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Everything posted by markbrown

  1. Superb looking YB's - hope they do you justice.. Just out of interest, what breed are they?? All the best
  2. A good/Genuine pedigree is a good tool to have when planning your breeding pairs etc so that you can trace the ancestry. But i wouldnt build your loft on them.. :'( I think there is to much reliance on pedigree, there are far too many "Top Pedigree" birds out there which are "useless", yet these are sold on for big money by the unscrupulous bird keeper!! to the unknowing fancier, who will fill his/her loft full of poor performing birds. If they are not good enough to keep, they should be disposed of, sorry > I know there are some genuine fanciers, who will breed there own requirement from a bird then sell on to recoup his/her money - these are genuine bargains, But unfortunatley that is why it is so easy for the unscrupulous to hide.
  3. Following recent relocation and hopefully after acceptance into local club?? I only have 1 x target:- To get amongst the prizewinners with the y/b's
  4. Went to visit Eric yesterday, Said he would sort me one out....AGM is 28/01/07 so fingers crossed. Absolutely smashing couple Eric/Denise, loaned me a hen (lovely) Cheers Mark
  5. Yes, Blackjack i am the same out to work @6.30 back after 6.00pm most days Probably wont bother with the BBC then Cheers Mark
  6. Anybody know if the race programme is out yet.. If so, when do yb start and where they going each week?? Many thanks
  7. Anybody any idea of subs, ring schemes etc if i was to join for yb's thanks
  8. For Info:- As for racing:- Our Cheq Cock Nr 33, bred 2003...Raced in 2003, kept on as part of yb team. raced 2004 never timed - kept on cos short of cocks & yb showed promise raced 2005 timed in one club race when he came late in day, very hard race Kept on cos his yb from 04, scored a few minor prizes in strong club. In 2006, he won:- 1st club, 1st fed 1st combine 172 mile approx 1300ypm 1st club, 1st fed, 1st combine 370 mile approx 1200ypm Sire of 2 x winners & Gsire of 1st club, 1st fed, 1st combine 172miles now retired to stock.. ;D ;D ;D Maybe he was just a slow maturer, but definately worth the wait - VINTAGE?? But i do agree with most posts, very few and far between..
  9. Hiya Ben, Whats the nearest marking station to Hungerford?? Looking at clubs to join for yb's Mark
  10. Last year we raced on Teurlings (absolutely fantastic) I will be travelling 200miles each way to collect mine for start of racing with yb's............... Alright, i will call off and visit the family as well (St.Helens area), so combined visit
  11. Good point Blackjack... As they say many roads lead to Rome!! A y/b system will not make a bad pigeon good, but it will make a good pigeon better. If you trying to compete with youngsters which are under stress through moulting they will not be in the same condition as a darkie?? all the best
  12. We use wheatgerm oil on corn, 2/3 weeks prior to pairing. Vit E and good for fertility
  13. Live yoghurt is a good product to use once/twice a week when breeding. We have never come to any harm with itl
  14. Dont know how true, but i was always told by the elders that this was a sign that the birds are getting over an infection of some kind?? :-/ :-/
  15. Hats off to all the owners/breeders, a real quality group.. my preferences:- Wouldnt mind having "pair 10" in my racing loft.. Wouldnt mind "pair 9" in my stock loft. Regards Mark ;D
  16. Our Phrase - Hardwork, Dedication & Determination.. Remember,a goodcraftsperson never blames his tools?? Good old English formation 4/4/2 40% Health, 40% Bird, 20% Feed/Environment & Contentment Mark
  17. Hi All, Had i very frustracted friend on the phone earlier, he has been trying to find out costings for the various ETS systems and components...ie clock, pad, sensor, antenna, rings etc and after approx 12 emails to the various companies and 2/3 well known flyers who have the systems and one who is a distributor but no answers, is there something hidden. Q: Can members of the forum who have the system please let me know what they have and what they paid for the components so that i can pass info on?? many thanks Mark :-/
