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Far North Flyer

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Everything posted by Far North Flyer

  1. Pure white hen. Kai curlis thurso 01847890594
  2. Pure white hen. Kai curlis thurso 01847890594
  3. Thanks all for the advice.ill keep my eye for the next couple of days and try to float them out to another fancier.
  4. I've got birds due to hatch in about 5 days but their chicks will be the first of the year too.im hoping they rear them as they are older birds that have both reared chicks before
  5. Hi all, I've not been on for a while because of work but ended in a situation where I've placed the only representatives of a strain in the for of eggs under an equally good pair with their own eggs.unfortunately there are no other birds whose eggs will hatch at the same time as the floated pair.now I have a puzzled looking hen with four hatchling chicks .is this too many. Will she cope.i hope so as all four should be good birds.has anyone got any info on the situation? Kind regards far north flyer
  6. I'm sure it's the hens that determine sex in birds,ie carry the x or Y chromosome.its the opposite in mammals. It's always the same odds to be male,female or male and female I can't think of any other factors,unless there's a lethal gene in there that selects cocks only. Very interesting topic
  7. I think that would be for the best too.thanks all
  8. The birds are not moulting the birds wing looks like a good distance wing after the 7thflight it's straight to the backswing with no change the outer primary's are thin and equal length with a equal gap then a step.i always thought that a sprint wing should be like a sail with a large back wing .the birds have a cracking blood red eye but if there not sprint what are they
  9. Hi all just got some 100 % janssen br pigeons of leuella there healthy and all but the wing looks like a distance pigeon rather than a sprinter.checking my own and photos from the final auction the wing should look like a sail on a yaght but the 3 outer feathers are about 3 inch longer than the rest which is a complete step from that point to the back wing Have I been ripped off the paperwork looks good but the birds are pretty close bred Advice or thoughts please Kai
  10. Thanks again all I know it's everyone's problem just sickens you a fair bit it's true that I only did 5tosses but lost a lot of birds but it is what it is.any feedback on the tail whistle foe pigeons .that with eye spots might make a difference??
  11. My y b team is down by half I only had 30to start with now there are 15 and I've not had them to a race point yet.this happened on a 20 mile stretch between wick and thurso .in only 5 training tosses I've been hammered.ive tried diffrent day times and even very early 4 am but to no avail still damaged birds coming home.any advice.i heard of a wasp killer used on pigeon to contro le lice and worms but its also very good hawk (deterant)should they eat them.its not poisoning as I don't want the pigeon to die.but it's every time the birds go out and the hawks are protected but what else can we do Any advice please.
  12. Hi all I did the race I showed the hens to the cock birds and all was well there was plenty of excitement in the loft.i flew the birds at diffrent races cocks to one and hens to the other I got all my hens back but only 1cock out of 6 it was not a long race and the birds were yearlings did I do something wrong ??all cocks raced that race before 3times last year and last week
  13. Hi all, I'm toying with widowhood and got as fas as separating cocks and hens I'm short of space but the cocks can't see the hens.i fly them at different times and was planning to introduce the hens and nest bowls 1 hour before basketing.any advice please with regard to what I'm doing.theyve been on this system 1 week and basketing is tomorrow
  14. hi all an update on that bird ,watching her and yes its was eating small seed i checked the crop too and it was small seed so ive put her in a place of her own and am now picking out the small seed from the mix ans see how it goes. thanks all fnf
  15. Hi all I've got a couple of young birds thet are a tad on the thin side.they are eating and are lively enough.there is no sighn of canker and the droppings are good in the boxes.i gave these birds 3in1 hackers and a worming pill these birds in question are not prepared to fly around the house and hugg the loft.i wonder if they are getting bulled of the food or if there's a problem with them.they are still quite young but should be better. Any advice (other than the bin)great fully received Fnf
  16. Brill thanks that's it for sure.ill let him know.
  17. Yes it is and it's of a red cock and a blue hen
  18. Hi all, went to my mates loft he has some lovely young birds in the nest,however he has a two week old chick with odd feathering in its primary's.its best described as like spread fingers on the primary's,like piping with an inch of feather erupted.the secondary's are fine and the chick is well fed Is this the start of something bad or just something that happens sometimes.all info great fully received Kai
  19. thats good info there ,i was hearing loads but nothing about the coverts, makes sense too.flying to thurso is tough on the young birds ill keep an eye on them this year if the feather is bad on the head or coverts or the 8th flight ill leave them in. thanks kai
  20. It's stoping them flying because of the molt when's the time to stop and what to look for
  21. Hi all,does anyone have an opinion on good feed based supplements for old bird racing?i used to be a runner and know the importance of good food/supplements.i was thinking of chivata products but any info would be greatfully recieved.also can someone please tell me what to look for in the wing that tells me to stop the young birds for the molt. Thanks
  22. Hi all I'm new and just got into pigeons last year .ive always had birds as a hobby from hand rearing parrots to hatching chickens and ducks.i watched taking on Tyson some years back and thought that its something I would enjoy.so I built a loft nothing special 12by8ft two sections one with widowhood boxes and got some birds from local men to try out.alls well cause I got the y.b. average trophy last year and I'm looking forward to race my yearlings. I read loads of info online and thought I would register here so I can get more specialised info if I need it.ive got two strains of birds in one distance and one sprint ill be trying there young out this year. Thanks all I look forward to reading your articles and chatting with you all. Kind regards kai
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