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Everything posted by bhirst

  1. Hi all not been on this site for a wee while as I have given up the birds due to health reasons, But just had an interesting phone call, from a guy in Roscommon Ireland, Who is in the process of make a Documentary on pigeon racing he is looking for husband and wife partnerships to do a feature on Anybody else on site been contacted?
  2. bhirst

    T3 Clock

    Hi folks this maybe a silly question but would it preserve the battery life in T3 clocks if they are in stop mode for the off season Or does the battery keep going anyway.
  3. Pine marten doesn’t usually leave any alive and also usually takes the head sorry for being so graphic but I suffered this Remove all dead birds from the section bar one use that one to bait a trap if you have access to one I borrowed one from a chap on here carnt remember his name it did the job because whatever it was it will return but waiting up not the answer TRAP IT good luck Terrible experience for any pigeon man
  4. bhirst


    1st B Hirst. Vel 708-6 2cd C Ried Vel 703-3 3rd C Ried Vel 701-3 4th B Hirst Vel 698-5 5th B Swanson Vel 453-4 6th B Stewart Vel 410-5 7th S Murray Vel 370-3 Well done all Thanks again to the boys Elgin you know who you are
  5. Totally sickening I know from experience lost all my race cocks to the pine marten 2 years ago Gutted for you
  6. Well done folks how’s returns
  7. Inverness 50ish
  8. Hi John I have passed your details on to the owner thanks
  9. Have a good holiday mate
  10. expletive remove Turkey that’s some distance for the 2nd young bird race
  11. bhirst


    Birds liberated at 12-30 sorry for not posting lib time was having I T problems 1st B Stuwart. Vel 815-1 2cd B Stuwart Vel 813-8 3rd B Hirst. Vel 812 9 4th B Hirst. Vel 802-4 5th S Murray. Vel 778-2 6th B Duncan vel 772-2 Well done Bossy, A cracking race with 99% returns Well done all , The £2 nom not won Rolls over
  12. bhirst


    Hi folks weather permitting we will be holding our 2nd training race tomorrow from Inverurie I will post proposed lib time tomorrow once a decision has been made any Inverurie boys please feel free to post what the weather Is like if your up and about thanks in advance all the best BARRY
  13. bhirst


    I sent 12 ten home on Saturday 1 just landed bearing classic hawk marks
  14. bhirst


    Your doing ok Simon just keep at it that 1st is on its way it’s just a matter of time
  15. bhirst


    Thanks mate
  16. bhirst


    1st B Hirst Vel 615-5 2cd S Murray Vel 582-2 3rd B Duncan vel 575-2 4th B Stuwart Vel 556-5 Yet again the velocity’s are more in keeping with a 500. Mile race not a 50 mile race Hard going Well done all B Hirst won the pool
  17. bhirst


    It’s not been easy today I’ll keep you posted
  18. bhirst


    Thanks Alan I hope so too as a lot of our members been hit hard with losses already this year me included
  19. bhirst


    Morning all we are going up at 11-15
  20. bhirst


    Hi folks just to let fanciers in the area know we are planning liberating approximately 100 doos around 11 am weather permitting tomorrow thanks
  21. Well done
  22. Thanks guys my name is Barry
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