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Joe Murphy Article 22nd June 2024

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The Joe Murphy Column

Next week 28th June will be the SNFC Gold Cup race from Alencon; but away back in 1965 W T Gardiner of Lockerbie won this race from Rennes winning the famous Gold Cup; and Cover Flight did an article on William which I will highlight prior to the 2024 race being flown.

For the past few racings seasons the name of William T Gardiner has fast been building a legend which has attracted the attention of pigeon fanciers throughout the world. Success has followed during the 1965 could well be result in an all-time record -1st SNFC Rennes (6030 birds) 2nd SNFC Nantes (1995 birds) 15th SNFC Beauvais (2736 birds) and 1st Usher Young Bird National Worchester (1936 birds). In all, eight major SNFC trophies were presented to him at the annual dinner held in Edinburgh in October 1965, and it is doubtful if any Scottish National winner had been more warmly received by his ‘Friendly Rival’s’ – the members of the SNFC.

Much has already been written on the performances of this famous Lockerbie loft, and rather than recall the list of wins I would prefer to concentrate on the fancier himself. In 1949, Willie Gardiner, then a 14-year-old schoolboy, started the hobby of pigeon keeping and, strange as it may seem, he started off as a ‘Showman’. His first pigeons were Tumblers and they were exhibited at local shows, but this was not the birth of the ‘Gardiner Legend’ – they never won a prize!!!

The first importation of racers came in 1950 when Alex B King of Wishaw, sent three birds to start a small racing team. That was the real beginning…. And from the outset Willie’s twin brother, John was keen to help with looking after the birds. Racing started in 1952 with young birds, and at his first attempt Willie clocked the winner and followed this up at the next race by winning second prize. During the 1953 until 1960, when the present joiner-built 30-foot open door loft was erected.

Since that time the following leading positions have been won with birds in the first 3 in the south section; 1960-3rd section 5th open Nantes; 1961- 1st & 2nd section 8th & 9th open Rennes; 11962- 2nd section 2nd open Nantes; 1964- 2nd section 2nd open Rennes; 2nd section 4th open Beauvais; 19965 1st section 1st open Rennes; 1st section 2nd open Nantes and 1st section 1st open ‘Usher’ Young Bird National Worchester. Even this much abbreviated list of wins brings one obvious question to a pigeon fancier’s mind, ‘How does he do it? What brings such consistent success? Well, I cannot hope to answer that question, and I have asked him all the standard questions I could think of …. here were his replies.

Feeding; An ordinary high protein mixture with a little seed use for trapping on occasion.

Training; Young birds are very well trained before the first young bird race and even the best are race out to 200 miles. Proof of this fact is ‘Sky Baby’ daughter of ‘Sky Queen’- the mother and daughter of 1st open SNFC Rennes and 1st open SNFC Young Bird national.

Old birds are lightly trained before the season opens, and as the SNFC races are of the greatest interest to Willie Gardiner, each potential National candidate is well trained by road for a few weeks before its selected race.

Breeding; ‘Blood will tell’ – that is his full opinion of breeding top-quality racing pigeons. Whether birds be in-bred, line bred or crossed matters little to Willie, provided the stock involved are sound physically and bred from outstanding long-distance racers.

Distance and Fitness

Willie’s attitude to this topic is simply this; - ‘I get them as fit as I can and do not consider whether the race in mind is a 200- or 500-mile event. There are hard 200-mile races and easy 500-mile race and as one cannot predict the pattern of a race before it is flown, there is only one sensible approach – get them fit for almost anything’.  Perhaps the above statements may help some readers to understand the background to the Gardiner story, but from my discussions with him there are other factors which – although he is possibly unaware of them himself – are perhaps more important and perhaps nearer the true explanation; He is blessed with a high degree of patience and is a perfectionist in everything he does. Examples of this are shown in other facets of his activities – his garden is painstakingly neat, and, in fact, the lay out of the loft in this setting makes it a fancier’s dream. When his clock is returned to the SNFC the clock label is not only correctly completed but the exact time of each pigeon is accurately recorded – to the second.

In the 1965 Rennes race there were six birds so recorded, and although this point seems so unimportant, I think it might be relevant because attention to small details such as this must reflect his general attitude – if the job has to be done it will be done properly. Now that Willie Gardiner has won the Rennes National, he has set his sights on the next target – to become a double Rennes winner, And do not think that he will send everything to Rennes in 1966 in his next attempt. That’s not true – he’ll keep the nest-boxes at home!!!!!

