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  1. paul1


    mine haven't been out since November after a female sparrowhawk made a relentless attack on the birds, after rescuing one i noticed after a while i was still one missing and sure enough the hawk had got hold of another, both birds survived but i am keeping mine in until may just to be sure.
  2. thanks mate, so it might not be as easy as i first thought,i guess the first thing is to find out if its a cock or hen i have.
  3. Long story short i have adopted a year bird that the owner did not want after it got lost in a race, at the minute it is in a aviary with a large rabbit hutch for accomadation. My aim is to get it a mate and eventually let them fly out, i am not planning on racing them. So is this feasible if it is what is the best way to go about it. any help appreachiated.
  4. every time we go to the local open air shopping center i keep an eye out for any birds with rings on among the ferals, you can guarantee to always see at least one.
  5. make sure you put it in a tunnel otherwise they are illegal to use, if you put it in the rat run you don't have to bait it. wear gloves when setting the trap to stop human smells on the trap. i rubbed the trap in bird droppings to get rid of any strange smells, trap was set two weeks ago, got my first rat last night.
  6. might be easier to reload windows
  7. just read in my local paper Paul Stokes has won first place in the John Cooper Memorial Gold ring race from Berwick-upon-tweed. http://www.thisisleicestershire.co.uk/news/Pigeon-Twixey-s-race-victory-quite-coup/article-1436228-detail/article.html nice to see an article on pigeon racing in the local paper. and thanks again Paul for the mags, read about half of them already.
  8. if the ring is removed and a plastic one fitted does that mean you can't race the bird again?
  9. what size shed is that? looks a good set up.
  10. paul1

    pigeon mags

    thanks for the kind offer Paul pm on its way.
  11. paul1

    pigeon mags

    any possibility of someone sending a few to me if i pay postage? i don't acctually keep pigeons but have a keen interest in the sport and do my bit when i can, helping lost birds.
  12. where i walk my dog across fields most weekends i see groups of racers and they seem to keep to the same flight paths, does anyone know if they do? it could be possibly due the the terrain, where i am the land contours into a valley plus the M1 motorway runs parallel to the direction i see the birds flying. do birds use motorways and such to aid navigation?
  13. just got through t the owner and i am releasing it tomorrow. it was liberated from bath and was found in leicester.
  14. found this bird on the pavement this evening, looks ok apart from being tired. tried ringing the number printed on the wing and it goes to answer phone. i have put it in a box with wire mesh on the front and put some corn that we feed the chickens and some water in with it. is there anything else i can do for it?
  15. as someone who has a passing interest in pigeon racing can some one explain what the north road and south road is?
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