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Ian Gill

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Everything posted by Ian Gill

  1. Thanks Timmy for that and everyone else
  2. Im not sure Alec,but someone rang the SHU office and they said the rings were down to a Bert not Brian ..just know the borders where mentioned
  3. Trying to contact him mate
  4. Surely someone knows this man ???
  5. Thats just a code for the ETS ;-) Has anyone heard of this guy ??
  6. Last sunday someone called Bert Shackleton from the Scottish Borders had a couple of birds well there in the final of the Emerald Classic ...Does anyone know him and how to contact him ?? Thanks Ian
  7. Dont patronise me IB,I know exactly how the RN navigational systems work !!!But you do seem a little unsure about what your saying !!!! In a previous post you claimed the earths atmosphere protected us from this solar activity but now you have changed your mind and say we get the "residue"..so which is it ?? All anyone is saying on this matter is that it is something that should be factored into the decision making regarding liberations.Something that would take little or no time to check. Your like a lot of others ..plenty to say when knocking someone who has a theory but say very little when asked for one of your own. Now this is the last I will post on this,unless that is, you come up with a credible alternative as to why this disaster happened ??
  8. Here is a Blog that Bilco has started Gareth and you can reply and ask questions to anything Bill writes about ..you can also subscribe to the Blog and get an email everytime he updates it http://www.pigeonportal.com/blps/blog.cfm?weblog=36
  9. Well Gareth Ive slipped out of my straight jacket long enough to write a reply IB ..What is your problem with this or more to the point why are you trying to knock it ?? You mention races where the k factor was 4 and nothing happened ?? Well its 1 to 4 is classed as "normal" and anything above 4 is trouble..If as you say it had nothing to do with the Marlborough Race then what caused the disasster ???? Better still when your at it explain to me and the rest why EVERY Organisation in the UK had a bad race that day ??? Whether it was a short race or long that day every one had erratic returns?? The first time I heard of this was back in 1989 or 90 ,cant remember exactly which but I was watching the news one Monday evening when an article about Solar activity came on and the reports on the BBC said that the Royal Navys navigational systems where out by as much as 25 miles !!! Now these were multi million pound computers and they where up the left !! I thought to myself if this Solar activity can affect these computers then what chance has a pigeon?? I told all my fancier friends that week not to send to Bude as it was going to be a disaster and like you IB they dismissed it and told me I was mad ..well Bude that week was a disaster with most of the convoy missing!! The Sun and the Moon affect everything on this planet and Solar weather is no different to the everyday kind in that there are patterns ...put it like this ..every year we have "bad" races at the same time of year,so what causes this?? Your quick to knock IB but like the rest you have yet to put up a credible reason as to why the Marlborough disaster happened and explain to us why every Organisation had a bad race that weekend??? I look forward to you theory
  10. Lord help us is all I can say in reply to some of the above !!! Take a look at some of the links below I provided to Joe Murphy last weekend and take a special interest in the Japan link IB http://www.spaceweather.com/ http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/today.html daily update http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_flare A useful reference page http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2006/10mar_stormwarning/ another useful reference Joe http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/forecast.html http://www.space.com/11506-space-weather-sunspots-solar-flares-coronal-mass-ejections.html good article that explains a right bit http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/solar-storm-could-cause-more-damage-than-hurricane-katrina-2221706.html bit of good reading in this article http://www.upi.com/Science_News/2010/06/11/Solar-flare-activity-might-threaten-GPS/UPI-74541276290234/ effects of solar activity http://pesn.com/2011/03/12/9501786_Japans_Record_Quake_Corresponds_to_Sun_Flare/ Japanese link http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn10189-solar-flares-will-disrupt-gps-in-2011.html an article from the New Scientist
  11. Mick Bowler ...the wise man from the west !!!! You hit the nail fair and square on the head mate !!!!!
  12. Had a few of them about 20 year ago..as Jimmy says some lovely grizzles in them and won well for us ..one cock I gave my mate bred an Nipa Open winner and 5th open Skibbereen Ob Derby in the Nipa
  13. How much are you feeding them mate??
  14. What way is he bred mate??
  15. Congratulations to Reilly and Martin on their great win !! Ron Williamson ..what can you say about a team performance like that only Cometh the hour,cometh the man !!!!!!! A brilliant team performance by a great fancier who just happens to be a lovely guy into the bargain who has a team of pigeons the equal of any on the planet !!!!!! Good shooting Ronnie !!!!
  16. Has anyone a phone number as I need to get in touch to arrange ybs going over ???
  17. says the man who has been mistaken for Brad Pitt so many times ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  18. Either would do mate ..you can pm me with the details if you like
  19. Does anyone know were I could get a couple of Parlor Rollers ?? Any info would be great ..
  20. Stuart ..the sport needs more auctioneers like you and RJ and until we have them the ordinary fancier in the street is at the mercy of some very unscrupulous people to say the least !!!! It seems that some of these guys really are starting to believe their own hype and unfortunately some are using the weekly pigeon papers as their own personal advertising tools...Ive spoken to the editor of the BHW regarding these matters and when I asked him if I could have a couple of free adverts in the BHW he obviously said no ..when I asked why a couple of so called scribes were able to use their columns to promote both themselves as auctioneers and every tom,dick and harry they see a potential sale in, he didnt know what to say... We have a couple of clowns over here, both North and South of the border, who think they have carte blanche to do whatever they want and the really sad part is they feel they are above both the rules and regulations of their respective governing bodies and more importantly they seem to have no grasp of common decency...
  21. This isnt about McGarry Mick ..try ringing Steve Edwards and ask him about his expierences ...do it and hear what he has to say !!!! Hear how much he had to pay and his auctions didnt even taake place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And while you mention McGarry....name me one auctioneer who is squeaky clean?????
  22. Just an update..since you mentioned Gators I have recieved at least three confirmed sightings of Gators1 in Northern Ireland of all places ;) It seems he has left Florida for the sun kissed life in N.Ireland ;D ;D
  23. I doubt very much if we will ever hear from Mr Gators1 again ;) mores the pity I may add as Id love the chance to sit down with the guy and chew the fat over some of the things he said. Cant understand we he suddenly decided to retire from the sport ???
  24. I have watched this thread with interest and have to say I am very very suprised to see that Adie has failed to respond to the questions raised,especially as he is a member of Pigeon Basics and more importantly he is never afraid to tell eveyone just how wonderfull he thinks he is ... Just brings to mind that old saying "Self praise is no recommendation" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe Mr Edwards from Birmingham should join the forum and tell us of his expeirences!!!!!!!!!
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