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Everything posted by westy

  1. i agree with u jim when i was racing ybs in 2006 i hardly trained my pigeons during racing but the were flying morning and nigth at least 45 mins and my results wernt too bad and plus it was my first season racing.
  2. i use a mix between straw and tobaco stalks but i recoment tobaco stalks the most.
  3. i put the pigeons together that bred my best racers den what raced well for me i pair to another 1 who raced well for me.
  4. i bougth 50 2x2 slabs for a pound each out of the paper deliverd aswell u need to look around mate i was lookin 4 ages
  5. westy


    i started with a alfred plasheart and recently bougth a t3
  6. westy

    ring prices

    na mate racers
  7. it works like asif ud send a normal file threw msn but asson as its sent and you open it i automaticly sends it to whoever else who is online on ur msn at the time dat is how it spreds so quick.
  8. westy

    ring prices

    what is the price of rings in you club i got myne last nite they come in 10s for 2.50
  9. true true
  10. whys dat
  11. it comes in time mate i started with 2 pigeons and 1 rabbit hutch and they was in there for about 4-5 months because of lack of money ect ect then i saw a cheep 10x6 pigeon loft in the paper and bougth it and now i have 2 10x6 lofts a kit of old birds and some stock pigeons, i started wanting pigeons in early 2005 just keep brouseing mate it will come in good time.
  12. west of englands are nice with the muffed feet ive had some before they are handsome pigeons here is some pics i found on net
  13. it would be no good a gust of wind and it be gone.
  14. yes gd luck all who has entered
  15. in 2006 i had a 10x6 loft made to order the way i wanted it n dey came and put it up aswell it cost us 600 pound but after all the hastle of building it up painting ect its all done in 1 day
  16. like the cheq w/f cock nice birds
  17. westy


    all gone ;D
  18. westy

    can you help?

    im sure someone close to liverpool will spare u 3 rings come on evrey1
  19. i never read my email lol i have 3000 plus not opened
  20. depends mate 9 days with a tigth squeeze n some fairy ive done it with
  21. i have some pigon rings here i started colleceting them a while ago and stoped now there must be 100 plus even say 200 plus not had time to sit and count them lol pm me if your interested. ther mainly gb with the odd 1 of another country all the best martin
  22. westy

    Corn Prices

    i go woodys in bloxwich n i asked for the cheapest breeding corn and it was 9 pound summet for 25kg
  23. westy


    der dat same colour as 2003
  24. westy

    whos first

    dat dont look to gd u sure u never threw it up from the nite b4 lol ;D
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