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John Crowder


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Are their any site members on the forum who flew against John crowder when he flew in nottingham .I have just read he was unstoppable force when on his game ,although i was aware he was a fair flyer .Is there any truth in him being asked to leave Nottingham he was that good??

Visited him last summer with B.W.F.and was most impressed with his youngsters.fed them on Barley and finishing pellets .as a novice i am fascinated by old time  fanciers and how they achieved the success , by keeping it so very simple



When we were down ,  i remember him sunning the barley on a tarpolen sheet for the whole day ?

He said this would put many more nutrients into the barley through natural goodness (the sun)

He even laughed at us when we asked about Multi vitamins .No way he said !!.


Fascinating stuff and i learned a fair bit that day, i think Black,wf did as well





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Guest shippy

david i have known john a lot of years the most knowlegble fancier still to this day he flew in mansfield and was a force to be reckoned with moved to east side for his health

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Are their any site members on the forum who flew against John crowder when he flew in nottingham .I have just read he was unstoppable force when on his game ,although i was aware he was a fair flyer .Is there any truth in him being asked to leave Nottingham he was that good??

Visited him last summer with B.W.F.and was most impressed with his youngsters.fed them on Barley and finishing pellets .as a novice i am fascinated by old time  fanciers and how they achieved the success , by keeping it so very simple


When we were down ,  i remember him sunning the barley on a tarpolen sheet for the whole day ?

He said this would put many more nutrients into the barley through natural goodness (the sun)

He even laughed at us when we asked about Multi vitamins .No way he said !!.


Fascinating stuff and i learned a fair bit that day, i think Black,wf did as well




......................................................................whot a load of tosh   :-/  the finnisher pellets that he gives are full of vitamins and  stuff,  maybe it was his glasses that he throw in the bin and not his sscrapper :-/ :-/



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When we started racing in 1996 we bought our first birds off John, what crackers they were, Rapido Busschaerts.  One White cock bred winners in every nest, first four youngsters all winners.  I would love to have those old lines again, but even John doesn't have them anymore.

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When we started racing in 1996 we bought our first birds off John, what crackers they were, Rapido Busschaerts.  One White cock bred winners in every nest, first four youngsters all winners.  I would love to have those old lines again, but even John doesn't have them anymore.


have one of Johns birds in my Bushaerts ;)

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Guest lenwadebob
john crowder if my memory serves me right also flew the vandaveldes(spelling)many years ago too and had great success from over the water !!


Yes he did. The pigeon on my Avatar was a descendent from the original Vandeveldes I purchased from John in 1983, some of the best pigeons I have ever raced, Top Class

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  • 12 years later...

When I first started with pigeons away back in the early 90's, my first 6 stock birds I purchased to base my race team on, were from John Crowder.

He selected 3 breeding pairs for me

The Buschaert lines of Pluto, Little Black, and the Crayon.

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