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Everything posted by Billyalves180

  1. Youre right mate you can only pee with you got
  2. Billyalves180


    Two more pat joey ramone wonderfull world toy dolls nellie the elliphant
  3. Well done wee Davie doo
  4. Well done dad and lad
  5. Well done robert
  6. Man at court for stealing calenders he got 12 months
  7. Not ready yet
  8. It's a forth and clyde bird tam vic couper 01324815440
  9. How much arch and from where
  10. He was at the darts in liverpool tonight and took ill
  11. Rip Eric bristow
  12. Was at the darts on Monday night a young man asked me if could remember the first time I had sex I told him that I am married and I can't remember the last time I had sex
  13. Bit choppy arch
  14. Have you heard of the constapition dance. Canie pass a dobley
  15. I had to go to the doctor again my boaby is a funny shape it's shaped like a rocket what is your wife saying about it I said it's OK she's over the moon
  16. At the doctors the day he said do you smoMe after sex don't know haven't looked have you got trouble passing Water no but I get dizzy going over bridges
  17. Old couple enjoying their 50th anniversary the old lady says I would do it tonight but my back might peater out the old man says I would to but my peater might back out
  18. Get some more for next weekend pat😊
  19. Did hear about the vegetarians wedding there was a big turnip at the reception
  20. What did the plumber say to his wife when they fell out. It's over flo
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