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white logan

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white logan's Achievements

Veteran of the Loft!

Veteran of the Loft! (6/8)

  1. what is your location ?
  2. sent you a PM
  3. in India Voltarol has been banned because of the damage to birds of prey , you need to think "outside of the box"to impact the winged marauders
  4. white logan

    Black Cock

    black cock racer wanted around Lancashire / Yorkshire area and nothing too expensive as I just wish to cross him into a black Dragoon hen thanks for reading
  5. I am looking for a black cockbird if anyone has a spare
  6. where are you i have some she can have for free i am located in Lancashire
  7. it is in liquid form bigda , and yes i only have it for when it is needed and not for "abuse" thanks
  8. i am told it is a very good alternative to combat salmonella ?????and other nasty ailments
  9. has anyone used enroflox as i am told it is very similar to baytril but stronger ,baytril at 2.1/2% and enroflox at 10% ordered it online and only a fraction of the price of baytril any constructive comments welcome please
  10. in where ?
  11. i would like to purchase some chocolate meulemans if anyone has any for sale could you please PM me with what you have thanks
  12. thanks Pete , i have both black eyed and normal eyes that help with my program
  13. can someone please tell me how the white is defined in racing birds as i am told some whites are recessive and some are dominant how do you tell ? i have both dark eyed and light eyed birds in whites thanks
  14. do you have his number please thank you
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