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does anyone know to get rid of feathers mites natu


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does anyone know how to get rid of feather mites naturally. i have to pairs on eggs and have foung mites on them and want to get rid of them worried about squabs health.. please help



Permethrin, is a natural insecticide made from flowers etc, which should solve your problem. either spray or dip your birds in the solution, mixed with warm water & soap flakes.

Also Neem powder/spray, if you can purchase it. will do the same job. but first try





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Permethrin, is a natural insecticide made from flowers etc, which should solve your problem. either spray or dip your birds in the solution, mixed with warm water & soap flakes.

Also Neem powder/spray, if you can purchase it. will do the same job. but first try





household fly spray ,,,permethrin ;D ;D ;D  

put some lavender stalks round the nests  ;D ;D ;D    it works :)

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seriously some household fly sprays contain permethrin, which does derive from flowers ,lavender etc , at this time of the year , i believe that flies are the major cause of disease [biss, called them flying hypodermic needles] red mite at this time here, can multiply to epidemic levels in days , which will feed on the blood of the pigeon [squeeze one , between your thumb nails ,,,,,pure blood] lift a week old yb look under its wing ,,,,,,,,,and hope you don't see them  :-/the yb will be pale and lacking, the parents will be so bothered ,theil come off them, i beleive the odd lice [feather lice] are not a big problem , unless covered ,as in my opinion , this keeps the preening and oil gland in good working order ,,, i know a lot will disagree, but that is my opinion :)

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All plants have natural insecticides, its an 'eat me and you'll die' defence.


I think permethrin comes from pyrethrum, an annual sold in most gardening shops. The flower has a purple centre surrounded by white petals, a member of the chrysanthemum family, I think. Had it yonks ago, and often thought of drying the stems for nest material.


And yes, ordinary fly spray, wasp & bee spray, ants etc etc, all the same - permethrin. Have a look at the labels for active ingredient next time you're in the supermarket


But for me garlic water is tops as it works inside the bird (when drunk) and outside the bird (when it bathes in it).



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What should i do get a garlic and crush it into water or can you buy garlic water i have  same problem 1 squab but is covered in feather mites also do the mites eat away at feathers or do i also have a problem with feather rot and if so how do i treat that please help with any advice need to sort this out as only just got the birds and they are older birds and have paired up due to lay soon and i want to sort out the problems before they hatch out any young

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Guest shadow

permangamate of potash from the chemist put a pinch in the bath water just enough to colour the water  used it every week never found feather lice on any of my birds unless they came back with them after being missing awhile

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i use garlic in drinkers once a week and occasionaly in the bath water and as of yet ive never had a problem with lice or mites.

An old fancier at the club told me fit birds wont have lice or mites dunno if its true or not but mine only have them if they stop out but like i said that could be the garlic.

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permangamate of potash from the chemist put a pinch in the bath water just enough to colour the water  used it every week never found feather lice on any of my birds unless they came back with them after being missing awhile


Do you mean Pottasium Permangamate


I will try the garlic thing aswell i used to give my birds oudorless garlic capsules and i never had mites or lice before

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Guest shadow


Do you mean Pottasium Permangamate


I will try the garlic thing aswell i used to give my birds oudorless garlic capsules and i never had mites or lice before





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Guest shadow
i went to pharmacy earlier and he said to find out if that was it. Does it work as our pharmacy doesn't stock it and he has to order it in for me


worked on mine for 22 years try boots chemist



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