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About bombersbullets

  • Birthday 07/09/1975

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bombersbullets's Achievements

Veteran of the Loft!

Veteran of the Loft! (6/8)

  1. Hi all I have a young bird in the Spalding if any1 could help get in closer to Derby would be much appreciated
  2. Hi all I'm looking to buy or borrow Victor vansalen books any info would be much appreciated cheers for reading
  3. Can I use USB & no 17 pin cheaper paper
  4. Well done m8 brilliant flying Hope u get your Dennis sapin cock back m8
  5. I Did 4yrs old cock cooreman 12 members 154 birds light ene wind 72mile Cheltenham vel 1312.576 fly time 1hrs 36min 49 sec
  6. Hi all has anybody had anything to do with club equipment I have bin flying in a club with just me using the club equipment. Anyway I have moved to a more local new club with 13 members I phoned unikon to tell them I've moved clubs could they transfer the clock to the new club and there saying no I've got to send my old club equipment back & apply for new club equipment I can smell a charge coming up I wish I would of just activated the old base station now anybody else had a problem like This plz advise me cheers
  7. Hi I could do with rays number if anybody could pm it please
  8. Thank you my m8 Yes m8 don't tell the wife lol cheers m8
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