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Posts posted by geordie1234

  1. Don’t follow boxing now geo , is that Nigel benn,s son ?


    Yeah Stuart


    Didn't look up to much early on with no amateur pedigree but came on and started fighting like his old man

  2. Can count on one hand how many times I've trained along the m8 in ten years...although I like a tranent leading up to longer races


    Trained on the m74 down to Greenhill stairs for nearly 10 years and never had major issues...yes you lose one or 2 and the ybs get split up like they will anywhere but fit and healthy pigeons make like work of it... last time I trained old birds regularly tues wed thurs was 2018 and I would be in Abington every morning only lost 1 red cheq cock on the first toss and tht was it for the season


    One thing I do if I get hit by the bop I go back to the same place regardless...the pigeons know where they are and get up and go.... the changing all over the shop I think just makes pigeons hang around the lib site before the make off home


    Maybe we should think of this when we are going to different racepoints constantly

  3. None of the young team as energetic as you Mr Leggate... a great example of a pigeon man and worker for the sport..


    All credit to John Quinn as well and all the other lads who pitch in ðŸ‘ðŸ»ðŸ‘ðŸ»


    Young team are too busy working full time.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


    fair play John Credit where credit is due

  4. I think it could be a breach of data protection if you make people give the details of their times and then publicise them, would be interesting to see the outcome if someone was disqualified and then challenged it through the appeal process on those grounds


    Can't see why that could be a data breach it's the time you have timed a pigeon lol no your bank details


    And by entering the race when these rules are in place your are agreeing to those rules


    Only a few years back a 2nd open bicc for upgraded to 1st open


    And for the record I'm not saying the snfc should make this a rule at all...jst came up in general discussion as you can see above

  5. That’s one I disagree with Geo, though tbh personally I canny wait tae phone or text my time into the Lib Line, because it has become such a rare event the last 4/5yrs !!! 🙈 but I hope to rectify that soon. But even if I didn’t do it, and without the threat of disqualification, if it became a rule I would adhere to it faithfully. Like I do with all the other rules in the organisations I’ve flown in. Think I’ve written this before but Rules are good for any organisation so everyone knows the score and they all have them.


    I love phoning my time in too although no needed to do it that often lol


    I think it's similar for the internationals too if you don't phone in your out I maybe wrong

  6. I know quite a few fanciers in the BICC who run their clocks off at local clubs, aslong as the secretary has signed their print out everything is above board. The only difference though with the BICC they all have to phone in there pigeons arrival where a live provisional result can be created. If they don't call their time in then it's disqualification. I think the rule is within one hour of timing in

  7. Geo there’s more chance of the restrictions still being in place by next spring than there is of having an AGM. We might well be back tae square 1 when Christmas and New Year parties are aw celebrated. Things should be dealt with under whatever the circumstances allow when they are due to be done because not one man fae scientists tae doomen can predict when “normality†resumes.

    Everything is moving backwards just now and we are a baw hair aff full lockdown again. I get emails daily at work relating to it and it’s feckin frightening !!!


    Yeah your probably right m8.... maybe this year with the table stepping down anyone who is proposed to take a role on takes it if more than 2 for a role job share it or something


    Although i canny imagine many ppl going for jobs

  8. how is it making mountains out of molehills george just a simple question, when most agms are around the november time the sooner the agm comes the better theres a lot of people who will be standing down after all the crap and extra work they have had to put up with this year from people that talk a good job but do nothing


    Think Charles in the grand scheme of things a pigeon club agm is the least of anyones worries. There will be am agm when the rules allowed it's that simple

  9. how can you do it at club level George when you cant have more than 6 people from two families indoors, or in lanarkshire at present no indoor visits hope we can find the answer


    The programme doesn't start until April 2021 plenty of time to have an AGM when restrictions allow


    No really rocket science man typical pigeon fanciers making mountains out of mole hills 😂😂

  10. Where did I say anything sinister. I will put up what I think later when I’ve been to the club hut and spoke with the other guys. Just got my 5th just before 9 straight out the south so whatever happened it’s happened no far from the race point


    Was more to Duncs reply where he actually said I'm implying lol


    Hope ye get them mate something defo thru them early in the race

  11. 6th race and only they’ve no been to same race point every week so who ever told u that is taking sh**. Wit I’m hearing from sl is they’ve got there Doos and we’ve no. I don’t care wit anyone says there Doos is no better than Coalburn Doos if there getting them so should we. But to finish with 4/43 something no right and Doos were in great health before anyone thinks it’s that.


    Crazy returns defo and really hope ye get them home bt I don't think implying something sinister has went on is fair


    Canny imagine many went from South Lanarkshire for ALL of them to get their doos hame...and to make the assumption their race was fine. Was under the impression Hamilton Independent had stopped racing this year....sounds like the convoy got blootered early

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