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Everything posted by sapper756

  1. Daves Diva Who is probably one of the most under-rated hens racing into the UK on the international distance scene, especially since she has only ever been entered and flown in 4 international races. However in these 4 races, she has an impressive record of; 4th Open, 1st Section Agen BICC, 245th International hens 4563 birds, 534 miles 4th Open, 4th Section Perpignan BICC, 499th International Hens 3289 Birds, 631 miles 6th Open, 4th Section Agen BICC, 147th International Hens 4666 birds, 731st international 12,099 birds, 534 miles 8th Open, 5th Section Narbonne BICC, 595 miles A terrific record at international racing with the BICC, interesting to add Daves Diva has been the best bird in the UK over 2 years from Agen in 2018-2019, when both races were extremely tough due to the extreme heat that France was having on both years. Her results from the BICC have awarded her a Certificate of Merit Award in recognition of this heart of a lion bird. To add to her achievements she also had a 21st Open from Bordeaux with the BBC 467 miles Her Bloodline? Well it's no shock as class breeds class! She is a direct daughter of Comfort Zone, 1st Open Marseille BICC in 2015, and she is also a granddaughter of the Immortal Tubby (Certificate of Merit Award winner, 2nd Sec E, 3rd Open BICC, 667th International Marseille 11244 birds 637 miles, 2nd Sec E, 9th Open BICC, 110th International Pau 8576 birds 575 miles on the day, 7th Sec E, 7th Open BICC Pau on the day, 8th Sec E, 8th Open BICC Marseille, and a breeder of a dynasty of top distance pigeons) We’ve already heard alot about this great hen and her descendents in Duncan’s and other peoples lofts already, sadly Duncan Goodchild is calling it a day, and everything will be for sale. An opportunity for all to invest wisely in their long distance future, remember the date 28th November.
  2. ‘A few things worth thinking about’ by Major Neilson Hutton; Firstly, I must apologies for not keeping this story going on a weekly basis, but with our daughter taken into St John’s hospital for a major operation. I have not had a spare moment to sit down and continue with the story; I hope fanciers will understand. Some are convinced that part of the trouble is the clashing of convoys homing to widely different destinations. The number of pigeons racing every week has increased and it is only when the races reach around the 200-mile mark that the travelling pigeons are broken up into small batches to negotiate the bottlenecks created by the hills of Cumberland, Westmorland and those within Scotland itself. The federations at their AGM’s settle by popular vote their programme of races and dates with little regard to what others are doing. Surely some liaison between neighbouring feds, would prove helpful. The formation of a loose combine for the early races with separate liberations would be worth trying, while from the financial angle a tight combine could take over later on. Now that Road Transport has taken over there seems little point of transporters making a long journey half-full. One would think that the success which had attended the old established Scottish Central Combine would encourage other federation groups to get together. Years ago, the old quarrels and rivalries kept some federations at loggerheads with each other, but surely the younger fanciers are still being influences by these. It is quite possible that some federation officials are reluctant to surrender some of their power and influence to other preferring to be big fish in a small pond. The racing pigeon unions of most countries where pigeon racing is carried on are members of the International Federation. This International organisation had carried out a number of surveys and experiments in connection with the sport and have issued their reports. The space at my disposal will only allow me to make a few observations on their findings which I hope will be interesting and informative to the reader. While to most fanciers the fact that pigeons can be trained to fly at night is not new; one or two conclusions reached from the Federations experiments are very significant. The conclusions reached were that pigeon do not guide themselves by the East, nor by the Sun or for that matter from visual memory as propounded by some theories. This nocturnal orientation which permits pigeons to blindly direct themselves toward the area of their lofts is in complete accord with the hypotheses that they are guided by waves set up by the district (zone) in which the pigeons concerned have their habitat. My experience has been both in normal civilian racing and in the variety of conditions met with in the Army, I believe that the further pigeons are away from their lofts, the less time do they take to clear off in the right direction for home. Yet when liberated close to their loft they will clear off and then come back again perhaps several times before disappearing for good. This pattern of behaviour is in keeping with the idea that pigeons become attuned to whatever it is being given off from the zone where picking up the signals from this zone and flying towards it. A long distance away these signals and the zone and flying towards it. A long distance away these signals and the zone and flying towards it, a long distance away these signals decrease the zone increases in size until the voyaging pigeon is completely surrounded by the signals thus being deprived of this means of orientation and from then on has to depend on visual memory. This means of course that pigeons liberated close to their lofts have to depend on their visual memory built up from past experience in training and racing. I have worked on this idea for a long number of years now but do not think that we have the complete picture as yet. It is encouraging to me to know that the international experimenters from two different experiments carried out by different people have provided confirmation of my own conclusion regarding the probable means by which pigeons navigate themselves to their home zone. Whatever it is that creates and attraction I have the notion that its strength varies from time to time and day to day. Have you ever noticed in our Scottish National raced that one-year fanciers in one district de exceedingly well yet at another time not one of them are in the hunt or at lease well up. We know that certain weather conditions may and certainly do favour one section at the expense of another, but this phenomenon of which I write operates irrespective of which section has the advantage or disadvantage on any particular day. Furthermore, if you care to study SNFC race results over several years you will observe it not unusual to find birds belonging to an area or club being timed very close to one another, while a club or area close at hand draws a blank. An example of this I could not help noticing the success of the members of the Coalburn Club in the SNFC race from Rennes 1967. There are no less than 10 birds timed between 4-07 and 4-37pm this being exactly half an hour, and they had 14 birds all told in the money. The positions taken by these first ten birds were as follows; 4th section 22nd open; 7th section 27th open; 10th section 31st open; 24th section 59th open; 26th section 63rd open; 29th section 67th open; 30th section 68th open; 35th section 79th open 38th section 84th open and 41st section 87th open. During these vital 30 minutes the neighbouring clubs Douglas Water and Lesmahagow who usually do very well; had one bird each; the Lesmahagow bird winning 9th section 30thopen and the Douglas Water bird winning 23rd section 58th open. Another feature of the Coalburn club members success was the age of their winning pigeons. There were 4 x 2-year-olds; 3 x 3-year-olds; 2 x 4-year-olds and one 5-year-old. One of the experiments was to follow a convoy of racers from a plane trying to keep them in sight from start to finish. Here I was rather disappointed that the distance flown were not given. They found that pigeons did not fly as many migrant birds do, some in an inverted V formation with an obvious leader or in a line one behind the other. Pigeons on liberation rise and circle as they gather into a complete group. There being no leader, they all seem to want to be ahead of each other