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Rain over Routine

Diamond dave

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Every thing I read tells me how important routine is to the management of the birds. Can I ask how bad the weather should be before you keep the birds in and forego the routine. i.e. Fog - mist - drizzle - teeming rain - North Easterly - strong winds - or combinations of these.

I am particular thinking of widowhood cocks which I want to condition for racing.



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Every thing I read tells me how important routine is to the management of the birds. Can I ask how bad the weather should be before you keep the birds in and forego the routine. i.e. Fog - mist - drizzle - teeming rain - North Easterly - strong winds - or combinations of these.

I am particular thinking of widowhood cocks which I want to condition for racing.




Weather certainly has a bearing on any routine, however with widowhood birds, the feeding is very important also m8 ;)



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Every thing I read tells me how important routine is to the management of the birds. Can I ask how bad the weather should be before you keep the birds in and forego the routine. i.e. Fog - mist - drizzle - teeming rain - North Easterly - strong winds - or combinations of these.

I am particular thinking of widowhood cocks which I want to condition for racing.



stand outside for 10 mins prior to their normal exercise Dave , if you think hang on i cant see very far , am getting wet or its darn cold , then dont let em out . andy.


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stand outside for 10 mins prior to their normal exercise Dave , if you think hang on i cant see very far , am getting wet or its darn cold , then dont let em out . andy.



same here andy, if its no good for you its no good for the birds


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Guest mick bowler

In the short term i have been here in "weather hell" i have learnt the wild birds tell me everything. No wild birds high in the sky, then neither are my pigeons. Dont (and never have) minded rain or heavy rain (aviary always full on wet days!!), if they dont like it trap is always open on these days.


Where i am wind is the big fear, especailly with rain, too many hazards around me so thats what i really pay attention to.


As for cold, arent they supposed to be cold blooded? Once told hot weather is worse for a pigeon than cold!

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well i wouldnt let birds out in heavy fog or mist as weather can change and get far worse the problem lies with wires and areils so high strong winds a no no as well , i wouldnt let birds out in heavy rain either , light rain i would let them fly in , however feed at same time but obviously if arent out flying they need less feed or they'll get fat , its all about keeping them from injury and stress as much as possible and maintaing good health , i tend to find if raining to heavy birds will sit about and try to bathe in the heavier rain so not the best way to keep them under control , control your birds with feed set feeding times this keep them happy as know your going to be there at same times each day all the best for 2010 hope you have a great season ahead regard Mark :)

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Agree with most, nowadays you've to stand outside when your birds are out, not very nice for you, maybes the same for them. I keep mine in if its strong winds or heavy rain, singly or together, too easy to collide with stuff, especially YBs.


Not one for regular routine though, sparrowhawks here seem to hunt to a timetable, try to get mine out & back in well before she is  due over, or wait till after she goes over, and then let them out.

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