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Everything posted by RoryTheRed

  1. Gone
  2. Four free 09 hens trained to twenty mile. Mainly Staf Van Reet bloodline. Must go in one lot, can't be hanging around for couriers. Must be gone by Sat 16th Jan. I live in Brighton
  3. Browsing the news from Hampshire, (coz my daughter is stuck in Southampton) i came across this headline lol http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/4838562.Trapped_penis_cut_free_by_grinder/
  4. where does one buy these peanuts?
  5. 2010 BHW Stud book - Ishmael still alive and selling!
  6. Haven't a clue our Graham said. Trying Variety clubs now :-/
  7. thanks mate....lol.at neville remark, soooooooo true...up the leeds 8)
  8. RoryTheRed

    ES Pigeons

    Anyone know where i can get Egyptian Swift Pigeons in the uk? Thank you for reading
  9. Being Ben's partner i was disturbed to read this thread this morning, it is a complete shock to me. I contacted Ben asap and i can confirm that he did sell & advertise these rings on ebay. It was a mistake by him, now he will have to deal with the actons he has made. I've forced him to tell his mum, it won't be pleasant, tough! He wasn't lead astray by anyone, it was his own doing. Hopefully he can and will learn from his error; if he don't then he will suffer in the future. Thank you for reading.
  10. Mant thanks mate, great help )
  11. Anyone know the correct weight of a 7 bird wicker basket? ty
  12. never...5miles single up 8)
  13. 1st March until 2nd week of June. Lights on from August until last race.
  14. Correct!Chris Balson did it years ago and wiped the floor with the club and fed. Sold some of the winners to louella at a later date
  15. I have put two 08 rings on my early ybs for the old bird season. The others will have 09 rings on and fly yb programme. New mating and then it was changed. Update you later in season
  16. ugly grizzled c0ck
  17. Best guard against cats? Another cat, like my alpha male cat Percy. No cat comes within four gardens of my loft, left side, rightside or the eight gardens at the back of me. Another cat beats anydog, no competition.
  18. Rules 17-22 covers everything you need to know Application for Affiliation 17. Any Club, Society or Organisation having its headquarters within the United Kingdom and having as its principal purpose the racing or showing of homing pigeons may apply for affiliation to the Association. Any such applications must be: a) made in writing by 1st February stating the full names and addresses of no less than eight members of the applicant Organisation; accompanied by a copy of the rules drawn up for the conduct of the applicant Organisation, which shall include all the rules in the Association's Standard Rules for adoption by affiliated Organisations and ensuring that all requirements of Rule 149 are included, and c) a written statement by the Organisation of the reasons and the justification for its affiliation d) made to the Local Region Committee for the geographical area in which the headquarters of the applicant Organisation is situated. 18. If an applicant Organisation has complied with the foregoing provisions of this Rule the Local Region Committee to which application has been made may declare that the applicant Organisation will be provisionally admitted to affiliation to the Association. The Local Region Committee will thereupon cause such provisional admission to be advertised in at least two of the papers devoted solely to the sport of racing and showing homing pigeons circulating nationally within the United Kingdom. Such papers shall be selected by the Local Region Committee which shall be obliged to ensure that the cost is kept as low as reasonably possible, such cost to be borne by the applicant Organisation. 19. Any member of the Association, either on his own behalf or on behalf of any Club, Group or Local Region, may object to the admission of an Organisation by submitting an objection in writing to the Secretary of the Local Region Committee within 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement of provisional admission. Any such objection shall be signed by the objecting member and if it purports to be made on behalf of a Club, Group or Local Region shall be signed by an officer of such Club, Group or Local Region. 20. The Secretary of the Local Region Committee receiving any such objection shall give details of such objection to the applicant Organisation. The applicant Organisation may submit an answer to such objection and any such answer shall be in writing. Neither the applicant Organisation nor the objector shall, without the consent of the Local Region Committee, be entitled to make any verbal representation to the Local Region Committee. Any objections and any answer from an applicant Organisation shall be considered by the Local Region Committee as soon as practicable after the expiry of the 21 day period during which objections are permitted to be made. The Local Region Committee may admit or reject the applicant Organisation. The decision of the Local Region shall be final. If the objection is upheld, the applicant Organisation cannot reapply for affiliation for a further 12 months to any Region of the Association. 21. If no objection to admission of the applicant Organisation is received by the Local Region Committee within 21 days of publication of the said advertisements or the Local Region Committee decides to admit the applicant Organisation to affiliation to the Association, the provisional admission of the applicant Organisation shall become operative and the Secretary of the Local Region Committee shall inform the applicant Organisation of this in writing. 22. No applicant Organisation shall be admitted to affiliation to the Association unless (1) the rules drawn up for the conduct of such Organisation are consistent with these Rules and oblige all members of the applicant Organisation to comply with these Rules; and (2) if the name of the Organisation includes the word ‘National’ unless membership of the Organisation is open to all members of the Association.
  19. Early morning fog at Yelverton
  20. Sun is out for the first time this week in Brighton8) Wind is ENE
  21. RoryTheRed

    Fergies Flops.

    I was very pleased to see them beat 8) Must take into consideration that Zenith are halfway through their season and their sharpness was there to see. I'm sure the mancs will be a different team from November onwards
  22. No results yet - miles behind doing around 1217
  23. Poole 2 8.00am light NW
  24. I know
  25. Birds away at 7.30am in light NW wind 8)
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