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distance flying

shalis lofts

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i would like to only compete in the channel races next year can you distance people help me out with what system i should use  and what system you use over the channel  please i.e widowhood natural etc

                                                                            yours in sport shalis lofts

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i fly widowhood normaly , but im going to try the hens next season may go tits up but thats what my plans are , i have won up to 512 miles on widowhood , all i do is let the cock have his hen 36hrs before basketing and some nesting material and away he goes

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usualy about 12 , it's my 1st yb season this year since i moved , i should have 14 to 16 pair to race next season all be yearlings , so most of these will go to 420 miles and odd one or two fancied birds will go to 512 miles

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have come 2nd with a yearling cock at 512 miles , yearlings dont like the cold at beginning of season ease them out and up to 420 miles realy pick your days to train and race early on

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she is a mixture of Kirkpatrick ( 512 mile winer and was 2nd as a yearling , carded from the 3 longest channel points and a 4th inland ) and My Jansen Joey le chatel winer beat 4 Scarborough clubs was 1st club 19th

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In 2007 I flew roundabout on the channel I took 2 or 3 positions per race 130 mile, 225 mile, 300 mile, with 5 pairs, the hens were beating the cocks every week, prior to the 380 mile race I took them for a toss 15 mile let the cocks go first then 20 mins later the hens, got home one cock home and 5 hens two days later no cocks back. I brought across a few spare cocks and mated the hens. the next few days saw 3 come back two hawked. I was actually 2nd with a hen next day losingby half a yard!! But she was a poor 2nd there were birds home on the day in most clubs. The hens went off the boil and that was it lost my Tarbes entry and at Marmandes they were brought back because of Defra and raced from inland Iwas way behind.

Tis year I flew widowhood cocks, didn't hae the time to get cocks and hens out each day. My birds weren't out of the loft from september 07 until april 08 because of Percy. The cocks were fed for the channel from day 1, they had two 20 mile tosses, no tosses after. I missed the first channel race because they weren't fit enough, sent them inland instead. First channel race 225 miles up at mid day 2nd club 2nd section 5th fed (yearling)only two birds home on  the day in club & section. Next race 304 miles tough one again took 2nd & 4th velocities in 900's 10 mins between them yearlings again 2nd section and 4th fed I think. Saintes poor race got them all (6, out of seven, one selected for Tarbeskept home that had been to each channel race, 3 x 2yo & 4 yearlings)) 6th club another yearling. Decision time what was going to Tarbes, decided the one that was 6th Saintes to go with the one I had chosen. Come Tarbes the saintes one had been fighting and had a cut and watery eye, oh well the pigeon that was 4th tours would go. Tarbes my choicewas 6th section 78th open 556 mile, the second came next morning, in my excitement I didn't take my clock back out if I had he'd have been about 22nd section! On to Marmandes 473 miles the last race following week, had 3x2yo and 2 yearlings to choose from, the two yearlings weren't quite right they stayed at home. So the three 2 yo it was, the ones that had had the hawk attack last year.  and got them all no day birds, but I had two the following day only birds to be 1st and 2nd. To finish off the management of them they reared a nest of l/b after racing.

I flew traditinal widowhood right through no messing with the nest, showed the birds on basketing and on the channel let them stay with each othe on clocking in day.

For me the key is 1 quality of pigeon 2 health 3 fitness and if you have a good environment all the better ( I haven't!).

I wouldn't worry about sending yearlings if they are quality, look at all sports a quality young un will more often than not beat the old stager, just my opinion. 3 out of 4 yearlings scored and one took 2nd 225 miles 2nd 304 miles and 78th NFC 556 mile, he's a VDW x Bob Mcdonald and the apple of my eye!

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  • 2 weeks later...
have come 2nd with a yearling cock at 512 miles , yearlings dont like the cold at beginning of season ease them out and up to 420 miles realy pick your days to train and race early on


Think this sounds right to me yearlings 350/400 mile but then that's eneough for the season.



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  • 2 weeks later...
i would like to only compete in the channel races next year can you distance people help me out with what system i should use  and what system you use over the channel  please i.e widowhood natural etc

                                                                            yours in sport shalis lofts


i have won well from 500 to 60+ racing widowhood cocks ,, mainly lightly raced untill mature at two years old , i have found pigeons treated like this , and pigeons that do score like this , will repeat it many times after that.

have also scored at this distance with a natural hen , again lightly raced untill two yers old,, also found a hen in good nick,, will beat a w,hood cock in a very hard race, at these distances

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  • 2 months later...


i have won well from 500 to 60+ racing widowhood cocks ,, mainly lightly raced untill mature at two years old , i have found pigeons treated like this , and pigeons that do score like this , will repeat it many times after that.

have also scored at this distance with a natural hen , again lightly raced untill two yers old,, also found a hen in good nick,, will beat a w,hood cock in a very hard race, at these distances



orite jimmy

lightly raced wot sort of distance and how many races basicaly as a yearling

cheers allan



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