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What Grit Do You Use?

Guest ljb107

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Guest ljb107

Hi Everyone


I've been using normal grit mixed with oystershell grit alongside red minerals and black minerals for a while but it is very fine and should be used for cage birds.


What brands of grit do you use that is more suitable for pigeons (quite coarse)?




Lloyd :)

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Apart from the fact that pigeons must have grit to break down their food they also require the calcium from it. The calcium and sunshine will allow the bird to make enough vitamin "D" to avoid it having rickets. That is why redstone grit is not much good to pigeons. If you feed brown skinned grain such as beans and peas the birds need clay blocks to deal with the tannin in the brown skins which can be a poison.

Any good oyster shell and lime stone grit will do fine but it must be fresh every day because a pot of dusty grit stuck in the corner will not be very attractive to the birds and they need to continually take grit for the sake of their health.

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I like the Scheemacker mixed grit,found it to be the one the birds pick most of the contents.Noticed with others they tend to leave one thing or another.


I give them it fresh in the loft everyday and throw it out in front of the loft when changing.No bets for guessing where they like it best :emoticon-0136-giggle: in a clean tray in the loft or lying outside on the ground?

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I like the Scheemacker mixed grit,found it to be the one the birds pick most of the contents.Noticed with others they tend to leave one thing or another.


I give them it fresh in the loft everyday and throw it out in front of the loft when changing.No bets for guessing where they like it best :emoticon-0136-giggle: in a clean tray in the loft or lying outside on the ground?

well its certainly not done you any harm across the channel then :emoticon-0167-beer::emoticon-0167-beer:


am going tae throw my grit in the garden the morra :emoticon-0167-beer:

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Av an old sleeper I sit on outside the loft when its dry and throw them titbits.They've no had any titbits since March :emoticon-0156-rain::emoticon-0136-giggle:

a hope yer sleepers no been washed away :emoticon-0156-rain::emoticon-0156-rain:

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