For the record as there seems to be some ambiguity here, just exactly what is it are all of you accusing this man of?    Have to say it was a very poor show of Paul to come in and stick the boot in after that many months, you have to question the motive there, poor judgement to say the least.


I suspect the days of this forum are numbered because of the amount of libellous comments constantly being bandied about by people who think they are untouchable.   Shame as it seemed at one stage to ride the storms of controversy.   :-/



i find your comment jamie offensive to say the least as you do not know of any facts to this post...ask duncan if they are true ,m8. i wouldnt think duncan would stoop as low to tell them different to what ive posted.

.i see how you have turned your back on someone who supported you when you had much hassle off this site a year or two back.

when i continued to use your couriers business while everyone was slagging you off.jamie how do you know whats the truth...you seem to know everything..libelous?..read my post its states facts..something you find hard to come by...the best you can do is ask duncan and he is a decent enough guy and will admit the facts i printed are true..but hey dont bother apologising when he tells you m8..because i wont wanna hear it.!

im not sticking the boot into duncan at all!...infact i think duncan would agree ive been very patient .

its people like you who dont know the facts and come on here to slate people who do that are the ruining of this site.


the facts are true as every knows they are except you trying to divert blame away...trouble is...i have not slagged off duncan as ive posted i think he,s a decent guy...but now with your post you have just confirmed to me what everyone says about you which i failed to see ...its about time you acted on facts before you printed ,so as i stated ...if duncan is the man i believe him to bve he will confirm the thread is 100% true and see i wasnt sticking the boot in at all but clearing up one or two rumours...my thread was based on fact!..not hearsay what you seem to believe.



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Guest lenwadebob
Did he buy birds from you Bob and are there any others who have had a bad experience maybe if the information had been put up earlier some sort of ground rules could have been put in place by Admin and all this "hulabaloo" could have been avoided. JMO  :( :(


Not directly, but he won a bid on a Lot that I put up on behalf of a friend who was generous enough to donate to the Heroes Auction. I was pm'd by Mr McKay after the auction had finished asking for the contact details of the donor of the Lot, which I duly gave in an immediate reply, and stated that he wasn't to make arrangements until his payment to Blaz was cleared.

I spoke to the person in question last night at the club, and was informed by him that NO CONTACT has ever been made by Mr McKay. He also informed me that the youngster was now out flying as he had waited so long for contact to be made, and that a second offer would not be made. Hope this answers your question.

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Hello,my name is Ronnie hill,i'm not long back into pigeons after a 5 year lay off,previous to that i had birds for 6 years and as a boy.I love it,what i cant stand is the mumping he said she said petty attitude of SOME of the fanciers,,,,GET A GRIP.There are life changing issues everyday all around us.Alls we hear about is we cant attract new members into the sport HELLO!!!!.iS IT ANY WONDER..If anyone does anything to upset you deal with it with dignity why air it on here...yours in sport H.R.H.

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Hello,my name is Ronnie hill,i'm not long back into pigeons after a 5 year lay off,previous to that i had birds for 6 years and as a boy.I love it,what i cant stand is the mumping he said she said petty attitude of SOME of the fanciers,,,,GET A GRIP.There are life changing issues everyday all around us.Alls we hear about is we cant attract new members into the sport HELLO!!!!.iS IT ANY WONDER..If anyone does anything to upset you deal with it with dignity why air it on here...yours in sport H.R.H.



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Guest strapper
Hello,my name is Ronnie hill,i'm not long back into pigeons after a 5 year lay off,previous to that i had birds for 6 years and as a boy.I love it,what i cant stand is the mumping he said she said petty attitude of SOME of the fanciers,,,,GET A GRIP.There are life changing issues everyday all around us.Alls we hear about is we cant attract new members into the sport HELLO!!!!.iS IT ANY WONDER..If anyone does anything to upset you deal with it with dignity why air it on here...yours in sport H.R.H.



when someone states facts you do it with dignity.!!!

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Hello,my name is Ronnie hill,i'm not long back into pigeons after a 5 year lay off,previous to that i had birds for 6 years and as a boy.I love it,what i cant stand is the mumping he said she said petty attitude of SOME of the fanciers,,,,GET A GRIP.There are life changing issues everyday all around us.Alls we hear about is we cant attract new members into the sport HELLO!!!!.iS IT ANY WONDER..If anyone does anything to upset you deal with it with dignity why air it on here...yours in sport H.R.H.


keep yir hair on  ;D ;D ;D ronnies rockets rule, ;) ;) ;)

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Guest strapper
I'm new to this site and computers,my last post was not directed at any party involved in this bird payment issue,rather a general summing up of how things appear.


no problem then h.r.h..i think feelings are running high at the moment on the site.

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This  post is about none payment of birds issues ,  on the site ,  so why comment if its not about that  :-/ :-/

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