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Posts posted by walterboswell59

  1. walter go to a message john has put up mate your see a wee box thing under the person you want to pm mate saying chipping click the we box underneath that put the arrow on it it should say pm this member then you will have a bit that says subject put something in it like phone number or conversation then the bit under it write what you want to say or ask hope this helps mate

    thanks ill try again him and i were taking during the week and he told me i won west combined ave then put all the other winners up except me thats what iwas hinting at jamie thought he was taking pee johns a good guy think he just forgot me but to me its not off untill its in blk andwhite know what i mean jamie

  2. walter give the guys credit for the work they have done they were left a load of work to deal with because the previous sec never done his job right no one got fed tickets at there presentation nights these folk are doing the best they can a big well done to them thats sorting the mess that was left bye previous sec

    jamie you obviously have not read my previous posts i neaver knock the workersm8 not my stile this is the only way i can talk ma pal john quinn because i dont have his phone no and am no to good on this dam thing or i would pm him i have nothing but praise for the guys thats been left to sort out the mess if you read my posts you will see that m8

  3. Just 130 mls Wattie i am never hard on my yb's and have only completed 1 yb programme flying on my own most years they only have 2 or 3 races and are put by till the next year

    thats far enough alan i dont think yb even need raced if there well trained

  4. I sent my yb's as trainers last year with South Lanarkshire down the east and have more yearlings for racing this year than i have ever had so it's not all bad...we just need a bit of luck with the weather and hope we dont clash

    how far did they go alan the clashing starts at 120 mile all the way to the coast its even worst now much more english feds up here

  5. [='novo10' date=12 January 2013 - 18:33 PM' timestamp='1358015598' post='805246]

    ur at it again the west routes the best



    it might be best for some but it aint best for the doos novo its called consideration, mate ask any fancier in the lanarkshire this was not done to win races, and for by the wee macs have proved that. they win no mater the side they fly

    yes true but not as often

  6. The Roger Trophy for best Yb average in the West section was won by Martin Ftzpatrick.

    The R, Telfer & Son trophy for the best Yb average in the East section was won by W. Smart & Son


    AND!! The Special trophy for the best COMBINED AVERAGE in the EAST Section was won by your good self Tam


    Ps. I can only put up the info when it has been verified, as such i seen no reason NOT to put the rest up when i got the printed sheets in.

    The men who put the work into collating the info and identifying the winners ( And it wasn't me! ) deserve a HUGE round of applause for their hard work and don't deserve the derogatory remarks.

  7. bill a cat detector should allways be faceing the loft so it is going off when youre birds are flying up and down and breaking the beam the chance of one cat breaking the beam all the time it comes in youre garden is no good and it only makes anoise for a few seconds where with the birds taking off and landing all the time the noise is consistant and the cats stayaway leave it on 24 7 mines has not been switcht off for ten years cats dont come near when my birds are out got mine from body ridewood

  8. I'm normally a user of Tic Beans but this year is the first time I've not got a bean in the loft due to unavailability & price.

    I'm going to try some barley as a hopper feed for the first time ever, I intend to supplement it with some higher value hand feeding when required.

    I was thinking of adding some brewers yeast to the barley on a regular basis,it's going to be a bit of a learning curve. Any tips?

    i fed lots of barley years ago i was getting it for nowt off am8 the birds were never to heavy and in good nick but got very dry in the feather so now i put a little codliver oil on it worked fine

  9. Well done Walter, them jan aardens youve got looked the biz m8 when I was at Burnbank and now they are proving it. :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:

    thanks derrek but should be doing better across the water they win from 60 miles out to ypres but strugle after that there very inbred so i got two cracking cocks at kerr stainthorpes sale to try wee cross of distance birds that are winning into the west one was 50th open reims the other 50th open arras a 2yr old and a3 yr old so will see if that works allso got a nice cock at jim cullens sale and have few of him crossed with mine so the gas is on so to speak


    Well done Walter, them jan aardens youve got looked the biz m8 when I was at Burnbank and now they are proving it. :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:

    thanks derrek but should be doing better across the water they win from 60 miles out to ypres but strugle after that there very inbred so i got two cracking cocks at kerr stainthorpes sale to try wee cross of distance birds that are winning into the west one was 50th open reims the other 50th open arras a 2yr old and a3 yr old so will see if that works allso got a nice cock at jim cullens sale and have few of him crossed with mine so the gas is on so to speak

  10. i have been storing eggs for years with great sucess i read up on poultry breeding then trial and error from 20 eggs stored i have 100 sucess up to 4 weeks 98 per cent up to 6 weeks this is how i do it as soon as 1st egg is layed lift it and put a dummy in the nest mark the egg with felt tip pen pair no 1 keep note book of who pair no 1 is put egg into a box i use the egg boxes you get at shop for six eggs mark in your book date layed lift 2nd egg put in another dummy mark egg and put in box pack box with tishue paper or soft cloth to take up space between the eggs and top of box eggs should be on there side this way you just turn the box over every day and youre turning 6 eggs at a time or use a bigger box for more choc boxes with lots of compartments can be used as long as there high enough now do not put them in the fridge it chills them and will kill them keep them at room temp mines go on top of a wardrobe and turn the box over every day or the youk will sink to the bottom and stick to the shell and will not hatch dont worry if you forget to turn them an odd time as long as its not longer than 4or5 days they will be ok but one thing you must do is use a fine spray or a teaspoon of water onto the tishue paper once a week or the eggs will dry out then put them under your feeders starting with the eggs you lifted first and thats all there is to it

  11. i have been storing eggs for years with great sucess i read up on poultry breeding then trial and error from 20 eggs stored i have 100 sucess up to 4 weeks 98 per cent up to 6 weeks this is how i do it as soon as 1st egg is layed lift it and put a dummy in the nest mark the egg with felt tip pen pair no 1 keep note book of who pair no 1 is put egg into a box i use the egg boxes you get at shop for six eggs mark in your book date layed lift 2nd egg put in another dummy mark egg and put in box pack box with tishue paper or soft cloth to take up space between the eggs and top of box eggs should be on there side this way you just turn the box over every day and youre turning 6 eggs at a time or use a bigger box for more choc boxes with lots of compartments can be used as long as there high enough now do not put them in the fridge it chills them and will kill them keep them at room temp mines go on top of a wardrobe and turn the box over every day or the youk will sink to the bottom and stick to the shell and will not hatch dont worry if you forget to turn them an odd time as long as its not longer than 4or5 days they will be ok but one thing you must do is use a fine spray or a teaspoon of water onto the tishue paper once a week or the eggs will dry out then put them under your feeders starting with the eggs you lifted first and thats all there is to it

  12. a man with avery bad stutter asks a woman if she would go out on adate with him the woman says yes feeling very pleased with him self he takes her to his loacal pub where he is very well known to imprese her as soon as he walks in the pub the barman shouts yer usull donkey and starts pulling apint of lager and what about youre young lady donkey what would she like the woman says vodka coke please nae bother says the bar man that will be five pound donkey ma man the couple lift there drinks and sit down the woman leans over and says that bar man keeps calling you donkey is it because youre a big boy ach says the guy he he he aw he he he aw he he he allways calls me that

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