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Breeder - Buyer

Diamond dave

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For years our club has held a B.B. competetion over all the young bird races. It's always been great competetion and a great source of healthy, enjoyable banter from the actual auction of the young birds in the pens through to the final young bird race.

However, over the last 3 years enthusiasm has begun to wain, with the main excuse being some fanciers now breed early and and some breed later youngsters. and now only 6 -8 members contribute.

The B.B. comp. is (was) also a great fund raiser for the club.

Does anyone have any ideas how we can get this comp. back on track?

Do other clubs run a similar comp.? If so how do you do it?

Are there any other succesful competeions that clubs run which may benefit other clubs?



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Hi Dave, it was the same in our club some birds went for lots of money and some you couldnt sell at all, it turned into a farce so we turned it into a blind draw.


The entry fee is 50 euro and every name is put into an envelope, the fanciers who enter then pick one envelope each and whoever they get breeds them a bird for the race, nearly everyone in the club enters because they all have the same chance of picking the best birds.


We raced for 2000 euro this year and it keeps lads who would not race young birds with any success intrested and also provides great craic and promotes friendships within the club.



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