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pouters for sport


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i know a man who trains them 25 miles as young birds and they return but mine are not trained to fly in flock they mine fly odd or with there partner they fly with there partner for 30 minutes monday and thursday every outher day they go out by themselfs to try and catch onother persons birdthey are like racers in away you get good ones and bad ones its a serious game here in scotland

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yes thief pouters . you put your hen out to fly another flier puts a cock out they meet in the sky and the cock will put on a bit of style clapping his wings to the hen and try to get her to his loft for a tread .if the hen lights on the landing board a net  is quickly banged around her. then i put a hen out in return for the other flier to try and catch also if the cock follows the hen into the hens loft he will be caught ive got very good birds that have caught hundreds of birds over the years and also lost alot of birds to .your birds need to know the score they need to have brains captured birds are sent to another flier around 30 miles away so as they dont come back to the person they heve been caught from because once they have been bsnged in your loft they wont come near it again unless it a stupid one .

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i know a man who trains them 25 miles as young birds and they return but mine are not trained to fly in flock they mine fly odd or with there partner they fly with there partner for 30 minutes monday and thursday every outher day they go out by themselfs to try and catch onother persons birdthey are like racers in away you get good ones and bad ones its a serious game here in scotland


they bring back peoples racers do you keep there racers you get in??

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yes thay bring in racers that have given up and sit about for a few days then come in for food most men in my area bring them to me as i am also a racing man as well who reported twenty three strays last year and only two where returned to there owners i was left with the rest that the owners didnt want .i try to toss them after 1 week most return to my area so when pouter men are looking for sitters thats what they get at least they look after them. and it is not a game there is a lot of fighting amoung pouter men  in scotland  it taken very seriously more so if you catch a bird thats well known from someone

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The pigeon shop is located in Lochend (Bunch of Roses Pub) The pub is run by a dooman, Dyker who keeps Horseman himself. You can swap or buy, they also have a raffle for a pair of birds (cock and a hen) Av price they pay for a cock is £7.00 and £15 for a hen.


Sammy there used to be a couple Doo shops in leith who Where run by the late Mick McClay and Peter Summers.


Still Plenty Horseman Doo men Here in Edinburgh. I also Flew the Horseman  for some 15years and only stopped when i got the racers, I had various client from the west. I had what i thought was one of the best doos around in the area i flew the Horseman in, He was a "wee red cock" who cought 80 hens in 7 months, he refused to tread hens and he would put them away backwards (the big doo men will know what i'm on about)  


Your right John C there always was plenty fighting amongst the Guy's who kept the Big Doos and there still is, only yesterday i was passing by and noticed two Horseman guy's havng a go at each other.


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i fly big doos and racers in greenock .this week end we have 8 flyers puting away 2 pair each on thursday to go odd on sunday. each loft will heve a person from another loft there to make sure no tampering goes on four cocks will go up with four hens should be a good bit of fun

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