forming a large front in a crescent moon formation. The observers have never seen a single pigeon forge ahead of the other members of its group and go off on its own, but have found birds breaking away from the extremities of the crescent and others loitering behind apparently unable to keep up with the others. They found that pigeons under normal conditions fly at between 100 and 150 feet and will not rise to fly over an obstacle if they can fly round it. I can vouch for the fact that they do not like flying high, having liberated scores of pigeons from many different types of planes and using several different methods to get them clear of the plane. Once clear of the slipstream and into what we might term undisturbed air they drop rapidly to house or tree top level. As a race progresses the original large crescent shaped flock start to break up into smaller groups. This process is helped by the division created during the negotiation of obstacles met on route. In tail wind pigeons fly much higher than usual, so they do not meet so many obstacles to divide them. In consequence they tend to remain in much larger flocks and reach their home zone in large numbers, whereas in a head wind they fly close to the ground making use of all the shelter they can from the wind and if their journey is a long one, every obstacle they meet with tends to divide them and single birds become isolated with the result they arrive home one by one. Cross winds have much the same effect and in addition they tend to drift the pigeons off their true course. On such day’s pigeons arrived from the direction into which they have been pushed by the wind. Regarding the effects of Radar, Radio, and large centres producing electrical power, no evidence was observed of any hesitation or deviation from their course by the travelling pigeons which passing over or near such centres. Disasters are usually the result of human error plus the unforeseeable deterioration of the atmospheric conditions en route. Meteorology is making steady progress and may very soon be able to warn of disasters. There is another type of disaster; what it is and what brings it about is a mystery. Experienced convoyer’s and controllers will all have had some experience of this mysterious phenomenon. The sky is clear and visibility good with a favourable forecast-the race controllers and convoyer’s have no hesitation in deciding to liberate their charges. The pigeons clear alright and in fact the next convoy for release has already taken to the air when the first birds liberated came back and circle round while the second lot appear to cleared, but soon over the race point are a host of pigeons flying to and fro in all directions. Gradually their numbers decrease as small batches are seen clearing in all directions. I believe that in one of the early young bird races this season the birds were coming back after appearing to have cleared. A friend of mine during the war was stationed at one of the popular race points in the Midlands and one morning witnessed the liberation of several Scottish federation birds. The birds cleared normally but over an hour later they came back and kept circling the race point. By this time the convoyer’s concerned were on the train on their way home totally unaware of what had happened. In fact, there were birds still flying about around as darkness fell. The reason which so upsets the pigeons’ normal powers of orientation with such disastrous effect is a mystery. The report’s conclusions are that trial liberations should be made before a general release of the race birds is decided and if these control releases are unsatisfactory, then some method of warning other convoys in the vicinity should be made. Personally, I feel that when a disaster happens the details should be sent to the Met Office immediately. Data collected from these reports may prove useful in determining the reason for these disasters and of finding means to avoid them in the future, not to mention increasing our knowledge of another angle to this ever-fascinating sport. See photograph of Major Hutton to go with this report which was first published in 1968. Pentland Hills Federation Before I highlight the news from Barry Kinnear and Andy Miller with the Trophy Winners from the federation for the 2024 season; I have to apologies for the lateness of these appearing. I have not had a lot of spare time lately; due to traveling to visit our daughter and spending most of the day keeping her company. As she has been on crutches and therefore required help with some chores etc. which Margaret had carried out for her. Plus, we also took a couple of days away to Arbroath to see our grandchildren and also to try and relax. So, to the above 2 fanciers Andy & Barry my apologies for the lateness in publicising your result. The Backpath Lofts Old Bird Average was won by K Wright of Danderhall velocity 1324.09. The Marshall Winter Memorial Trophy for Young Bird Average was won by A Baillie Danderhall velocity 1298.89. The Bobby Graham Memorial Trophy for the Combine Average won by Black & Robertson of Danderhall velocity 1299.62. The Maidstone Old Bird Federation Open trophy to K Wright of Danderhall 1st Open. He also won the 4 Longest Old Bird Races Average with a velocity of 1310.46 The Old Bird Points trophy was on by F & W Robertson of Danderhall with 28 points. Newark - (relocated to Bubwith) young bird federation Open; the birds were returned home to the marking stations due to inclement weather. The 1st Federation – SNFC Gold Cup winners were W Kinnear & Son of Danderhall who won 8th section 46th open. The A.M. Pringle Memorial Trophy for the Best Average Federation Maidstone & SNFC Gold Cup won by W Kinnear & Son of Danderhall velocity 893.42. The 3 Longest Young Bird Races Average won by A Baillie of Danderhall velocity 1297.68 News of the Kettering race flown on 13th September with 25 lofts sending 216 birds. Taking the first 3 places plus 7th are Helen Aitken & Sons of Woodburn club. A Walker of Danderhall is 4th with A Baillie winning 5th & 9th places. Black & Robertson are 6th & 10th with G Cameron of Easthouses winning 8th place. The federation wish sincere thanks to Freddie Robertson for providing the federation with the use of his transporter free of charge on 31st August and the 7th September says secretary Helen. Danderhall Racing Pigeon Club; held their Kettering Open young bird race with 28 members prepaying 141 birds; the actual entry was 18 members sending 108 birds. These were liberated on Friday 13th September (SNFC) with a 9-00am into a light south west wind. Taking top spot was Newcombe & Black of Traprain club winning £350.00; A Walker of Danderhall is 2nd winning £752.50; J McNeil of Traprain wins 3rd 12th & 13th places winning £227-50p; Black & Roberton of Danderhall are 4th winning £1021-50p; A Baillie of the same club wins 5th lifting £262-50p; A Walker from the same club wins 6th plus £145-30p; The Winter Family also from Danderhall club win 7th & 8th positions plus £154-90p. W Kinnear & son wins 9th & 14th open winning £75; Sinclair Thomson & son of Traprain club are 10th winning £45; S & S Tierney of Danderhall are 11th winning £40; with Jim McNeil of Traprain club winning 12th & 13th places plus £65; 15th position is won by F & W Roberson who won £20. The Annual Jocky Brown Memorial Trophy (yearlings) was won by A S Thomson & Son. The Annual Sporting Challenge Trophy (Young Birds) won by Newcombe & Black; The Joe Murphy Trophy for the best average from the 2 races won by the Winter Family. My thanks to Andy Miller who has supplied me with the Federations results on a weekly basis, cheers mate. Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to joejmurphy1@gmail.com REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or you can also view online editions on: www.elimarpigeons.com www.fancierchat.co.uk www.pigeon-chat.co.uk - www.Pigeonbasics.com - Pigeon Racing the Basics! - thecanadianpigeoninternational.com www.internationalracingpigeon.com Who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland? © Compiled by Joe Murphy
  3. Copied from Facebook
