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Interesting article


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It is very plausible...was talking to a friend of mine who used to be a pilot, was hit by a very large flock of pigeons on his manouvers.was probably the up north combine birds as he wasgoing east and they came in from the right..

he says quite a number were killed...so it makes you wonder what happens to those missing birds on bad days

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There was a theory that concorde´s sonic boom caused a smash race a few years back, reckon this is talking about same thing.


Pigeon strike in reverse puzzles me tho. Know that a bird can bring down a plane if it gets sucked into the engine and this is the reason for the 8 mile radius of all airports liberation ban on pigeons.


But always reckoned a convoy of pigeons would show up on radar. Why would an plane keep on a collision course with a flock of birds?


And why would a flock of birds remain on collision course with a plane?


Puzzling.  :)

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often train at Berwick full of raf planes sometimes hard to get a clear 30min to lib. have heard stories about the fighters going over the top of the birds and birds falling from the sky never seen that so is this just more pigeon fanciers tale,s ?the jury is still out for me

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