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Ian Gill

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Everything posted by Ian Gill

  1. I think you have taken me up wrong regarding my use of the term "generous" ...that was meant as generous in terms of the work they do or for that matter they think is within job description!!!
  2. Depends what you mean Geraint ..I am not condoning the abuse of the RPRA staff but at times they can be very frustrating when trying to talk to them...I had reason to phone them recently about a matter and they where totaly useless and most unhelpfull !!!! I know some people can find the Irish accent a little hard to understand but their total disregard towards the matter I phoned about was unbelieveable ..so much so I will be giving Mr Bills a call this week. Lets not forget in this that we are the RPRA and not some people sitting in a comfy office on generous salaries !!!
  3. Good idea lads..I would be keen on a couple of pouters for I have a neighbour bustin my balls to get him a pair ;) And maybe a roller or two for myself
  4. Heard them called pea throats as well
  5. Thanks Roland and the same to you...Merry Christmas
  6. Try Colin Surtees ...hes had them for a couple of years
  7. I have not been following what has been happening on here but I firmly believe that the pigeon game is in the state it is today because people are to politically correct these days and are afraid or havnt the balls to take a stand ...this isnt just aimed at the person who is the subject of this thread but in general !!!
  8. I dont use it much mate ...I joined because Lou McGee asked me and then she doesnt use it much now lol...Theres a right few fanciers on it and some cracking groups to join
  9. My site is down ..I cant use the pm system and now I cant log in to Facebook lol ..America takes a day of and the whole thing falls apart
  10. Me neither ..been trying to pm Vallance lofts
  11. If you can get Steve van Bremmens video mate it will give you a lot of info on ventilation systems
  12. A big statement Jack and I am quite aware of your reputation around the world...Like you I dont want to get embroiled in an arguement about eyesign but I would like you to answer one question for me if you would..Can you show me any evidence that "eyesign" is used in breeding race horses,greyhounds or for that matter any other animal/birds used in a sporting manner?? And if not why not?? Just curious
  13. Ian Gill

    guest users...

    There is not a pigeon site that I havnt been on and I am a member of nearly every pigeon forum going over the past 10 years so I think I know what Im talking about
  14. Ian Gill

    guest users...

    I think some of you need to get a life ...people can log in or view as a guest as they please ..as it has been on 99.9% of forums since the internet began.
  15. Ask Jimmy Bulger mate ..hes the man to give you any info you need
  16. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you..in 04 she was 28th Open EDC Lamballe Derby and was sent back the next week to win 21st Open INFC Kings Cup Messac..two top 20 ish turns in the space of 7 days ..05 she was 33rd Open INFC Kings Cup Messac ...06 she was 40th Kings Cup and won the Harkness Rosebowl with her grandson who was 11th Open..shes a nice hen and never had a night out in her life.
  17. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you..in 04 she was 28th Open EDC Lamballe Derby and was sent back the next week to win 21st Open INFC Kings Cup Messac..two top 20 ish turns in the space of 7 days ..05 she was 33rd Open INFC Kings Cup Messac ...06 she was 40th Kings Cup and won the Harkness Rosebowl with her grandson who was 11th Open..shes a nice hen and never had a night out in her life.
  18. Some fantastic pigeons mentioned and everyone worth their place on this list as well as the top men who have raced them..I mentioned throwing an irish pigeon into the mix and Ive thought about it long and hard but as Wayne rightly points out,we all think the top pigeons are in our own locality anyway Any Gold Medal winner over here would be worthy of a place but Gordon Kilpatricks Hermes must be in with a shout for top pigeon with two Hall of Fames ..Ronnie Williamsons Five Times A Lady was one hell of a hen.. Heres a question for you ..Ive often wondered when I see similar posts like this is how you make your decision ...is it based purely on the pigeons performances or is it based on the performances and what the pigeon has left or is leaving behind it in the way of winning descendants??
  19. Ever heard the saying "he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth" ?? Thats why the landed gentry's children survived while the poor folks kids died back in the day.
  20. can we throw an Irish pigeon into the mix here ??
  21. Boglinmarsh was its name but no longer available
  22. I used to be able to speak fluent Dutch Jimmy but then I stopped drinking 18 years ago lol ;D ;D ;D
  23. Pigeonportal would be older than Pipa ...Pipa started life as Freddie Thienpoints link page before the young Gyslebrecht took it over when Freddie had no longer the time or interest ..
  24. I think you are mistaken guys in this relationship between canker and yeast ..are you not confusing candidiasas with canker because they are not the same thing in women as someone said..one is a fungal infection while the other is a protazoan as in a living organism. Candidiasas is caused by a type of yeast known as Candida albicans and the fact that it flourishs after a pigeons(or humans) own natural bacteria has been hammered by antibiotics or even some overuse of the more acidic stuff put in drinkers these days..when the pigeons bacteria are not there to keep the albicans in check you get thrush ..not canker....brewers yeast is not candida albicans and is of the utmost benifit to your birds when used properly and in moderation like everything else. Certainly canker can become a secondary infection when the pigeons resistance is lowered by candidas but then so to can a host of other things
  25. Im not nit picking here mate but how or what do you base that theory on??
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