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Pest controller


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british homing world november 25th page 125.


Has anyone tried these ultra sonic pest controllers thats being advertised as im intrested in buying one to rid my loft of mice as i have tried everything else to stop them and they still get in.


anyone use these

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Guest slugmonkey

I use this stuff called Jaguar it is great stuff it dosent kill them quickly so they dont realize they are being poisioned you have to wire it down as they will carry it back to nest and stockpile it though I will put down a couple of sticks and they will eat all of it then it takes about two days for the next ones to dissapear then about a week for the next batch then a couple of months for the next batch the only thing I find are dead mice it gets them ALL I never see any signs after the first application except for bodies I always have a big infestation when it starts getting cold and after about a week problem solved

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           I`v used them with outstanding success.against mice and rats,the better ones are the variable ones,you can ajust the frequency every few weeks,but saying that,i`ve seen the ones for cats not effective.

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yes,but you will never beat rodents totally,unless you work at it,i used to put down bait in a tube,place a couple of spring traps to kill any dog rats having a look,and pest chasers.

   Same as in the lofts.for mites ect...you must always be on your toes...one slip up,or get lazy,and you could be in trouble.

   Once you start,keep on top!!!!!

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ben i have set out mouse traps went back to the lofts the next day and the trap had vanished,this has happened a few times now.I catch a mouse almost every night.They just dont stop coming,im defo ordering one of the ultrasonic controllers this week..

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Guest slugmonkey

I have to wire my traps and baits down I once saw a rat carry off a mouse that was in a trap so I drill a small hole in the corner of the trap and attach it to something as I have had many vanish I also have a dog running around who will eat the mice if I leave them I think he has probably carried off one or two

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Hi people got my ultrasonic pest controllers the other day,when advertised it said,each unit will cover 2.500 square feet UNOBSTRUCTED.Recomended use one unit for each room as the ultrasound does not travel through walls etc.So now i need one for every loft and at £26 each its gona cost me a bit.


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