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Everything posted by markbrown

  1. Email on its way... Many thanks for all your efforts..certainly wont do this wonderful sport of ours any harm..its good to have positive/genuine people like yourself to compensate for the d*cks out there who give us a bad name Thanks Mark
  2. Many thank Stuart appreciated..
  3. Hi Blackjack.. Do you have any contact details for secretary of B.I.C.C what kind of programme do they race.. I am used to sprinting (the birds that is) down to portland (200m) on land then upto Fougeres/Rennes (390m) i am ok - but any distances thereafter normally get my *expletive removed* slapped!! I know Portland will be what?? (60mile) from Hungerford?? so Fougeres/Rennes will be approx (250mile) - gonna take some getting used to??
  4. Thanks Cant tell you how much this puts my mind at ease.. Many thanks Invincible Spirit, Blackjack & Jeremy Appreciated Mark
  5. Hi All, I live near Hungerford... Is there any specialist clubs, 2B, 3B, classic, gold ring, breeder/buyer competitions which i would be eligible for?? I am a Northerner (just relocated) so dont know area yet!! Just trying to plan for the future?
  6. I Know!! Should have read STICK & PAPER kind?? Doh!!
  7. Recently moved to Woodlands St.Mary, nr Hungerford and hope to be racing with yb next year.. The area has a large population of "RED KITES" (seen 6 in a cluster on Saturday) Does anyone know what they eat and any deterents (if needed??) Cheers Mark
  8. Any members of the Wiltshire Federation?? Have just relocated down to Woodlands St.Mary from St.Helens will be erecting a yb loft soon to get ready for next year. Been in touch with local club "Wantage" (approx 10mile away) and applied for membership I was told they race with Wiltshire Fed, anybody know a typical kind of race programme for young birds and what kind of area federation/member clubs it covers??
  9. We used Teurlings this last season.. To be honest i have used most mixes in the past - think Teurlings is a fantastic range/mix and birds performed really well?? winning on land/channel old or young.. Well worth looking at, bit pricey but definately worth it in my eyes??
  10. Any Pic's?? I am in the process of moving this weekend from St.Helens to Hungerford/Swindon area Going in private renting accom, so need to get permission before can take stock with me, then breed a race team.. Doing letter now, so we can hand it in Saturday - fingers crossed!!
  11. probably get the parent colours & red ch pieds?? Probabky Dark Pd's as well...... Just my thoughts as to what i would expect, but no expert??
  12. hats off to you korhil...... She looks absolutely fantastic and a credit to you
  13. Andrew, pity he is a he!! cos i am on the lookout for some good quality hens - and he sure sounds like good quality (and only a baby!!) best of luck..
  14. always possible........always difficult to decide with blues/cheqs.. i know this year we had 2 x blues (hartogs) breed a RED WF HEN?? oh, by the way our old Red Pd Cock was in the box above, so we all know who's the daddy here!! ha ha,
  15. Sorry spelt your name wrong.... Heads all over the place at the minute Apologies Stuart.
  16. Sounds reasonable Stewart.. hopefully i will be in touch (if i manage to get stock team sorted out, currently going to be relocating down south and moving from S.Helens) Currently race in partnership with my dad, but hopefully will be setting stock loft up at my new address and eventually breed some 2nd/3rd round yb to race next year!! it all depends on if i can get things sorted.
  17. not surprised. looks like a stormer..
  18. i know the books say blue to blue = blue but we have had cheqs from 2 x blues (but you generally find the grandparent/s are cheq/s but the mind bogels at times?? (always a good subject)
  19. hi all, been on the site now for just over a week..great site, good info my name is mark and i am from St.Helens, Merseyside..BUT relocating down south very soon (start a new job 23.10.06), gonna be living in Woodland St.Mary (between Newbury & Swindon) Looking for clubs which i would be elligible to join and hopefully race a few yb next season - Anyone any ideas??
  20. havnt heard anything myself, i know a few of the channel specialists round here (St.Helens) swear by them.......never used them myself!! Raced on Teurlings this season (fantastic mixes/results)
  21. hi i would love to have a go if not to late.... How do i join?? Can anyone run through it, step by step (i am not the greatest of techno buffs)
  22. thanks paul & blackjack will let you know how i get on regards
  23. Hi Paul, thanks for ur reply, do u have any info on the Swindon area? Didcot seems quite far.
  24. thanks mate.. dont suppose you have any contact numbers??
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