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stray centre


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ok all you pigeon men out there,,need some advice as to good and bad points on this !!



i was thinking of doing a stray centre in bedford to help fanciers pigeons get there pigeons back to them or collect from various points within say 20 to 30 miles radius !!



would this be a good idea or not ?  lets have all your views good or bad or indifferant on this ?

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I agree that there is a need for 'a' stray centre, but I think it needs UK Unions' organisation behind it.


I think the NEHU have one, and I know the SHU organise one for YBs every year, though curiously do not for OBs.


When you think of it, there are pigeon transporters running the length and breadth of UK every weekend from April to September, the peak times for losses (racing season), and the return journey is always empty. We have the transport network, we need Stray Centres in each area, served by these transporters, with each Centre having its Federation and Club links too.

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we can do quite a bit with out any involvement from the rpra....between most of us we can get most birds home or close by co-operating with each other......do you not think...i travel a lot especially 2 scotland and dont mind taking birds up either to lib or be met its no big deal so it can work.....

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It is an excellent idea but the RPRA should fund a stray station in all regions and not expect the fanciers to do it out of the goodness of there hearts and unfortunatly transporters are no longer able or allowed to carry strays due to DEFRA.

The driver must be able to produce a vaccination certificate if requested which he would not have for a stray.




ps Amtrak have struck again, sent 4 young birds gifted to Damian yesterday which arrived with him today in a very battered box with one of the youngbirds dead, oh what a wonderful service!

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good idea but were do you stop  most feds refuse to allow strays due to as phils point   i do feel if members demanded  some form of return by fed lorrys to lorrys home base and were able to collect at say a fiver a time it wouldbe a great help


good point chris.......ill roll with what ever we can do...but in the mean time ..were all tied together on this site so we can all try to help each other ....

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When webmaster comes on maybe there could be a new section on here with people posting there movement i.e, i'm going to Oxford from South Wales tonight via Swindon, then Oxford to Silverstone tomorrow then back to Oxford Returning to South Wales Sunday pm via Aylesbury.

This way if we post in time and members have any birds enroute we could arrange movement!


What are the thoughts on that and is it possible to set up a section on the site?



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Good idea


A local pet store Jaws Claws & Beaks, in Birmingham already does that.

They buy a bird of the customer, to stop it being sold for the pot, and then track the owner.


They charge a small fee of £3.00 (£2.00 to buy the bird and £1.00 for expense- board & logging).


I think they would be interested in the network.



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Can't have 'Strays' on liberation lorries... wide open for cheating and birds getting a head start. Now collected at 'Lib Sites' would be curtail a little, but won't do.

...the RPRA should fund a stray station in all regions and not expect the fanciers to do it out of the goodness of there hearts... never will happen. Besides that again it is just laying down the  idea and hoping that the RPRA will pick it up and run with it (Like too many fanciers do). Never going to happen... besides they state, which is part and partial to 'Racing' that it is the OWNERS responcibilty to have strays returned, or an agreement met if different. Their backside is covered. endorse by the fancy and suits... never going to change that!

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Good idea


A local pet store Jaws Claws & Beaks, in Birmingham already does that.

They buy a bird of the customer, to stop it being sold for the pot, and then track the owner.


They charge a small fee of £3.00 (£2.00 to buy the bird and £1.00 for expense- board & logging).


I think they would be interested in the network.



there is a shop in birmignham  they buy birds pound each sell for curry another runs a stray catching service but wont give their own names but this wont solve our problem










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nutverlal, is this not the same guy that gets all the strays, reports them, charges at least £5 plus a daily charge for the days he has  it and Amtrak cost before he will release the bird?

Realy doing only himself a favour and earning from it!

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unfortunatly transporters are no longer able or allowed to carry strays due to DEFRA.

The driver must be able to produce a vaccination certificate if requested which he would not have for a stray.



I've seen this said before Phil. My first thought that it would be an empty transporter, and 'racing' rules wouldn't apply, it would be just another movement of animals, like Amtrack, for example?


I came across a definition in the AI Legislation which supports that hunch:-


'racing pigeon" means any pigeon transported or intended for transport from its pigeon house so that it may be released and freely fly back there or to another destination;


Clearly stray pigeons don't come into that category, so on the face of it there's nothing preventing them being transported in a seperate crate on a pigeon transporter, loaded or empty. Used crates and vehicles get disinfected anyway at the home end.

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