  4. Here's the story of John Gilmours Gold Cup winner, No.3 for the 'Fechan'.(WP Wortley). In 2017 the S.N.F.C. Blue Riband event was flown from Alencon, with the convoy being released at 5.45am on Monday 3rd July, following a three day hold-over. John Gilmour from Ecclefechan timed at 7.10pm to win the National with a velocity of 1049ypm, 39ypm ahead of the second pigeon in the result. John is a member of a very successful pigeon family, with his father, Jackie, being a very good fancier. Jackie and his brother Eddie, who flew under the loft title Gilmour Brothers and Martindale, won the Vaux Usher Y.B. National in 1963 with a Red cock that was bred by Hughie Falconer from Mid Calder. In the 1960’s and early 1970’s, Jackie and Eddie housed one of the best teams of pigeons in the Solway area. In 1967, for example, they gained the first three positions in the Section from S.N.F.C. Avranches and in 1974 they were 3rd Open S.N.F.C. Avranches. In time the brothers formed their own separate lofts and as the years have passed they achieved individual successes. In 2005, Jackie was 6th Section 29th Open Tours and in 2006 this same pigeon was 3rd Section 3rd Open from the equivalent race. John Gilmour has had an interest in our hobby since he was a boy. Our older readers will recollect the successful partnership of S. & J. Gilmour that raced 6 / 10 into Ecclefechan. This partnership actually comprised schoolboy cousins; Stewart and John guided and assisted by Eddie, who formerly competed under the loft title Gilmour Brothers and Martindale. When John married he set up home in community of Waterbeck and joined Hoddom Club. He and his wife subsequently built a beautiful bungalow at Ecclefechan, which has a large garden that contains an impressive pigeon loft. The loft is 6’ wide and is ‘L’ shaped, containing an 8’ compartment for widowhood cocks, a 4’ compartment for Young Birds and 4’ store on the front elevation and a compartment for widowhood hens and another compartment for stock birds on the side elevation. As the years have passed, he has timed several good birds from the Classics, consider, for example that in 2010 he was 3rd Section from the Inland National from Bovingdon, was 5th Section 56th Open from the S.N.F.C. Blue Riband event from Alencon in 2013 and in 2015 was 3rd Section 196th Open Eastbourne. In time he worked the team on a widowhood method from the earlier races and re-paired them for the channel. In 2017, however, he decided to continue racing cocks and hens on widowhood, right out to the channel. This obviously paid dividends as he featured in the prize list in the very competitive Hoddom Club throughout the season and then came out and won Scottish Blue Riband event from Alencon, securing the famous Gold Cup and the King George V Cup. The National winner is a Dark Chequer cock named ‘Gilly’, which was 2 y.o. when he won the Classic; it had five races as a youngster, raced from Lymm, Wollaston and Cheltenham as a yearling and in 2017 went to Charnock Richard (1), Charnock Richard (2), Stafford, Wollaston, Cheltenham and Marlborough, which was flown on the same day as the Inland National from Buckingham. He reared two youngsters at the gateway to the season and was thereafter worked true widowhood. He went to the race with his first flight ¾ grown. Dam is a Theo Rutten, which was obtained from friends Shaun and Linda Trodden whilst the Sire is a Red Cock that was bred by Martin Adair from Flimby in West Cumbria. Sean and Linda first purchased examples of the Rutten family some twenty years ago, direct from the breeders and through ongoing introductions have formed a superb team of Rutten pigeons. Theo and Raymond Rutten reside at Groesbeek, Netherlands and are the owners of a superb family of pigeons based on the bloodlines of Janssen Brothers of Arendonk. They first visited the Brothers at Arendonk in 1958 and continued to visit them on a regular basis, obtaining stock on an annual basis. They also acquired pigeons from Jules Wouters of Keerbergen, who purchased the very best of Janssen bloodlines. Theo and Raymond Rutten supplemented the Janssen line by purchasing stock from Gebr. Janssen, concentrating on the line of the ‘Chantilly’ and ‘Winterjongen and from Henri van Venrooij of Deurne, who obtained his original stock direct from Janssen Brothers. National wins achieved by Theo and Raymond Rutten include 1st National Orleans competing against 17,211 pigeons. 1st National Montlucon competing against 7,000 + pigeons, 1st National St Quentin competing against 6,611 pigeons, 1st National St Vincent competing against 2,424 pigeons and 1st National Chantilly competing against 23,193 pigeons. In 2016 Sean and Linda Trodden set the Solway Federation alight with this family, gaining a succession of sparkling results and at the end of the season were presented with the trophy as Solway Federation Fancier(s) of the Year. In 2018 they were 2nd Open S.N.F.C. Maidstone and were once more presented with the Federation Fancier of the Year Trophy. Move forward to 2019 and once again they were awarded the Percy Cameron Memorial Trophy as East Section Fancier(s) of the Year. During the current season they were 1st Section 2nd Open S.N.F.C. Upper Heyford with a super Blue cock that was 1st Federation from Lymm (1), 1st Federation Cheltenham, 1st Federation again from Lymm (2) and with pigeons being duplicated out of the Upper Heyford National into the Federation was once more 1st Federation. Following the Upper Heyford National, Sean and Linda were 1st Section 1st Open S.N.F.C. Yeovil. Martin Adair is the son of the late Bobby Adair, who was 7 / 10 unquestionably one of the very best fanciers in the North of England and Southern Scotland. Racing a modest team of pigeons on the natural system, he and Martin won the noted Big Cup in the Derwent Valley Federation on ten occasions for the best average from all races through to the longest channel race. The Sire of the Red Cock, which John Gilmour obtained from Martin, was 8th Fed Nantes. He was bred direct from Bobby and Martin Adair’s noted Red Hen, which was the first Gold Award winner in Cumbria. The Sire of the Red Cock that John Gilmour obtained from Martin was also the Sire of the Red Cock that Jimmy Dalgliesh from Ecclefechan obtained from Flimby, which bred the noted ‘Hoddom Dynamo’. In 2019 the Scottish National Blue Riband event was flown from Burdinne, Belgium with the convoy being released at 5.30 am and John Gilmour featured at the front of the result again timing at 2.31pm to be 1st South Section 2nd Open National. The winning pigeon was 3 y.o. Dark Chequer hen ‘Gilly’s Lass’, which deserves special mention. It went to Charnock Richard as a youngster. In 2017 as a yearling it was paired during the first week in January and reared two youngsters. It was then put on Roundabout and went through the programme to the Inland National from Bedhampton and was 44th Section 223rd Open. It then began toying on with another hen, identically bred. John chose to leave them together; the Dark hen laid and went to Falaise covering twelve day eggs. Pigeons were liberated at 6.15am into a light S.W. wind and the hen was timed with the leaders at 2.47pm to be 5th Section 6th Open National. In 2018 the hen was once more paired in January, went to nest and was thereafter put on Roundabout. It then went through the programme to the Inland National from Buckingham and was thereafter re-paired and went to the S.N.F.C. Blue Riband event from Liege sitting deep on eggs with the eggs hatching the day after the race. Pigeons were liberated at 5.15am into a N.E. win and John timed the hen at 5.22pm to be 3rd Section 3rd Open National. In 2019 it was paired in January and hatched a pair of youngsters, being split from its mate when feeding the youngsters with the cock finishing the youngsters off. It was then put on Roundabout and went through the programme to the Inland National from Buckingham. It was then re-paired with the intention of getting it on a wee youngster at basketing for the Gold Cup race from Burdinne. It was a wee bit slow at laying, however and was actually sitting deep due to hatch. John slipped her a chipping egg before despatch, however, to give her an edge and she duly responded gaining 1st Section 2nd Open National. Sire is a Deweerdt from Andy Gregson whilst the Dam is a Grizzle Koopman from Ernie Goodyear with both parents being purchased at Blackpool Show. She is obviously a truly exceptional pigeon to have gained a 2nd, 3rd and 6th Open National, with two of the performances being from Scotland’s Premier Race!
