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North of Scotland Fed information


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Federation Show
For clarification, this show is open to any fancier with racing pigeons I.e. Aberdeen Fed, Highland Fed etc.
Second part of the show will be open to fancy doos any member any organisation.
The object is to fill the club with pigeons and all to have a great day.
I was contacted by Henry to ascertain if the North Fed was interested in a joint show I.e. the show fraternity and the North Fed, they have a hall booked. Sent a request to the Fed officials and the request was agreed.
I talked with Eric Yule who suggested we both run the show which we agreed in, during the discussion we suggested the possibility of the Fed holding a show and sale   as well as the “joint” show and that we should look at the possibility of a Fed sale/show at the Deveronside football club in Banff.
When we have both had a chance to discuss we will let the Fed officials know the possible dates and if agreed put the full details on the FB page.
I hope that the show in Banff (if it gets off the ground) can also involve a sale of pigeons and the usual raffle and perhaps a cup of tea etc.
Any suggestions for additional items to be included will be welcome.

PS I know it’s only Jan but if we get a date etc then it will happen 😃

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