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In Egg! (Newbie)

In Egg! (Newbie) (1/8)

  1. Cool I live in Turriff il come visit some weekend if that ok
  2. Where do you live
  3. Found it ha ha
  4. Help can't find the msg with joe benzies phone number cheers
  5. Hi Mike that would be great
  6. That would be fantastic only if your sure That would be great he would love that
  7. Yes that would be great can get them collected next week
  8. We live in Aberdeenshire but have spoke to a currier and he picks up every Wednesday But if the are gone that's cool il keep looking cheers But if the are gone that's cool il keep looking cheers
  9. Hi my boy is just starting up and we are looking for some stock birds are the still avalable as we would be interested cheers Hi my boy is just starting up and we are looking for some stock birds are the still avalable as we would be interested cheers Hi my boy is just starting up and we are looking for some stock birds are the still avalable as we would be interested cheers
  10. Good morning is this still avalable
  11. Good morning are the birds still available starting up again loft goin up this week Good morning are the birds still available starting up again loft goin up this week
  12. Hi have you still got the hr birds as I'm interested cheers
  13. Cheers anyway
  14. Hi are the youngsters still abalable
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