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Advise Starting Up Again

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Nice to here you are returning.Same myself this is our second year back.



Think more about the manor in which you will keep them, rather than what you may keep.You will find many different pigeons will fly well into your area.


Best of luck



couldnt have said it better myself bud, a lot to be said on how the birds are managed, having birds from proven stock also helps in my opinion, but no matter how good the blood is the fact is every pigeon wont be a champion

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Guest mick bowler

I believe good pigeons win ANYWHERE and am testing that theory at the moment!!


If budget allows, go to an ENTIRE clearance sale and buy the principle breeders or their children (again proven is best). Failing that get some Latebreds from a top flyers top stock (not from the birds not breeding winners!!) or his winning race birds.

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Welcome to the mad house mate,starting up with pigeons,hope you have a good Doctor.They'll drive you up the wall,saying that I've been among pigeons for 60+ years and wouldn't be without them.IMO get them from a local fancier who is winning(present day),now's the time ,get some late breds settle them to your loft and breed off them about April time next season,forget about darkness systems till you know what your doing.

Good luck mate.


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Go to all the charity sales next year.Buy the young birds that arnt in the pen from good fanciers.This has a two fold effect 1st you get the top pigeons for cheaper, pigeon fanciers are impatient they want things yesterday.So pigeon not in the pen most fanciers will not wait.Secondly most fanciers when you go to there loft will give you the birds nestmate free.This method also means you dont have to wintewr them.I pass Bangor evey fortnight so i will drop you off a pair of Lambrechts in the spring free.Meet me on the 55.

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Welcome to the mad house mate,starting up with pigeons,hope you have a good Doctor.They'll drive you up the wall,saying that I've been among pigeons for 60+ years and wouldn't be without them.IMO get them from a local fancier who is winning(present day),now's the time ,get some late breds settle them to your loft and breed off them about April time next season,forget about darkness systems till you know what your doing.

Good luck mate.


thanks for your reply,i was thinking on the same lines regarding the dark system i"ll prefer to walk rather than start running to soon take time to learn.Just start on natural as it was years ago seems to have moved on from 20yrs ago.So i think i will take my time and listen to what people say and work out the best way for me.i"ve listened to people talking about start breeding January which to me seems way to early,i don"t remember been this early but it was 20yrs ago.So what you say about April looks better for me personaly.i hope you have had a good racing season and thank you for your reply


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Welcome to the mad house mate,starting up with pigeons,hope you have a good Doctor.They'll drive you up the wall,saying that I've been among pigeons for 60+ years and wouldn't be without them.IMO get them from a local fancier who is winning(present day),now's the time ,get some late breds settle them to your loft and breed off them about April time next season,forget about darkness systems till you know what your doing.

Good luck mate.


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Go to all the charity sales next year.Buy the young birds that arnt in the pen from good fanciers.This has a two fold effect 1st you get the top pigeons for cheaper, pigeon fanciers are impatient they want things yesterday.So pigeon not in the pen most fanciers will not wait.Secondly most fanciers when you go to there loft will give you the birds nestmate free.This method also means you dont have to wintewr them.I pass Bangor evey fortnight so i will drop you off a pair of Lambrechts in the spring free.Meet me on the 55.

Thank you first of all to replying for the advise,your fantastic offer of a pair of Lambrechts in spring to me is a fantastic gesture to someone you have not met a big thank you.Ihave seen a lot about these birds which seem to perform well,this is a breed 20yrs ago i did not know but it seems to get a lot of press now.You talk about Charity sales about birds not in the pen and getting from top fancier (sorry my ignorance)but if these sales are from away how would i know who were the top fanciers?to make sure i get the right stock.As you say you pass the 55 every fortnight,do you live along the coast?i hope you have had a good racing season.

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Depends on how many young birds you want to race,if you have enough to breed off so that a second round aren't too young to get on the road,it's ok to breed in April,if you need more young you might have to breed sooner.I was just working on giving any of this years latebreds that you want to breed off time to mature a bit.You'll also find breeding birds Aril/May time they seem to grow better and obviously not racing O/Bs you can concentrate on the breeding ,once you get in full swing mate,you'll want to breed in January if not December,again JMO


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Depends on how many young birds you want to race,if you have enough to breed off so that a second round aren't too young to get on the road,it's ok to breed in April,if you need more young you might have to breed sooner.I was just working on giving any of this years latebreds that you want to breed off time to mature a bit.You'll also find breeding birds Aril/May time they seem to grow better and obviously not racing O/Bs you can concentrate on the breeding ,once you get in full swing mate,you'll want to breed in January if not December,again JMO


Thanks for your comments again,what you say makes sence,regarding this year late bred would it be old enough next spring to start breeding from?

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Hi Gardner,like all walks in life some things mature faster than others,you might get a pigeon that will show early on in life and another you can't make your mind up if it's a cock or hen even they can't.I have a youngen at the mo. paired to a cock,it looks like and acts like a cock to me,but I think it will be a hen,well maybe. :o


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I believe good pigeons win ANYWHERE and am testing that theory at the moment!!


If budget allows, go to an ENTIRE clearance sale and buy the principle breeders or their children (again proven is best). Failing that get some Latebreds from a top flyers top stock (not from the birds not breeding winners!!) or his winning race birds.


Thank you for your comments,all help and advise is welcome.I've been busy getting loft painted and in progress on putting up aviary for birds.weather putting this on hold this morning.8ft by 4ft from what I seen on site it seems best to cover roof so rain can't get onto birds and other birds droppings landing in loft.do you have a aviary?do you or recommend solid roof or clear?

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Nice to here you are returning.Same myself this is our second year back.



Think more about the manor in which you will keep them, rather than what you may keep.You will find many different pigeons will fly well into your area.


Best of luck


Thanks for your reply for advise,you talk about how birds are kept what do you mean by this?the loft ventilation,cleaning vaccinated birds training.please explain don't want to come over thick but if people seem to talk about it.I feel I need to listen and take note of peoples comments and if I don't understand follow this up cheers

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