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Building My First Loft?

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hey guys anyone know where i can get cheap cheap sheets of wood to finish of my first loft in the west of scotland or if you have any that you are selling


maybe worth a try at some building site,, sometimes they use these 8 by 4 ply boards, to fence the site off,, when the building is finished, they often discard them,, worth a try

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Guest bakes

maybe worth a try at some building site,, sometimes they use these 8 by 4 ply boards, to fence the site off,, when the building is finished, they often discard them,, worth a try


agree with jimmy we put another loft up for younglad up road from us old man and uncle and me made it 8ft by 6ft for another loft and went to local building site that are putting new houses up had a word with one of the lads on site he said i mucka give us your address and we will see what we can do 2 hours later had 5 8ft by 4ft thick ply boards for nowt so always a chop they can only say no also alot of wood yards sell ply boarding now for next to nowt so always a good chance of getting some bargains but ive always been lucky as me grandad worked in wood yard for years jewson/palgrave brown so he nows a few lads still involved in the trade and if we ever after anythink for lofts or kennels usualy ask him if he can have a word see if he can get anythink cheaper instead of paying threw the nose from the likes of b q and so on but most times now you will pick 6ft by 4ft sheets and 8ft by 4ft sheets up for a few bob you just got to go and look around and ask if there is any thats going about and if you get a bit nocked of the price if buying in bulk they can only say no but most times you be suprised you dont get if you dont ask m8 :)


all the best.

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good shout i already managed to get the woocd for my frame from a building site


well done geo,, i remember when they were demolishing the margaret rose hospital, the wood that was going abegging was unbelievable ,, you could have built a loft any size , for a packet of fags [if the security guy smoked]

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Guest bakes

if you cant seem to post pics bud click were it says show all bottom of page near quote click onto browse select the pic then press add picture wonce it is installed it will apear click next to it were it says attach and it will auto matic go into quote box


all the best.

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Guest spin cycle

guys as you probaly know im building a 10 x 6 loft with two sections with a 2 sputnicks do i have to put windows in


you'll have openings for sputniks . these 'll probably let enough light in. you may want to 'play around' to get ventilation right. basically cold fresh air wants to enter at the bottom and warm 'stale' air needs to get out at top. its important that the cold air does not enter as a 'draft'....thats why louvres are often used...good luck in your loft buildig...after 5 years i finally got mine how i want them :rolleyes:

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