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    Inverurie RPC

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Squeaker (4/8)

  1. INV


    Flown down but otherwise okay. Anybodys ?
  2. INV


    Totally agree and you've my sympathy. This time of year is heartbreaking . Been hit twice in past week or so both with lucky escapes. However another one is missing today. Any losses have a big effect on a small team and I am getting totally scunnered with the way things are going ! But what can you do other than soldier on .
  3. INV

    Stray Nwhu21C2572

    Thanks Jim, All sorted .
  4. NWHU 2021 C 2572 In last night ,well down but looking a bit better today
  5. SU19P3550 This bird is with Eric Yule in Kintore, Aberdeenshire. He can be contacted on 01467 632501.
  6. As discussed with owner bird released today at mid-day aprox 5miles south of Stonehaven. Hope it made it home !
  7. Blue bar Cock SU18P6128 This bird dropped with one of my todays club race birds at 2211 hrs. Very hungry but ok. Somebody will be looking for him. Will see how he is in the morning. Sandy Robb
  8. INV


    In last night Thin but ok. Will give it b&b for couple of days then release.
  9. INV


  10. INV


    Long way from home No wing stamp or tel ring SU20AV2206
  11. Liberate today 0630 Cleared well Hope it makes it !
  12. Just been handed SU18NE764 by a neighbour Exhausted but ok Will feed and water and lib in a few days unless told otherwise. Sandy Robb
  13. SUNE3312 in tonight in Blackburn Is this one ¿ Sandy Robb
  14. You guys have got long memories . It's more than 40 years since I moved to Blackburn and joined Inverurie rpc. Hardly seems relevant in 2019 !
  15. INV

    Tenerife Race

    Cloudy day at home end but lots of blue sky out over sea. Not a day for the pool yet
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