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Everything posted by jocky

  1. these men are a credit to the sport.
  2. jocky


    newmains sent 150 birds
  3. i dont think the jump had much to do with it like a few other feds no answers''''
  4. so it was hawks today then??????
  5. get back down west route where we should be. the true racing route for a west of scotland fed and tell me there are to many hawks""""""
  6. come on come on! the man has done an execellant job. there is no answer to what happend today the wild birds were active and the weather was good if anbody knows the answer let us all know an we will know what to do the next time!!!!!!
  7. jocky

    Returns today

    first class race first class returns on what was a funny day. well done the controller.
  8. jocky

    Returns today

    first class race first class returns on what was a funny day. well done the controller.
  9. T.RICHARDSON newmains -7.24
  10. officials should be shot perfectly good weekend. why o why ! did we not at least try. we should have been at the race point. old saying if you dont try you canny win.
  11. fashionable what do yo mean! colours? anyway my view is the sootjens strain. heard and read of many good results at all distances.
  12. correction not witton castle it was aycliffe
  13. lanarkshire flew hexam was last year on the 5th may
  14. lanarkshire flew hexam was last year on the 5th may
  15. there pulling out because there is horse racing on today
  16. jocky

    Any libs yet

    do think lanarkshire will race today!
  17. jocky

    Any libs yet

    do think lanarkshire will race today!
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