  18. Whats peoples thoughts on early breeding?? When is the earliest you could have eggs and expect to get the rings on??
  19. Paul, Please see detailed below copy of my own letter used recently to be granted permission to keep/race pigeons at our new address. (private rented).. You will note i have covered most avenues of the sport in the letter, talking of seasons, conditioning, pests, pictures of lofts, charities and also named dropped HM the Queen!! Think we must provide as much evidence (ie photos of examples, pest repellers "boddy & ridewood" etc etc and basically try to explain the "GOOD" of our hobby and try to educate the people who may only think of pigeons as the "streeters" in towns etc Hope this helps Mark Note - if you want to fill in the blanks (???) i will amend/print a copy of this letter and post out to you?? 17th October 2006. Dear Sir/Madam, Re: The Keeping of Racing Pigeons at: ??????????????. We write this letter with a hope of maintaining our family interest in the hobby of “Pigeon Racing”, of which I am currently a third generation fancier. We would like to request your permission to erect a racing pigeon loft at the rear of our premises at ???????????????????????????? (see sketch detailed at the foot of this document with choice of loft location. Initially to keep our 12 x pair of stock birds only with a view of breeding some young birds to form part of the race team hopefully again with your permission to breed ourselves a young bird team, for racing at this address. As you may or may not be aware - Long gone are the days of the “image of flat cap and whippet brigade”, Racing Pigeons is now a highly competitive and professional type hobby which is developed/structured over 365 days/year. The sport is now finely tuned and fanciers divisionalised dependant on their preference of the type of racing you wish to compete in, ie sprint (50 mile to 200 mile), medium (200 mile to 350 mile) and long distance (350 mile to 600 mile plus), of which each is specialist with its own type of bird and specific method of preparing the birds to be able to compete at this required level. The sport also houses such household names/celebrities as Her Majesty The Queen (obviously has a loft manager to look after the birds) ex footballers such as Gerry Francis, Duncan Ferguson and many more. If approved the loft itself would be of wooden construction and pleasing to the eye (see evidence 1 attached), the loft we would choose will be similar to those shown in the photographs but with a pent style roof to limit the height of the loft and maximise natural sunlight warmth through the roof structure. It will be erected sectionally for ease of erection and also for dismantling, it will be raised approximately 250mm off the ground for airflow, limited damage to existing ground surfaces and assist with maintaining a clean/healthy environment. It will be treated annually with wood preservative either red cedar or woodland green, to maintain its aesthetically pleasing appearance. The loft itself will have temporary lighting (internally) for use when cleaning each morning and evening (especially helpful during the dark winter mornings) and provides assistance when pairing/breeding early season. It will also be fitted with an electronic pest chaser (see evidence 2 attached), these are used to create a magnetic field around the loft area and develops a humane rodent free zone around the perimeter of the loft, by creating a high pitched pulsing sound which does not effect humans/dogs but rodents find it intolerable. It will also be fitted with the “Catwatch MK 2 Electronic deterrent” (see evidence 3 attached) to deter cats from entering the premises and the “Foxwatch electronic deterrent” (see evidence 4 attached) The birds are cleaned twice daily (morning and evening), fed in plastic pots kept in their nestboxes to minimise spillage, they are vaccinated annually to prevent PMV and treated on a regularly basis against other common ailments such as cocci/respiratory which can effect their racing performances. Their water is changed daily to prevent disease and they are fed a commercial feed mixture (Teurlings NL) dependant on the time of year ie breeding, racing or moulting/resting. During the racing season we feed a high protein content in the early part of the week, with increasing carbohydrates towards the weekend, a mixture of multi vitamins and amino acids are added at various stages to try and maximise energy output during the race. The season:- Breeding normally commences in January to May/June, Racing (Old Birds) – April To July, Racing (Young Birds) – July to September. Young birds would normally commence training at approx 3 or 4 months of age (this gives sufficient time for them to familiarise themselves with the local environment whilst out at their daily exercise periods). Road training normally entails them being basketed, driven to a predetermined location commencing at 5 miles upto 40 mile, being liberated to race home (therefore toning their mind as well as body). Racing would normally take place on a Saturday afternoon (weather permitting), with the birds being race marked on a Friday night with the local racing club and transported down to the racepoint as part of a Federation of racing clubs from the area ie ???????????????. They will be liberated at an agreed time (weather permitting) and will therefore race back to their home loft, the fastest flying velocity will be determined the race winner. I have done some local research and hopefully with your approval we would apply for membership of the ????????? racing pigeon club and the National Flying Club (see evidence 4 attached, shows correspondence via Her Majesty the Queen @ Buckingham Palace to the officials of the NFC) Also I have attached some correspondence via the internet from our governing body “The RPRA” Royal Pigeon Racing Association which demonstrates a couple of the national fund raising events for UK charities ie Help The Aged with donations of over £250K since formation, ASBAH over £440K not counting the many many other national/local charities which our membership supports. We do hope that you look kindly on this request to house/keep racing pigeons at the above address and look forward to your response. Yours Sincerely ?????????????
  20. hiya Superstar, Think Cheltenham just a little to far!! Thanks Mark
  21. Morning All, Does anyone know my nearest corn supplier/merchant?? A live near Hungerford - So Swindon/Newbury/Reading/Oxford etc Thanks Mark
  22. hi Sean, North West Homing Union
  23. Anybody any ideas on the NWHU ring colour for 2007 ???...
  24. Hi, Does anyone have a contact number for Nigel?? Does he still have his breeding stud Mark
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