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Everything posted by Mistifire

  1. She is not puffed at all, she is very alert and she is acting normal aside from her feet. Her droppings looked fine last night, havent seen any yet today but im at work right now. The egg is infertle and she does not have a mate, she is in her pen alone. Last night she was eatting and drinking fine, thismorning she was laying on the blanket i put on the floor of her pen and when i checked her feet she pecked at me like normal but didnt move them away, I moved her food and water closer to where she is laying to make it easier for her to get to them. The only reason she has the egg and im letting her sit on it is because if i take it she will keep laying more, so i let her keep it until she looses interest. She is not acting eggbound either, she had a little trouble with her first two but she was puffed then and i could tell she didnt feel well, she looks fine and I wouldnt have noticed anything wrong unitll she stumbled over her feet.
  2. My pet pigeon seems to be acting normal except when she walked to protect her "nest" she was stumbling, I picked her up and her feet are cold and she will not use her toes to grip. I gently pinched her feet and it seems like she cant feel them at all. The vet is not open until monday and i noticed this on friday night, im taking her in first thing monday but wanted to see if anyone has any sudgestions for now. I hand raised her from an egg, she does not have a band on her leg, she couldnt have injured herself that I know of because the cage she was in prevents her from flying while im out of the house. she is an inside bird and is not with any other birds, she layed an egg and has been sitting on it for a few days, I was going to trade it out for a wood one to keep her from laying again but she is not on her nest, she just sits on the floor. she gets calcium and I know she gets enough because her eggs are solid not flimsy. Please help me with my baby :'( She is about a year old now.
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