  5. Copied from Facebook Was sad to hear the recent passing of Solway Fancier Jack Gilmour.. Jack won the Inaugural ‘Graham Hughes Memorial’ Trophy which the SDDC ran this year, and will continue to run. A trophy close to my heart in honour of one of my best friends late father. We spent a lovely morning presenting Jack with his trophy and winnings.. a look round the loft and blether of days gone past. The family said that day meant that much to him that they put the photo of us together in the order of service. Getting even a bit emotional writing this, but that’s what doo racing is all about, the friendship it can bring, with moments and memories to cherish forever. Certainly reaffirmed a real desire in The SDDC lads that we can be a positive force in the Sport. From Mick, Dennis Snr, Dennis Jnr, Andrew and myself….. Fly high and enjoy the big dookit in the sky Jack, you have earned it and I’ll think of you often with a smile. X
  6. R.I.P. Edie our thoughts are with the family at this difficult time
  7. Copied from Facebook
  8. Copied from Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/r/Uk51HRRKAPSzuFbm/
  9. https://www.northernpremieronlineauctions.com/shop/auctions/mark-evans-m-d-evans/?fbclid=IwY2xjawGV0bZleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHRZtB9g5eTnhupR4d1lMRK_QMQSL4Q-JslDBzeqiVqvmdk5-ngQB_T2FZw_aem_NCJOuLKeQz8X4T4-eT7LHw
  10. Have a look at Body and Ridewood site https://www.pigeons.co.uk/
  11. Hi Sorry for the delay but our daughter has been in hospital for an operation as she has cancer in her foot. They have taken a piece of her arm and put it into her foot. Thankfully she is now home and we have been going to see her every 2 days but it doesn't leave much time for anything else. To tell you the truth we are shattered (too old for all this running about) Once again sorry for not sending my column on a weekly basis. The Joe Murphy Column Received an email from Paul Sumner from Australia who wrote; ‘Hi Joe, I wondered if you would you be interested in some photos of some pigeons partly down from the John Ellis pigeons that are being raced in South Australia and some details about them for your BHW column. They have some good results from Alice Springs which is a distance of 800 miles. I also have some old letters and articles from R M Wardhaugh, from North Berwick in East Lothian who was a correspondent for the BHW in the 1970's and wrote under the nom de plume RMW might be something of interest amongst them for your column? He used to have relatives that lived near my parents and his son visited us at one time. Just let me know. Regards Paul Sumner’. I wrote back and said ‘Yes, I would be very interested in these photos and stories, they seem to go down very well with the readers of my column; I look forward to hearing from you Joe M’. Paul replied ‘I have been talking to Russell Somerville of Williamstown which is about 31 miles North of Adelaide in South Australia. He informed me he has some pigeons down from the late John Ellis of Wellbank that were down from the 2 pairs imported into Australia by Ray Fewings in the early 2000's. Apparently Ray Fewings had arranged to import these 2 pair direct from John Ellis after visiting him while on an organized bus tour of Australian pigeon fanciers visiting different lofts around England and Scotland. And being very impressed with John Ellis's pigeons record in the long-distance races from France. I have been talking to Russell Somerville of Williamstown, which is about 31 miles North of Adelaide in South Australia and he informed me he has some pigeons down from the late John Ellis of Wellbank. They were down from the 2 pairs imported into Australia by Ray Fewings in the early 2000's. Apparently Ray Fewings had arranged to import some direct from John Ellis after visiting him while on an organized bus tour of Australian Pigeon Fanciers visiting different lofts around England and Scotland. He had been very impressed with John Ellis's pigeons’ records in the long-distance races from France. I have enclosed some photos, the red chequer cock, which is the sire of red chequer pied hen SA 18 15239, being 9th place in the South Australian Homing Pigeon Association race from Alice Springs, a distance of 830 miles in 2020. It was only12 minutes behind the winner, after 19 hours16 minutes on the wing. It was flown by the Buxton and Snyders Partnership of the Southern District club in Adelaide and bred by Russell Somerville. The red chequer cock is the son of SA 07 35406 the red chequer pied hen bred by Ray Fewings. The red chequer pied was the daughter of one of the pairs imported from John Ellis. (Hopefully readers will be able to see the result. The winner’s distance was 1350.222 with their flying time being 19-16-12. You will also see that the Abbott & Son partnership sent 3 birds and timed the 3 of them in to win 2nd 8th & 34th open truly outstanding. The Buxton & Snyders partnership sent 3 birds I have sent a photo of the red chequer pied hen winner of 9th Alice Springs just after she arrived from the 830-mile race having a feed. Also, a photo of a red chequer hen, another daughter of the red chequer cock being kept for stock to mate back to her sire. Russell said he is hopeful of getting a red chequer pied to strengthen the Ellis Blood. Also enclosed is a photo of the 2020 result list for the Alice Springs Race and some photos of the Alice Springs release and road trip photos on the return, hundreds of miles of nothing and very scarce water sources. Russell and I are wondering if there is anyone still keeping the bloodlines of John Ellis' birds. I was told by a friend that the late John Duthie of Dundee had done well with them. Russell Somerville just sent me another photo of the McDonald Ranges just to show that the Pigeons don’t just have to fly over flat country when competing in the Alice Springs Race, They have to encounter the McDonald Ranges. Hope all I have sent you will be of interest to your readers at some stage. That is all for now. Regards Paul Sumner. I hope fanciers have enjoyed the above from Paul, it was also good to know that the late John Ellis birds are still doing well out in Australia; with lovely photographs sent by Paul. Scottish pigeons (not all of them are) however quite a number are bred from good proven long distance winning pigeons as the above has proven. My thanks to Paul for the above information and may I wish the above fanciers all the very best for the future. Before I move onto the weekly results; I don’t think fanciers realise how far my column is read throughout the world; the above story is from Australia, I have had a request from a fancier from Malta enquiring about a Scottish Fancier, another from Ireland, the list goes on and on. It also pleases me to know that my column is well received in these countries. Results East of Scotland Federation Good to have Tom McEwan back with us; however, Tom is not keeping in the best of health just now but is prepared to give me the weekly result. Therefore, it will be up to the winning fanciers (if they wish) to email me the details of their winning birds, as I can add this to Tom’s result. It is not fair to ask him to phone around everyone for these details as the man is not keeping well, it is up to them. From the Consett race the convoy was liberated at 07-40am into a west to south west win. Topping the federation and also taking 3rd & 10th positions is Keith Howie of Prestonpans. SNFC double national winner George Veitch of East Salton takes 2nd & 9th places, with Tom and his son Scott taking 4th open. Andrew Gill of Haddington wins 5th & 6th open and completing the top ten is Bobby Dickson of Prestonpans winning 8th & 9th open. Elphinstone Club