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Everything posted by thedoo

  1. BIRDS LIBERATED AT 12.45 INTO SOUTH BY SOUTH EAST WIND 1J&I ALSTON 1244.826 2 J&I ALSTON 1239.807 3 T RICHARDSON 1235.623 4 J STOKES 1228.047 5 J&I ALSTON 1227.117 6 CROMARTY WARD 1200.595 7 J&I ALSTON 1195.993 8 D McSTAY 1193.340 9 D McSTAY 1189.385 10 A CAMPBELL 1187.217 WELL DONE JOCK
  2. thedoo

    In To-Night

    In tonight with youngsters SU08AF1065
  3. J WARWICK&SON 1092.247 T RICHARDSON 1069.292 T RICHARDSON 1066.313 J WARWICK&SON 1060.148 J WARWICK&SON 1050.487 CROMARTY WARD 1049.672 J&I ALSTON 1046.898 J&I ALSTON 1040.511 J FRAME 1035.812 CROMARTY WARD 1029.016 WELL DONE JIMMY
  4. Result of the above race J FRAME 1069.975 A CAMPBELL 1065.304 R ROBERTSON 1040.560 J WARWICK&SON 1010.259 J STOKES 1009.105 WILSON&CAIRNS 949.487 N PEACOCK 944.775 J BOYLE 913.319 N PEACOCK 868.177 R ROBERTSON 834.709
  5. Almond Valley 3 Bird Club asked if there would be room to convey their birds to york We obliged they aren't in the ML postcode open as far as I know their postcode is EH
  6. Birds liberated 8.00am Cleared within 2 minutes All the best to all who entered
  7. Arrived 6.00am blue skies high white cloud wind west by south west
  8. Still on as far as I know and the weather for tomorrow up the east coast is okay until the borders then showery
  9. Basketing this Monday 5.30pm -9.00pm
  10. thedoo

    Well Done

    Well done Alex McInnes on winning over £900 in the L/F west section £5 nomination Thats how to pick them
  11. 15 MEMBERS SENT 312 BIRDS LIBERATED 12.05pm DUNBAR 1 D RICHARDSON 1096.475 2 D RICHARDSON 1095.682 3 D RICHARDSON 1095.287 4 A STOKES 1070.127 5 J&I ALSTON 1062.800 6 J&I ALSTON 1054.993 7 W WATSON 1053.734 8 J WARWICK&SON 1038.555 9 J WARWICK&SON 1033.897 10 J STOKES 1006.873 WELL DONE DEREK
  12. I don't think Fauldhouse comes under a ML post-code
  13. yes but the distance is through the SHU
  14. 12 Members sent 326 birds up at 12.45 South by South West 1 D McSTAY 1005.194 2 T RICHARDSON 992.359 3 T RICHARDSON 991.971 4 D McSTAY 989.098 5 J FRAME 982.454 6 J STOKES 975.000 7 B CAMPBELL 972.424 8 J STOKES 969.266 9 T RICHARDSON 966.069 10 J&I ALSTON 954.534
  15. No need to join just pay on the night
  16. Clydesdale Midweek Club are holding a ML Post-code Yearling challenge race from York on the 24th May Basketing 23rd May 5.30pm-9.00pm Strawfrank farm Carstairs entry £3 no limit 2 regions REGION A ML2 ML12 ML11 ML10 ML9 ML8 REGION B ML1 ML3 ML4 ML5 ML6 ML7 POOLS REGIONS 50P-£10 OPEN 50P - £10 PRIZE MONEY ON ENTRIES LAST YEAR £1,500 PAID OUT IN PRIZE AND POOLS
  17. 15 MEMBERS SENT 552 BIRDS LIBERATED 12.20pm 1 CROMARTY WARD 1594.880 2 D RICHARDSON 1558.104 3 D RICHARDSON 1556.905 4 J McNEISH 1546.104 5 J FRAME 1525.233 6 D McSTAY 1502.602 7 T RICHARDSON 1490.899 8 D WATSON&DAUGHTER 1470.033 9 J&I ALSTON 1449.145 10 J STOKES 1445.443
  18. Just to add Andy there is also the yearling challenge race from York on the 24th of May OPEN to fanciers that fly within a ML postcode
  19. BERWICK 13 MEMBERS 478 BIRDS LIGHT EASTERLY WIND LIBERATION 13.00 1 J&I ALSTON 1644.52 2 J McNEISH 1598.27 3 J FRAME 1592.88 4 J&I ALSTON 1588.74 5 D McSTAY 1581.85 6 D WATSON&DAUGH 1576.01 7 D McSTAY 1573.59 8 W WATSON 1554.97 9 CROMARTY WARD 1533.92 10 A CAMPBELL 1528.89 RETURNS EXCELLENT
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