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Guest jason

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Promote the sport one-loft race.




Details as follows, we hope to run a one-loft race in conjunction with the promote the sport club. Each fancier who would like to take part, donates one young bird (the fancier would have to ensure it got here) then someone else buys each pigeon donated for a fixed fee of £15. We would like to keep the price low to hopefully get some non-fanciers interested. Then the kids of the ‘Promote the sport club’ will race these pigeons with Todmorden homing society which is in the Border amal. Each pigeon will be named so we can record their performances on our website.

The ‘Promote the sport club’, loft has room for 40 pigeons so it would be a strictly first come, first served  basis. As you should now be aware, 40 pigeons making £15 each would be a total of £ 600. We will send the 40 birds to every race with Todmorden homing society (8 races ranging from 60 to 220 mile) and the results would be based on the best average pigeons over the season.



Best average for season (1st) Breeder (the one person donated it) would get  £150

Best average for season (1st ) Buyer   (the person who bought it for £15) would get £150


2nd Best average for season (2nd) Breeder  would get £100

2nd Best average for season (2nd) Buyer would get £100


3rd Best average for season (3rd) Breeder would get £50

3rd Best average for season (3rd) Buyer would get £50


One thing we’re not sure is about clocking them in, as a t3 only holds 12 rubbers, We are open to suggestion on this! (we can only time in the first 12 birds back) With ETS ( which we can’t use in club racing) it times every bird in. We need ideas!


If you may be interested, please pm me with your name.


If you do take part each bird needs transferring to H & G Waters and will become their property.

H & G Waters or Carrhouse lofts,’ Promote the sport club’ will not be held responsibly for any losses of the birds.

You can not buy your own bird back ( the person who donated can not buy his/her pigeon)

Also if racing is banned by Defra, All money will be returned to them who paid out.

I think I’ve covered everything, if I have missed anything feel free to pm me.




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Please remember, this is being done by kids, to promote our fantastic sport, not to make money!


and all results will be posted here at PIGEON BASICS and on our website.


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Yes kids have visited the loft and anyone else can too! only by appointment (e-mail us off the website)


I forgot to mention, The loft the kids are building has had a re-think, we have had a complaint off a neighbour, so the kids are now going to use our young bird loft, which is redundant this year as we sold all our young birds from our website!


When the birds are in the loft, I'm hoping we can get a panel of pigeon flyers on pb,  to advise the kids on looking after the birds.




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If we don't get £15 per bird for call of them, obviously the prize money would be less.


We have had 13 donations of birds so far, they'll be added to website when I get the details.




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My Kids will be racing them with help from a 'panel' of basics members advising them, The panel will be chosen at a later date.!

For those wanting to buy,(YOU CAN NOT BUY YOUR OWN) I will list all donations later tonite on our website, then you can choose one and I'll put your name at the side of the one you've chosen.



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Yes thats it,  Now a job for you coxy, after counting up the young birds promised to the kids (BEFORE THIS JOB WAS MENTIONED) we have 6  in the nest now for the kids, I want you to organise a competion where the winner will receive one of these birds (as a donator) and take part in the one-loft race, as i've said these are in the nest now, in our loft. It would help if the winner was a non-fancier for instance if a fancier wins he/she could put the wife/husbands name or a freind of the family.

Can you do that Coxy.



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When we have 40 birds donated we need to sort out how to sell them at £15 each, I was thinking of a first come fisrt served basis, but we may run into difficulty if the sale list cant be updated fast enough, for instance 2/3 people may want the same bird. COULD WE PLEASE HAVE SOME SUGGESTIONS OR A POLL how to sell the birds.


I would also like some views on saving maybe 10 or 15 birds for the public to buy only.(to get them involved).



IF ANYONES SEEN COXY, COXY WHERE ARE YOU lol. ;D HE's going to run a competion hopefully and the 6 prizes are  birds entered in the one loft race.





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Theres 28 birds donated now so only 12 spaces left.


There was a donation of 4 so I've added them but I'm saving these for the non-fanciers (remember we're trying to promote the sport).




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I've just been talking to a mate of mine in the t.v. industry, he's on about coming up and filming parts of the one loft race, and he mentioned he may be able to get a few copies maybe we could send them around to each fancier on here,(take it in turns) and they could lend it to their local school.


just a thought.


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We said at the start of this thread, timing is a problem, t3 clocks only time in 12 birds.

Carrhouse lofts have been advised to use a points system, for instance,

1st bird to return gets 12 points

2nd bird to return gets 11 points

3rd bird to return gets 10 points

etc. etc. down to

12th bird to return gets 1 point


After the 8 races, the 3 birds with the most points get the prizes all results and points will be updated each weekend on pigeon basics and our website.


at the end of the season,In the event of a tie, for instance theres 2 birds in 2nd place, the prize money allocated for 2nd place will be split 50/50 between the 2 birds donators and the 2 birds buyers.

If this is a problem for those that have already put their name down, please contact me by pm.



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Not trying to complicate matters mate but would it not be better to say first bird clocked,second bird clocked etc.someone might see the result and thier bird might of got the 12 points but someone elses bird might have been clocked first,or did you mean first bird clocked.

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