wining the first 2 places is Keith Howie with Tom & Scott McEwan taking 3rd place. Arbroath Racing Pigeon Club News from Charlie Cameron with the result of the 4th Wooler young bird race with 6 members sending 134 birds; these were liberated at 08-00am on 17th August into a south west wind. Charlie and son Glen win the first 3 places with Les McKay winning 4th 7th & 9th positions. Paul Cameron wins 5th & 6th with Graham McKenzie winning 8th & 10th position. Angus Federation News from David Liddle who writes; ‘Hi Joe, please find results attached for our young bird race on 10th August from Wooler. The strong westerly wind affected the birds and the first arrivals were slower than expected and an erratic race followed. Following his federation and combine win at the first young bird race, Adam Golicki emulated his result by taking the first four positions in the Forfar club, Angus Federation and the Angus & Dundee combined result. Adam lives near the top of Glen Prosen and did not expect to be in with a chance due to the strong west winds which should favour the birds on the coast. His first two pigeons were home bred grizzles from pigeons he was given by a friend when he started up in 2018. He believes they are Kirkpatrick’s regards; David forwarded the results attached for Forfar RPC and Angus federation second Wooler race on 17th August with 18 members sending 491 birds. Like last week there was a blustery south west wind for the birds to contend with and the race was a bit erratic with the early birds making good time and coming well and then slowing up for no obvious reason with a few empty perches at the end of the day. A group of eight birds hit Forfar 10 members sending 304 birds; after an hour and three quarters and it was one to Ken Droog & son which trapped fastest to win the club, federation and also top the Angus & Dundee combined result. Two birds for Ian Scott and five for Davie Glen filled the first eight places followed by five to D & D Hay in Gourdon and six to Charlie & Glen Cameron with another for Ian Scott completing the federation top twenty; regards, David’. Scottish Central Federation News from Peter Keogh with the result of the Thirsk race flown on 17th August with the 741 birds liberated at 07-00 hours with no wind at the race point. J Boyd takes the first 3 place plus 14th 17th & 20th with Joe Smith winning 4th 8th & 9th Tam Manger wins 5th & 6th positions with Charlie Job winning 7th 13th 15th 16th & 18th positions. Martin Brown wins 10th 11th & 19th places. Bernie wrote; Winchburgh club sent 236 birds Thirsk which were liberated into blue skies and no wind. Taking 1st & 2nd club 5th & 6th fed is Tam Manger with a pair of his Ritchie Elliot Ceusters on the darkness.3rd & 4th club and taking 7th, 13th , 15th , 16th & 18th fed is Charlie Job who is having a great season. Well done Tam and Charlie. Additional information from Charlie Job on his first two birds from Thirsk. Both birds are darkness youngsters one is a Herman Ceusters Ritchie Elliott 2 sire is from Peter Hall lofts ‘Mr Perfect’ blood lines; Dam from Kenny Droog. Thanks once again Joe yours Bernie. Fife Federation News from Geordie Todd with the result of the Darlington race flown on the 17th August with the 493 birds liberated at 7:00 in a south west wind. Birdage was as follows; Methilhaven 75 birds; Kennoway 90 birds; Lochgelly 35 birds; St Andrews 27 birds, Dunfermline 112 birds and Crossgates 154 birds. The federation top ten and the east section top ten are the same; with B Chalmers of Kennoway winning first 3 places; Jim & Gary Peggie oof Methilhaven club are 4th & 5th with Tam Laing of Kennoway in 6th place. David Armour of Methilhaven club is 7th & 8th with Brian Kinnear of Kennoway club winning 9th & 10th positions. The west section is won by A Simpson of Dunfermline who also takes the 10th position. J Hynd & son of Lochgelly club wins 2nd 3rd 4th 7th 8th & 9th with Alaistair McCudden of Crossgates club in 5th spot with club mate R Cook in 6th position. John Harcus wins St Andrews club. Kingdom Federation news from Pete Penman who writes, ‘Hi Joe, the Kingdom were at Darlington for our 4th young bird race. Coaltown of Balgonie’s Gary Hall is leading the way with a home bred Herman Ceusters chequer white flight hen sitting 15-day eggs. Sandy Proctor of St Serfs was 2nd with a blue cock from Brian Gorton bloodlines. 3rd & 5th is Coaltown’s Chic Dinsdale his first is a Jos Stone cross grizzle hen. Then a chequer cock who is a grandson of his good blue pied hen. In 4th place again is Gary Hall with another home bred Herman Ceuster chequer cock. With 6th place going to Alec Brunton of St Serfs with a chequer hen bought in a lot of 6 from Paul Dryden from Newcastle. Kind regards Pete’. Almond Valley Federation News from Lynne who writes ‘Hi Joe, I've attached you a copy of federations result from Alnwick 2 young bird race with an entry of 740 birds, which is as follows. Bonnybridge club’s S Russell tops the federation with a bird doing 1232 velocity. He also wins 5th 6th & 20th open. D McBeath of Armadale club wins 2nd position with Geordie Harris of Bonnybridge club winning 3rd & 4th places. James Burnside of Armadale club is 7th with John Bird of West Calder club winning 8th 14th & 19th open. John Hadfield of Armadale club wins 9th to 13th plus 15th to 18th places. Armadale 152 birds; D McBeath 1225.257, J Burnside 1208.835, J Hadfield 1206.529, 1206.362 Balerno 16 J Fairley 989.118 Bonnybridge 246 birds; S Russell 1232.229, G Harris 1220.792, 1220.647, S Russell 1218.123, Carnwath 41 birds; Dr J Salmond 851.586, Thomson Bros & I Thomson 767.209, 740.698, 669.693 East Calder 49 birds; F Jamieson & Son 1155.801, 1110.329, 1104.600, 1087.336 Fauldhouse 176 birds; T Gavin 1191.734, S Redmond 1185.946, T Gavin 1179.945, J Angus-Beaton 1174.541 West Calder 60 birds; J Bird 1207.136, 1205.635, 1202.148, 1187.750 North of Scotland Federation News from George Duthie with the Auchendinny 1 young bird race flown on 17th August with 35 members sending 857 birds these were liberated in a south west wind. The east section had 16 members sending 474 birds winning the first 25 open positions. Neil Holt of Peterhead & District who is having a great season wins 1st 2nd & 5th positions. S Glue of the same club wins 3rd 8th & 10th with Maskame & Cordiner winning 4th 6th & 7th places. Gordon Willox wins 9th 14th & 15th positions with Colin McRae of Fraserburgh & District club winning 11th 12th & 13th places. A W Buchan of Fraserburgh & District wins 16th 17th & 18th open with R Bain of the same club wins 19th 20th & 22nd open. R McKenzie of Inverurie club wins 23rd section and open with A Higgins of Fraserburgh West End club winning 24th & 25th section and open. The West Section had 19 members sending 383 birds and winning 1st 2nd & 3rd section and 26th 27th & 28th open is A Cruickshank of Keith club. His club mate Ronnie Wilson wins 4th 5th & 6th west section 29th 30th & 31st open with his club mates Duncan & Thomson winning 7th section 32nd open. Devern Valley’s G McLeod is 8th section 33rd open with Keith’s A Flett winning 9th & 10th west section 34th & 35th open. Clubs First Bird N Holt wins Peterhead & District velocity 1714.756; Colin McRae wins Fraserburgh & District velocity 1644.492; Fraserburgh West End is won by A Higgins velocity 1571.473. Inverurie club is won by R McKenzie doing a velocity of 1556.665. A Cruickshank wins Keith with a velocity of 1535.107. Devern Valley is won by G McLeod velocity 1451.058 with Elgin & District club won by W Ritchie on a velocity of 1293.521. George finishes his report by wishing Neil Holt on topping the federation and the same congratulations to S Cruickshank on winning the West Section. Central Federation News from Peter Keogh who informs us that the Federation sent 741 birds to Thirsk; these were liberated at 07-00am into blue skies with no wind at the race point. Winchburgh club sent 236 birds; to Thirsk which were liberated at 07.00am Taking 1st & 2nd club 5th & 6th federation is Tam Manger with a pair of his Ritchie Elliot Ceusters on the darkness. 