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van reet eyes pics


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EYE 4- NOT a eyesighn show eye, the eyesign circul is not thick enugh 4 the show pen(racing eyes) and the irus needs to stand out more 4 the show pen!

but will WIN RACING and PRODUCE replacements!!!!


EYE 5 - The full eye itself is not strong enough, not enough irus the colours arnt rich anough and the 5 circuls arnt clean cut enugh 4 the SHOW PEN all these eyes will have won or will win.

  The eye i like best 4 meself is eye 1 you could just think or that eye 5 years ago when it was richer in colour, good thickness in the eyesign circul, good thickness in the colour circul, irus ok with the 5 circul coming clean over the top all trimed of with the matalic silve coal dust all over!!!!!

  thats my oppinion any way!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D   8) 8)

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Your a Plonker!! The pigeon was 1st from 37,239birds flying 650 miles, he won it by an hour and is believed to be one of the best National Winners in Dutch history!!!!! In terms of breeding he is only young but he has already bred top winning pigeons include my Ripon winner this year which was an extremly hard race...


Keep up the good PR for the Stafys Stafy!!! They are a diamond family and in terms of real mcoy BERT HESSION ;)

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Your a Plonker!! The pigeon was 1st from 37,239birds flying 650 miles, he won it by an hour and is believed to be one of the best National Winners in Dutch history!!!!! In terms of breeding he is only young but he has already bred top winning pigeons include my Ripon winner this year which was an extremly hard race...


Keep up the good PR for the Stafys Stafy!!! They are a diamond family and in terms of real mcoy BERT HESSION ;)


He really is a Plonker, and I believe a real mccoy of a plonker..  Ed ;) ;)

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This site seems to be going down hill at the moment. Staf why don't you stop hiding behind that name and say who you are if you are such a star.

Then if you are really that good people can bow to your wisdom otherwise stop disrespecting the real fanciers on this website and maybe you might pick up a few things from their experiences.


Spelling would be the first thing you could improve on, closely followed by manners.

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People have diffrent opinions, mainly on eyes!!! everyone likes to see diffrent things in the eye, me personaly lots of mountins i think they are more of BREEDERS and HARDER CHANNEL birds, flatter eyes more of racers not much breeders. but thats my opinion I dont worrie to much about my spelling as long as i can read the T3'S off and tell that ive won not alot matters much more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;D

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Lissen you part timers, how good is the hen that you paired it to it carnt be as flat as that eye!!! :o :o that eye is flat as your FARTS YOU DING!!!! ;D ;D ;D


Staffy if your remarks were not so insulting they would be funny.  You seem to be the self claimed master of the universe and all pigeon knowledge, I personally will continue to smile when I read your posts because its doubtful to me if you can tell a hen from a cock.  Ed (my real name by the way)

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if there your stock birds eyes you must be worth a fortune in breeding and racing, do you fly local mr staf van reet, those eyes what strain are they from as ive never seen staffies with eyes like that, and ive seen some van reets eyes. thanks ray

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Guest speckled

;D ;D ;D ;D lol does the body come with the eyes. ;):P ;D ;D(joke) i cant say yep nice looking eyes as i dont have a clue must get the eye glass out Tony C can i lend yours ;D joking aside that look very rich to me ??????????? :-/ :-/ :-/ Speck :X

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Here is some of mine stock eyes!!


Staffy where did you ever learn to copy eye pix off the internet, I would almost swear those came from the austrailian web sit.  Thats probably it you are from there and took those pictures over at Leo's place.  If we give ole staffy enough rope he will surely hang himself.  If I had won half what he claim to have won I would be putting my name to it and let everyone verify the results, until then we will just have to take a grain of salt with everything he writes.  Tim you are right on..  Later. Ed

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