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Jack Barkel - Eyesign

Jack Barkel

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hello jack,re;correlation


this part of the eye is made up of tubes,does it make any differance if the tubes are thick or thin ?


is one better than the other,thick or thin,in quantity wise in these tubes  ?


                   best regards



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hello jack,re;correlation


would it be wise to mate two birds together with thick correlation if five rings are in place ?




                          best regards





Yes Ted,


The thicker the foundation the better the bird.






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Hello Stevie,


Here are some selected pairings as promised.







Thanks Jack, these clusters are massive compared to the cock I have, I notice on your website & in here that you pair pearls to yellows is this because pearl is ressesive ?


thanks Stevie



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Hello Stevie and All,


The pearl is the recessive eye and is inherited from the fancy pigeons that was introduced into the homing pigeon.

Therefore being recessive, when they are paired together they can never breed a dominant ( yellow ). They will also increase in speed and vitality, but will drastically reduce in homing ability. Therefore I would never pair two pearl eyed pigeons together. It shows a total lack of understanding of the whole concept.


I would on occasions pair two yellows together, which would reduce the speed and vitality, but increase stamina and homing ability. I would put them together to produce extreme distance pigeons.


If we pair a pearl eyed pigeon with a yellow eyed pigeon, depending on the quality of both selections, we should increase, speed, vitality, stamina, and intelligence. (homing ability ). Our striving is to include these four ingredients in the one bird.

As I said prior to this, Nature or Genetics is constantly trying to return to normal the different characteristics that go to make the racing pigeon. ( GENETIC DRIFT )


With this understanding of genetic drift we can improve our breeding techniques at least  50% by applying all what we have discussed on this thread. I hope it will cause many of us to approach our breeding plan with a new zest and vigour to put right what many fanciers are unthinkingly or unknowingly putting wrong whenever they put a pair of racing pigeons together.




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hello Jack, just a question.


on the picture of 5 pairs of eyes, are the top 2 on the right, what you call violet eyes .. I would say these 2 are sisters? or brother and sister . is this correct ?



The top two on the right are Cocks, No 1. is a Busschaert, and No 2. is a South African Slimme.


They are not related in any way, and they are not violets. I will put up a collage of Violets soon and a coupke of green eyes.






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Hello All,


I have submitted some examples of different samples of violets and greens. There are many eyes which have a semblance of these hues, but again I say it is all in the eye of the beholder.


No 4. The Catalyst Eye, can be seen to have the iris of the pearl eye and the correlation of the yellow. Therefore it is neither yellow or pearl, but a split gene of the two. Many would name it a dominant violet, but there is no such thing. Violet only occurs in pearl eyes, and as we know all pearl eyes are recessive, therefore, there can be no such thing as a dominant violet. As soon as you hear or see of an eye sign person referring to dominant violets, you know immediately that he or she, is not up to the subject.  


Please keep the questions coming, as this gives me a chance to see where I need to further explain certain aspects to clarify how I see the eyes personally.






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JACK,In the eyes of numbers 3 and 4 I would say that the pupils are far to big in comparison to the rest of the eye,do you take any notice of the size of the pupil,also talking about colours years ago the violet and green eyes were the ones that everyone seemed to say were the ones to have  but isn,t the actual make up of the eye more important than the colour.

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Hello Tony,


Eyes three and four are larger all round than 1 & 2 and 5 & 6. Therfore the pupils look larger in comparison. No 2 looks the smallest pupil because the eye is the smallest photo.



They were all taken at seperate times and brought together as a collage.


I agree the actual make up of the eye is more important than colour, for colour is based on the amount of light refraction they can absorb.


I put these eyes up to show people what the difference is between a Pear and Yellow, and those we call a violet or a green.


I do know of families where colour regularly shows the improvement of the quality of the bird in that particular family.



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Guest anthony

Hello Jack

I learned from you that a clear yellow eye is a breeding one,that is if I did understand correctly,My question is to which eye can this be mated?You have explained that one should always put togheter less than 100% eyesign,if the clear is to be mated with 50% or less,is it wrong or will it be a good racer/breeder?

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Hello Anthony,


If you pair two yellows together, you will breed towards slower pigeons, therefore it is better to put yellow to pearl. This way you stand a better chance of producing pigeons with speed, vitality, stamina and homing ability.






hello jack


does this mean you have to have in the loft half yellow eyes and have pearl eyes ?


in theory ?

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Also can you explain why alot of top fanciers have entire lofts of white eyes at stock and not 50-50 as you say, this I find strange? please could you explain this to me, as I pair white to white and only have white eyes in my breeding loft that have all breed winners including their children and g/children.


thanks again spencer.

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