3rd & 4th club and taking 7th, 13th, 15th, 16th and 18th federation is Charlie Job who is having a great season; regards Peter. Pentland Hills Federation News from Andy Miller with the Consett race flown on Saturday 17th August with 48 lofts sending 1148 birds, these were liberated at 07-40am into a west to south west wind. Andy writes; ‘Joe, for our fourth young bird race of the 2024 season it was again from Consett. This turned out a lot better than last week’s race which suffered heavy losses resulting in more than a thousand less entries on the transporter. Anyhow 1148 birds were competing and winning 1st 2nd & 7th are the partnership of Davie Brown & the late Jim Black & loft laddie Peter from Whitecraigs, who fly their birds in Woodburn P.C. They timed a home bred blue hen a “Heinz 57,” from all the lofts leading lines. Sire is a Gabby crossed Geerinckx when paired to a Herman Ceusters hen flown on the darkness. Davie tells me this was his last race of the season due to the horrendous losses. Third open are the Winters Family of Danderhall with W Kinnear & son from the same club winning 4th & 13th positions. L Affleck of Edinburgh Premier is 5th with J Dowling of Danderhall club in 6th position. Black & Robertson of Danderhall are 7th with Lindsay & Mackie of the same club in 8th place. Woodburn’s Helen Aitken & sons take the next 3 positions with Roberston & Black winning 12th & 20th open positions. G Stewart of Woodburn is 14th with Danderhall members D Crookston winning 15th K Wright being 16th S McVey is 17th W Hume is 18th and D Brown is 19th open. I believe young bird racing needs a complete re-vamp, starting with, when we the fanciers actually start and finish breeding, racing & educating them, followed by transportation and finally liberations. Food for thought! Joe; kindest regards Andy’ 27 Day Space Weather Outlook Table. 2024 Aug 19 0225 UTC UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index 2024 Aug 19 225 5 2 2024 Aug 20 225 5 2 2024 Aug 21 215 5 2 2024 Aug 22 210 10 3 2024 Aug 23 200 8 3 2024 Aug 24 200 5 2 2024 Aug 25 205 5 2 2024 Aug 26 210 5 2 2024 Aug 27 205 5 2 2024 Aug 28 200 5 2 2024 Aug 29 205 5 2 2024 Aug 30 205 5 2 2024 Aug 31 210 5 2 2024 Sep 01 215 5 2 2024 Sep 02 220 5 2 2024 Sep 03 220 5 2 2024 Sep 04 225 5 2 2024 Sep 05 225 5 2 2024 Sep 06 225 5 2 2024 Sep 07 220 5 2 2024 Sep 08 220 5 2 2024 Sep 09 225 5 2 2024 Sep 10 230 5 2 2024 Sep 11 230 5 2 2024 Sep 12 230 5 2 2024 Sep 13 225 5 2 2024 Sep 14 225 5 2 Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to joejmurphy1@gmail.com REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or log onto www.elimarpigeons.com www.fancierchat.co.uk www.pigeon-chat.co.uk who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland © Compiled by Joe Murphy
  12. Copied from Facebook The informal meeting in Kennoway today was very progressive with most of the Federations represented. Race points and dates were proposed along with section and open pools to be flown for. Transportation shouldn’t be an issue as there are Federations with Geraldy and/or panniers. The proposed 3 races and dates are: Grantham on May 24th. Kettering on June 7th both Friday basketting. Ramsgate on June 21st with Thursday basketting. The representatives can now take this back to their respective Feds and hopefully move forward saving money for all concerned.
  13. The wife goes nuts, because I start putting our clocks back this afternoon
  14. Here is the final installment of the Fechan story, Jim Dalgliesh, gold cup winner No.4 and who's record probably makes him the best flier ever to reside in the village. We now move forward to the S.N.F.C. 2022 Gold Cup race from Alencon. The convoy was liberated at 6.30am with Jimmy Dalgliesh from Ecclefechan timing at 5.39pm to win the Classic with a velocity of 1260ypm. Jimmy is an octogenarian and a truly outstanding fancier; he only houses a modest team in simple back garden lofts but, nevertheless, has won out of turn year after year and has raced a number of really good pigeons. Amongst birds of note that he has owned was Blue Cock ‘Tranquillity Boy’, which was a truly exceptional pigeon. This marvellous Cock initially competed with the S.N.F.C. in 1998 when 2 y.o. and was 29th Sect. 96th Open from the Inland national from Frome. Some two weeks later he went to the Gold Cup race from Rennes and was up with the leaders to be 9th Sect. 14th Open. The following season he again raced from Frome and was 13th Open and was thereafter doubled back into Rennes when he was 11th Sect. 15th Open. In the Millennium season he once more went to the Inland National, which was from Newbury and was 24th Open. He thereafter competed from Messac and was 11th Sect. 17th Open. Jimmy did not send to the channel in 2001 due to problems caused by Foot and Mouth Disease. The cock competed from three Inland Nationals, however, and was 11th Open Frome, 109th Open Hastings and 96th Open Portland. ‘Tranquillity Boy’ was bred from direct stock introduced from Tony Mardon, the grandparents being ‘Rebate’ x ‘Retain’ and ‘Reproach’ x ‘Relax’. Amongst other SVR’s to emerge was a year 2000 Blue Cock that was 1st South Section 3rd Open S.N.F.C. Chenoise 2002, when there were only three arrivals into Scotland on the day of liberation. The Sire known as ‘680’ was a full brother of ‘Tranquillity Boy’. The Dam, meanwhile, was homebred from a Cock known as ‘The Mardon Cock’ when he was coupled to a hen that was introduced from Tranquillity Lofts bred from ‘Random’ and ‘Resolve’. ‘The Mardon Cock’ was bred from ‘Racket’ and ‘Resign’ and proved to be an extra special producer as he bred sixteen individual Club winners, six 1st Fed. winners and two Section winners from the Y.B. National. In 2009 Jimmy won the Falaise National with a 3 y.o. Mealy hen that was named ‘Hoddom Dynamo’, taking its name from the football team that played at Ecclefechan in days gone by. The Mealy Hen was a real topper winning out of turn from the young bird stage. Dam was bred from a SVR cock when coupled to a Hoffkens hen. The Hoffkens hen was sister to two hens, which each won the Section from the Y.B. National. The SVR Cock was homebred from an Ian Axe SVR when coupled to the loft’s noted ‘The Mardon Cock’ to which I referred. Sire of ‘Hoddom Dynamo’ was obtained from Martin Adair from Flimby, West Cumbria. As previously explained, Martin is the son of the late Bobby Adair, who was one of the best fanciers in the North of England and Southern Scotland. Bobby and Martin won the noted Big Cup in the Derwent Valley Federation on ten occasions for the best average from all races through to the longest channel race. The Sire of the Red Cock, which Jimmy obtained from Martin, was 8th Fed Nantes, being bred direct from Bobby and Martin Adair’s noted Red Hen, which was the first Gold Award winner in Cumbria. This hen scored in the Fed. from the channel on twelve occasions and featured in the first fifty of the Cumbria Combine result from the channel on eight occasions. Dam of the Red cock that Jimmy obtained from Martin Adair was a Mealy, bred by Tommy Nichol from Langholm. Tommy used to visit West Cumbria and formed a friendship with Martin’s father. Through their friendship, Bobby Adair gifted Tommy a son of the good Red Hen, which he coupled to a daughter of ‘Jack’s Boy’ that was bred and raced by Dickie Harkness and