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after reading this thread and seeing the references to

"a good looking eye"

I have seen guys in Blackpool with the eye glass

just what are you looking for

I have went to sites dealing with eye sight

but to be honest its hard going

and how many of you actually put the birds eye

top of your list when buying a bird


Hi Mick, like you I know very little about the eye theory, so there for put no importance on it, I do like to see a bird with a nice colourfull eye that is sparkling, JMOhttp://forum.pigeonbasics.org/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif And it must have 2http://forum.pigeonbasics.org/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gifhttp://forum.pigeonbasics.org/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gifhttp://forum.pigeonbasics.org/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif


after reading this thread and seeing the references to

"a good looking eye"

I have seen guys in Blackpool with the eye glass

just what are you looking for

I have went to sites dealing with eye sight

but to be honest its hard going

and how many of you actually put the birds eye

top of your list when buying a bird

Dont want to start all the arguments going again about wether eyesign is rubbish or not,but it is the only thing I am interested in looking at if I buy a bird for stock,that is of course if I can handle the bird,dont ask me to explain what I am looking for because I couldnt explain it to anyone,all I can say is it works for me.

Guest bakes

after reading this thread and seeing the references to

"a good looking eye"

I have seen guys in Blackpool with the eye glass

just what are you looking for

I have went to sites dealing with eye sight

but to be honest its hard going

and how many of you actually put the birds eye

top of your list when buying a bird


i do like an nice eye on the bird be it what in the loft or what im looking to buy but im more interested in what its parents and offspring as done raceing if it has done well or bred birds that have done well then i go threw what i like be it if im looking for more distance birds i look firstly inside beak look at throut then look at depth of feather then look at wing like a bird to have a good step up from secondry to primary flights then i have my own views what size of bird i like small to medium my own prefurance then if it ticks all the boxs and im happy i buy it if it cost me a little or fortune then its up to me to see if it if yb or oldbird bought in for stock breeds anythink worth while and grafts under my own prefurance how to do things as less face it every flyer has there own ways and tips to motivate how to keep them ticking over to try to beat the rest there nothink more about pigeon raceing other than a good bird well motivated and schooled nothink more nothink less and alot of look on the day as wonce there up in air nowt anyone can do until they fold up and hit trap on a saturday my views anyway.

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