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Versele Laga

pigeon hut

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just to see if any lads use versele laga pro breeding/racing corn and if you do what do you think of it.iam getting bags for £8.70 at the moment so iam mixing it with my wheat and barley now its only costing me £6-7 pound a week instead of £17 a week to feed 80 birds.iam getting the wheat and barley off a farmer in 25kg bags for £5 a bag thinking of adding layer pellets to it as i have seen and heard of lads using them.

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just to see if any lads use versele laga pro breeding/racing corn and if you do what do you think of it.iam getting bags for £8.70 at the moment so iam mixing it with my wheat and barley now its only costing me £6-7 pound a week instead of £17 a week to feed 80 birds.iam getting the wheat and barley off a farmer in 25kg bags for £5 a bag thinking of adding layer pellets to it as i have seen and heard of lads using them.

similar to yourself using pro/kweeker and wheat to keep costs down , but paying a good bit more than yourself .where are buying from ? :emoticon-0138-thinking:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest geordiejen

hi guys i won a bag of verse laga breed and wean from my local doo show and it looks much better than the usual breed and wean i use.i was wondering how much it costs for a bag of verse laga 20 kg bag of breed and wean.the only thing im not interested in is the verse laga seed have been polished and this will obviously effect the cost.also the maples peas are smaller and dont have as many dents in them as my usual supplier.a read that the peas have these dents in them because they have been dried out too quickly.

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