was 1st Open S.N.F.C. Rennes. This pairing produced a noted hen that left winners for several fanciers across the country and when Tommy Nichol left the fancy, Martin Adair made a point of purchasing the hen. The pigeon that Jimmy obtained from Martin Adair was a full brother of another Red Cock that fellow Club member, John Gilmour obtained from Flimby that bred the noted ‘Gilly’, which was 1st Open S.N.F.C. Alencon, 2017. Working with a handful of pigeons, Jimmy has and continues to feature in the Classic results, year after year. Consider, for example, that he has won the Section with the National eleven times and in recent years was 1st Section S.N.F.C. Eastbourne in 2015, move forward to 2016 and he was 1st Section 2nd Open S.N.F.C. Buckingham, move two years further forward and he was 2nd Section S.N.F.C. Ypres followed the next year by being 2nd Section 3rd Open S.N.F.C. Maidstone. Move forward to season 2020, when due to Covid-19 the members of the S.N.F.C. only competed from two Old Bird Nationals; Jimmy was 3rd Section Maidstone and 2nd and 3rd Section from Reims. During the season past he recorded his second National win when he headed the result from S.N.F.C. Eastbourne, heading the result by 65ypm. The pigeon on this occasion was named ‘Hoddom Ranger’ taking its name from another local football team. One just has to see Jimmy working with the pigeons to realise just how good he is. He has a great eye for a pigeon but ultimately, the basket is his selector. It must be further understood that from the young bird stage he works them hard and literally makes them into pigeons. He has wonderful control over his birds also, consider that in recent months friend John Hodgson had reason to visit Ecclefechan and during the visit Jimmy let him see his small team of pigeons. He said to John “do you want to see the youngsters”, opened the door of the young bird loft and brought the team out onto the gravel at the front of the shed. He then, without problem, put them back in the loft and closed the door. John said “I couldn’t believe it, how many other fanciers can do that”. Jimmy Dalgliesh’s National winner from Alencon is a 2 y.o. Blue Chequer hen that had four races to Bellerby as a youngster and seven races to Yeovil as a yearling. It was coupled in January this year, reared a pair of youngsters and worked on the Natural method had four races to Upper Heyford, before going to Alencon. It went to the race on its fifth flight, covering 10 day eggs. Dam is a noted hen obtained from Scott Irving from Annan. Sire of the Scott Irving hen is ‘Sprinter 44’ that won the Fed. as a youngster and is brother to another cock that was 99th Open S.N.F.C. Alencon as a yearling. Paternal grandsire is ‘Mr.Lambrini’ whilst the Paternal grand-dam was bred by George Hilson from Bury. ‘Mr.Lambrini’ was bred by Stevie Ferguson from Annan direct from Stevie’s 2008 Tours National winner and is the Paternal grandsire of Scott Irving’s 2013 National winner from Ancenis. It should be understood that Stevie’s Tours winner was a 2002 Chequer Pied Hen which competed from Tours in 2004 and was timed at 6.10am on the second day to be 1st Section 6th Open. She then went back to the same race point in 2008 and won the National being the only bird on the day of liberation. Dam of the Scott Irving hen is a full sister to ‘History Maker’ that was 1st Section from the Y.B. National in 2013 and ‘Dalambo’ that was 3rd Open Inland National. Maternal grandsire is a noted Black Pied cock named ‘Back from the Dead’. Having been lost from a channel race he was reported in Holland and some twelve months later, Scott secured his return. He was bred from the same ‘Mr.Lambrini’ when paired to a White Flight hen that was obtained from the late Henry Beattie and was the grand dam of Scott Irving’s 3rd Open S.N.F.C. Bourges 2010. This hen, incidentally, contained the lines of Tom Marshall’s East Down Combine winner from Lambelle. Maternal grand-dam was bred by the same Jimmy Dalgliesh, direct from ‘Hoddom Dynamo’, the 2009 Falaise National winner. Sire of the National winner from Alencon is a Blue cock that was purchased from Andrew Lawley from Ellesmere by Jimmy’s daughter, Cindy, who gifted it to her father as a Christmas present. It has proved to be an extra special acquisition as it has bred a number of winners. Dam of the Blue cock is a direct daughter of M & D Evans ‘Joe Jones’ when paired to ‘Lady Arras’. ‘Joe Jones’ was one of the best breeders at Myrtle Lofts with his name featuring in the pedigrees of winners across the entire country. ‘Lady Arras’s was a direct daughter of ‘Jong Wittenbuik’ which was a direct son of the world famous ‘Wittenbuik. Sire of the Blue cock was bred from a further daughter of M. & D. Evans ‘Joe Jones’ x ‘Lady Arras’ when paired to ‘Woodface’ that was 1st Midland National Carentan. ‘Woodface’ has proved to be Sire, G.Sire and G.G.Sire of Club, Federation and Specialist Club winners. The Alencon National winner has been named ‘Hoddom Belle’, being named after Jimmy’s late wife. In former years Jim Renwick organised Scotland’ Own Quiz Evenings at nominated venues across Scotland. One of the venues was Ecclefechan with the local organiser being Jimmy Graham. It was my pleasure to act as Chairman at Ecclefechan and over the years I had the pleasure of being in the company of a number of really good fanciers. In November 1989, I participated in a Quiz in the village and on arrival at the venue it was packed to the door with fanciers present from across the country. Pigeons were on display, which were to be auctioned, prizes for the Raffle were also on display and on another table were Scotland’s Own Books which had just been published and were available for purchase. At the head of the Hall was a podium surrounded by a number of chairs, set in a semi-circle. The Panel comprised Bert Hession, George Brownlie, Ken Gardiner and local fancier, John Jamieson. The Quiz commenced with the Panel being asked the normal questions. Our concentration was distracted, however when a ‘personality’ entered the room, immaculately dressed wearing a ‘Prince Charles Mask’. He walked amongst the tables gesturing with a regal wave and then moved to the front of the room, took hold of the microphone and moved to the podium. He removed the mask to reveal the same ‘Dun’ Graham, he brought out a ‘Big Red Book’ and as only he could, said “James Dalgliesh, this is your Life”. We thereafter entered into a truly Magical hour, reflecting on James’ achievements and importantly as he spoke, he made reference also to the Classic winners who had competed into our area over the years and if they were present in the Hall, invited them forward to sit in the semi-circle at the front of the Hall. ‘Dun’ was a superb entertainer and interlaced the story he was telling with loads of humour and had everyone but everyone laughing at his antics. Ken Gardiner was sitting next to me and said “this is the best function I’ve ever attended, are they always like this”. ‘Dun’ moved through time and when he advanced to 1976 he reminded the audience that there was a record entry at Rennes in 1976 with the four Section winners all featuring in the first eleven in the Open result. He then said “on the night of the race a little man with a moustache was pacing around his garden in Edinburgh, scratching his head saying where is this place called Ecclefechan, if he didn’t know then he certainly knows now, come up here Joe Murray”. Amidst rapturous applause Joe Murray stepped to the front of the room to join the other winners. Aye, as I said when I entered into this article; whilst the village of Ecclefechan may be small in stature, it is considered a giant in the world of pigeon racing.
