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where can i get ivomec pour on


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i need to buy some 0-8% ivomec pour on to treat my birds for feather rot which im told is used on cattle but when i checked some websites it was sold in 1 litre bottles and upwards :(  does anyone know where i can buy smaller amounts or can i buy the same strength ivomec pour on made for pigeons ?   debbie

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As far as I know, ivermectin is only done in drops for pigeons, and it's 0.38% strength. 0.8% is cattle-strength, pour-on is a cattle product.


Have a similar problem Debbie, tried permethrin and ivermectin and not clearing this condition (not feather rot) in one of my birds, I think its mite. I'm off to the vet Friday afternoon, hope to get something else from him, Fipronil, been reading up about it, but need to find out how to use it.  

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As far as I know, ivermectin is only done in drops for pigeons, and it's 0.38% strength. 0.8% is cattle-strength, pour-on is a cattle product.


Have a similar problem Debbie, tried permethrin and ivermectin and not clearing this condition (not feather rot) in one of my birds, I think its mite. I'm off to the vet Friday afternoon, hope to get something else from him, Fipronil, been reading up about it, but need to find out how to use it.  


I get 0.8% Ivermectin from the vet Ian ;)

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i need to buy some 0-8% ivomec pour on to treat my birds for feather rot which im told is used on cattle but when i checked some websites it was sold in 1 litre bottles and upwards :(  does anyone know where i can buy smaller amounts or can i buy the same strength ivomec pour on made for pigeons ?   debbie


get it from a vet as it can be quite leathal if missused and wear gloves when using it

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i got 2 1/2 ltrs of it here 0.5% just dab with a cotton bud and works well . its not something you can normally get unless you get the lower % from vets otherwise you can get it from countrywide but if they ask what you want it for DONT say pigeons or they wont sell it to you tell them you have some cattle.

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i got 2 1/2 ltrs of it here 0.5% just dab with a cotton bud and works well . its not something you can normally get unless you get the lower % from vets otherwise you can get it from countrywide but if they ask what you want it for DONT say pigeons or they wont sell it to you tell them you have some cattle.


i could do with some if we could sort postage out and put it in a small glass bottle

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Moxidectin, and Ivermectin can be got from the Vets. Either should do what you want. However, I would go for the Moxidectin because it is a fairly new product and I can vouch for the fact that it works really well. It will also clear up any worms that may be in your birds.  

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Guest strapper

when you get it,(ivomec)make sure the lid/top is put on properly...it has it way of leaking after a while and everything will be sticky...i lost a small bottle of it because i thought the top was on...but it found its way out. :)


keep it upright.

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im after ivomec 08% pour as it was reccomended by a very well known fancier/scribe   ive already tried jonsons lice/mite spray,then chlorcarb,then virkon s but none worked :-/ then somebody said it may be fungal feather rot and to try carbolic soap but that doesnt seemed to have worked either?  ive now been told to treat my pigeons every 28 days with ivomec until cured to break the mite/egg cycle  i realise its a cattle product but i dont need a litre bottle of it  debbie

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