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NFC birdage

Guest Vic

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Whilst down at Crewe with my motley crew,  I heard that around six and a half thousand ybs would be competing in the Guernsey national. Not too hard a season as some thought, maybe! It was nice to see Geoff  Kirkland amongst the industrious marking committee that most of us take for granted, Well done to each and every one of you, (especially the ladies} Also, "Taylors Choice" sell everything pigeon wise and really opened my eyes. I only wish we had something nearer here, half as good. The breakfast menu was also first class, and very reasonable too.  Thank you one and all. Vic.

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NFC Guernsey was a very difficult race for some of the shortest flyers here in South Dorset. Considering it's only about 80-90 miles some might say it was a disaster with several lofts failing to clock and others reporting only about 25 per cent returns. We had four out of 12 yesterday (the first in 2hrs 45mins to be 8th section) and none at all today, although one fancied entry has been reported by a non-fancier in Brighton who says it looks as though it is going to die ! From the provisional result it would appear the majority of the birds crossed the coast well to the east of us, although there were a few notable exceptions, could these have been helped by the presence of some old hens who knew the ropes and took a straighter line into a head wind across the water ? From past experience over 45 years racing any YB channel race with north in the wind is going to be tricky no matter what the weather or K index so congratulations are definitely due to those birds who battled through to the longer distances! If it's from the same direction next week for MNFC Cherbourg and BBC Lamballe you can expect more of the same !

As for the NFC birdage, there quite a few fanciers in this area who won't send to Guernsey because it is too close and believe their only real chance in the open is in a north east wind.    

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Sorry to hear that bad returns for you David really hope get some work back. Well done on 8th section. I have entered only 2 ybs and 6 old hens next week hope turns out better race. Key is getting them up early as light is fading fast in evenings now. Hope non fancier is wrong about that bird as you know when knackered they do look that way.

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if they let them go later what about the long fliers those flying over 300 werent timing in until about 4 at the earliest and a lot much later than that  if they had been up any later a lot probably wouldnt have timed in at all i think they did the right thing you got consider all the fliers not just us who are the short fliers and can do it in a reasonable time


rose section L timed 40 odd  birds between 14,40 and 19,00, they must be longest flyers, they could of let them go a hour later, it would have made a differance it would not of been so overcast

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I think the main difference is the wide front the birds are spread over in the NFC - getting on for over 400 miles from Penzance to Dover. With the Solent Fed they were all heading for one relatively small area which makes it much easier for inexperienced YBs. Similarly with the Central Southern Classic FC from Guernsey the week previously, when much the same weather conditions prevailed in the Channel, much better returns were experienced in this area probably because they were not dragged so far afield.

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Guest Greig the doo Drysdale
Whilst down at Crewe with my motley crew,  I heard that around six and a half thousand ybs would be competing in the Guernsey national. Not too hard a season as some thought, maybe! It was nice to see Geoff  Kirkland amongst the industrious marking committee that most of us take for granted, Well done to each and every one of you, (especially the ladies} Also, "Taylors Choice" sell everything pigeon wise and really opened my eyes. I only wish we had something nearer here, half as good. The breakfast menu was also first class, and very reasonable too.  Thank you one and all. Vic.

Must have been a champange Breakfast

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Not very pleased at all, Ive had birds reported on the east coast. (Grimsby). My first would have recorded about 950 ypm, didn't bother to record, as the winners were doing over 1400 it appears. They reckon there's plenty of lost birds in the east. Seems to me the "drag" took em too far east with the west in the wind.No excuses, they were sent well covered and in excellent condition. Perhaps next time. Vic.  

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Sorry to hear that Vic how were returns? You should of clocked and returned clock as gone to all hassel of clock set marking ect. If I have birds always return clock as least then no where improvements needed. Sure those that made it will be good birds in future as had to work to make home. Hope not put you off national and your racing old birds with them next year. Wayne :) :)

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This yb team  HAD ALL BEEN DOWN TO THE COAST and losses were miminal.All darkness ybs, some sitting eggs, with one or two on yellows. Condition wise, perfect!  Yet in all the years Iv'e had pigeons, I cannot remember a more disasterous result. Perhaps they should have had a run up to the channel, because I think Guernsey is like a boat liberation. Terra Firma plays a big part in  a birds ability to home. I remember races from the IOM many years ago, diastrous to say the least . My losses were disgraceful  this week, FIFTEEN OUT OF THIRTY to date.

I am sure that there are many others in the same boat as myself, and we can only blame ourselves for sending. :o  

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Must have been a champange Breakfast


Hey knobhead! No wonder your mouth stinks with the breakfasts that you thrive on. Is it  still Scottish salted oats, followed by cold Haggis, swilled down with last nights lager leftovers? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  

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Not trying to sound clever but one reason I didn't send as unsure about racepoint. Also wanted to send to MNFC this week and only so much money. Sure those 15 will turn out good uns. Hope some more work in. National diffrent to the clubs thats for sure.

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Not trying to sound clever but one reason I didn't send as unsure about racepoint.

Guernsey can certainly be a very unpredictable when it comes to young bird racing,In some races we have heard that the younguns will just not face the channell and can be seen by the locals to be flying up and down the coast line just refusing to leave.Returns were not very good around our area either so I think you did well Vick to get 50%.It seemed that it was one of those days when velocities were not very high and i also believe that the MCC pigeons from Portsmouth was a sticky race with a lot of good birds away.

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Often mean to ask a question of that fancier that lives in Lerwicke.

Sister and her hubby, use to visit often, and likewise many fancier etc. have told me that in June the weather there changes in minutes, and can easily come fog / mist etc. in minutes. Also that the best holiday time - weather and pigeon wise also is July, when the weather is calmer and more reliable.

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