  15. Here's the story of John Gilmours Gold Cup winner, No.3 for the 'Fechan'.(WP Wortley). In 2017 the S.N.F.C. Blue Riband event was flown from Alencon, with the convoy being released at 5.45am on Monday 3rd July, following a three day hold-over. John Gilmour from Ecclefechan timed at 7.10pm to win the National with a velocity of 1049ypm, 39ypm ahead of the second pigeon in the result. John is a member of a very successful pigeon family, with his father, Jackie, being a very good fancier. Jackie and his brother Eddie, who flew under the loft title Gilmour Brothers and Martindale, won the Vaux Usher Y.B. National in 1963 with a Red cock that was bred by Hughie Falconer from Mid Calder. In the 1960’s and early 1970’s, Jackie and Eddie housed one of the best teams of pigeons in the Solway area. In 1967, for example, they gained the first three positions in the Section from S.N.F.C. Avranches and in 1974 they were 3rd Open S.N.F.C. Avranches. In time the brothers formed their own separate lofts and as the years have passed they achieved individual successes. In 2005, Jackie was 6th Section 29th Open Tours and in 2006 this same pigeon was 3rd Section 3rd Open from the equivalent race. John Gilmour has had an interest in our hobby since he was a boy. Our older readers will recollect the successful partnership of S. & J. Gilmour that raced 6 / 10 into Ecclefechan. This partnership actually comprised schoolboy cousins; Stewart and John guided and assisted by Eddie, who formerly competed under the loft title Gilmour Brothers and Martindale. When John married he set up home in community of Waterbeck and joined Hoddom Club. He and his wife subsequently built a beautiful bungalow at Ecclefechan, which has a large garden that contains an impressive pigeon loft. The loft is 6’ wide and is ‘L’ shaped, containing an 8’ compartment for widowhood cocks, a 4’ compartment for Young Birds and 4’ store on the front elevation and a compartment for widowhood hens and another compartment for stock birds on the side elevation. As the years have passed, he has timed several good birds from the Classics, consider, for example that in 2010 he was 3rd Section from the Inland National from Bovingdon, was 5th Section 56th Open from the S.N.F.C. Blue Riband event from Alencon in 2013 and in 2015 was 3rd Section 196th Open Eastbourne. In time he worked the team on a widowhood method from the earlier races and re-paired them for the channel. In 2017, however, he decided to continue racing cocks and hens on widowhood, right out to the channel. This obviously paid dividends as he featured in the prize list in the very competitive Hoddom Club throughout the season and then came out and won Scottish Blue Riband event from Alencon, securing the famous Gold Cup and the King George V Cup. The National winner is a Dark Chequer cock named ‘Gilly’, which was 2 y.o. when he won the Classic; it had five races as a youngster, raced from Lymm, Wollaston and Cheltenham as a yearling and in 2017 went to Charnock Richard (1), Charnock Richard (2), Stafford, Wollaston, Cheltenham and Marlborough, which was flown on the same day as the Inland National from Buckingham. He reared two youngsters at the gateway to the season and was thereafter worked true widowhood. He went to the race with his first flight ¾ grown. Dam is a Theo Rutten, which was obtained from friends Shaun and Linda Trodden whilst the Sire is a Red Cock that was bred by Martin Adair from Flimby in West Cumbria. Sean and Linda first purchased examples of the Rutten family some twenty years ago, direct from the breeders and through ongoing introductions have formed a superb team of Rutten pigeons. Theo and Raymond Rutten reside at Groesbeek, Netherlands and are the owners of a superb family of pigeons based on the bloodlines of Janssen Brothers of Arendonk. They first visited the Brothers at Arendonk in 1958 and continued to visit them on a regular basis, obtaining stock on an annual basis. They also acquired pigeons from Jules Wouters of Keerbergen, who purchased the very best of Janssen bloodlines. Theo and Raymond Rutten supplemented the Janssen line by purchasing stock from Gebr. Janssen, concentrating on the line of the ‘Chantilly’ and ‘Winterjongen and from Henri van Venrooij of Deurne, who obtained his original stock direct from Janssen Brothers. National wins achieved by Theo and Raymond Rutten include 1st National Orleans competing against 17,211 pigeons. 1st National Montlucon competing against 7,000 + pigeons, 1st National St Quentin competing against 6,611 pigeons, 1st National St Vincent competing against 2,424 pigeons and 1st National Chantilly competing against 23,193 pigeons. In 2016 Sean and Linda Trodden set the Solway Federation alight with this family, gaining a succession of sparkling results and at the end of the season were presented with the trophy as Solway Federation Fancier(s) of the Year. In 2018 they were 2nd Open S.N.F.C. Maidstone and were once more presented with the Federation Fancier of the Year Trophy. Move forward to 2019 and once again they were awarded the Percy Cameron Memorial Trophy as East Section Fancier(s) of the Year. During the current season they were 1st Section 2nd Open S.N.F.C. Upper Heyford with a super Blue cock that was 1st Federation from Lymm (1), 1st Federation Cheltenham, 1st Federation again from Lymm (2) and with pigeons being duplicated out of the Upper Heyford National into the Federation was once more 1st Federation. Following the Upper Heyford National, Sean and Linda were 1st Section 1st Open S.N.F.C. Yeovil. Martin Adair is the son of the late Bobby Adair, who was 7 / 10 unquestionably one of the very best fanciers in the North of England and Southern Scotland. Racing a modest team of pigeons on the natural system, he and Martin won the noted Big Cup in the Derwent Valley Federation on ten occasions for the best average from all races through to the longest channel race. The Sire of the Red Cock, which John Gilmour obtained from Martin, was 8th Fed Nantes. He was bred direct from Bobby and Martin Adair’s noted Red Hen, which was the first Gold Award winner in Cumbria. The Sire of the Red Cock that John Gilmour obtained from Martin was also the Sire of the Red Cock that Jimmy Dalgliesh from Ecclefechan obtained from Flimby, which bred the noted ‘Hoddom Dynamo’. In 2019 the Scottish National Blue Riband event was flown from Burdinne, Belgium with the convoy being released at 5.30 am and John Gilmour featured at the front of the result again timing at 2.31pm to be 1st South Section 2nd Open National. The winning pigeon was 3 y.o. Dark Chequer hen ‘Gilly’s Lass’, which deserves special mention. It went to Charnock Richard as a youngster. In 2017 as a yearling it was paired during the first week in January and reared two youngsters. It was then put on Roundabout and went through the programme to the Inland National from Bedhampton and was 44th Section 223rd Open. It then began toying on with another hen, identically bred. John chose to leave them together; the Dark hen laid and went to Falaise covering twelve day eggs. Pigeons were liberated at 6.15am into a light S.W. wind and the hen was timed with the leaders at 2.47pm to be 5th Section 6th Open National. In 2018 the hen was once more paired in January, went to nest and was thereafter put on Roundabout. It then went through the programme to the Inland National from Buckingham and was thereafter re-paired and went to the S.N.F.C. Blue Riband event from Liege sitting deep on eggs with the eggs hatching the day after the race. Pigeons were liberated at 5.15am into a N.E. win and John timed the hen at 5.22pm to be 3rd Section 3rd Open National. In 2019 it was paired in January and hatched a pair of youngsters, being split from its mate when feeding the youngsters with the cock finishing the youngsters off. It was then put on Roundabout and went through the programme to the Inland National from Buckingham. It was then re-paired with the intention of getting it on a wee youngster at basketing for the Gold Cup race from Burdinne. It was a wee bit slow at laying, however and was actually sitting deep due to hatch. John slipped her a chipping egg before despatch, however, to give her an edge and she duly responded gaining 1st Section 2nd Open National. Sire is a Deweerdt from Andy Gregson whilst the Dam is a Grizzle Koopman from Ernie Goodyear with both parents being purchased at Blackpool Show. She is obviously a truly exceptional pigeon to have gained a 2nd, 3rd and 6th Open National, with two of the performances being from Scotland’s Premier Race!
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