There is a lot to learn from this article which I have followed over the years and his breeding methods are 100% correct- ‘Blood Will Tell’ – the closer you are from the winners the more chance you have of breeding winners; May I wish ALL FANCIERS taking part in the 2024 Gold Cup race all the very best ---Joe M’



Arbroath Racing Pigeon Club      

News from Charlie Cameron of the 8th club race from Wooler with 6 members sending 88 birds; the race was flown on the 8th June; with the federation convoy liberated at 08-30am into a strong west wind.

Charlie & son Glen are 1st 3rd & 4th club with Graham McKenzie is 2nd with Chic & Ann Carrie winning 5th & 6th places. Les McKay wins 7th 8th & 9th with Paul Cameron winning 10th position.

North of Scotland Federation

News from George Duthie with the result of the Darlington 2 old bird race flown on 08th June with 35 members sending 343 birds these were liberated into a light west wind. The East Section had 20 members sending 218 birds and Fraserburgh & District R Bain takes the top spot with a cock doing a velocity of 1033ypm. S Witherspoon of Inverurie club had a good race winning 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th & 8th section and 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 8th & 9th open; with Peterhead & District N Holt wins 6th section 7th open. Colin McRae of Fraserburgh & District club wins 9th & 10th east section 10th & 11th open.

The West Section had 15 members sending 125 birds; Ryan Hay & Family are 1st 4th & 8th west section 6th 32nd & 36th open. Mike Binnie of Devern Valley wins 2nd section 12th open with A Fulton of the same club wins 3rd & 9th west section 31st & 37th open. A Hay of Devern Valley club wins 5th section 33rd open with A Flett of Keith club winning 6th & 7th section 34th & 35th open. W Ritchie of Elgin & District club wins 10th section 38th open.

Clubs First Bird

Fraserburgh & District club is won by R Bain velocity 1033.252

Inverurie winner is S Witherspoon velocity 1006.076

Devern Valley is won by R Hay & Family velocity 976.830

Peterhead & District is won by N Holt velocity 966.651

Fraserburgh West End is won by Robbie Higgins velocity 938.084

Keith club is won by A Flett velocity 851.692

Elgin & District is won by W Ritchie velocity 834.943

Well Done to R Bain on Topping the federation and to R Hay & Family on winning the West section.

Fife Federation of Homing Pigeon Societies;

News from Geordie Todd with the result of the Alnwick 2 race flown on the 8th June with 446 birds competing; these were liberated at 09:30 in a west to north west wind.

Club Birdage: Methilhaven 97 birds; Kennoway 132 birds; St Andrews 51 birds; Novar & Leslie 31 birds; Lochgelly 80 birds; Crossgates 55 birds, Dunfermline 0 birds.

Federation and East Section Top 10 positions. John Harcus of St Andrews takes the first 3 positions in the race with the 3 birds arriving together with the winner one yard ahead of the other 2 birds. David Armour of Methilhaven club is 4th & 5th with Tam Laing of Kennoway in 6th spot with his son in law B Chalmers taking the next 4 positions.  The west section is won by R Cook of Crossgates club with the loft in form J Hynd & son of Lochgelly club winning the next 4 places plus 7th 8th 9th& 10th positions. J Brockie of Lochgelly splits him up winning 6th section.

East of Scotland Federation

News from Tom McEwen who informs me the birds were brought back to Thirsk which is a distance of 140 miles, with the strings cut at 12 noon into a strong west wind. The form loft at the moment is George Veitch of East Salton who wins 1st 3rd 5th 6th 7th & 8th positions, with Graham Wardhaugh of Dirleton winning 2nd & 4th places. Brian Lavery of Prestonpans wins 9th & 10th positions.

Prestonpans HS

Has Brian Lavery wins 1st & 2nd club with Tom & Scott McEwan winning 3rd place. Tom has not been well of late and was in Edinburgh Royal, but I’m glad to say that he is now back home with Marlene and Scott is attending to the birds. Take it easy my dear old friend you are in our thoughts and prayers Margaret & Joe.

Pentlandhills Federation

News from Andy Miller with the result of the Thirsk race flown on the 8th June with the convoy of 464 birds entered by 44 lofts liberated at 12-00 noon into a strong west wind. Taking the first 2 places is A Baillie see photograph of winners. Then we have 3rd 8th 9th & 15th places going to Freddie & Willie Robertson with Mr & Mrs Girdwood winning 4th 5th 6th & 19th open. P & J Hutton are 7th with W Pryde & son winning 10th & 20th spots. A R Pringle is 11th with the Winters Family winning 13th 14th & 16th positions. Steve Girdwood is 17th open with J Dowling winning 18th open. Ally wrote, ‘Andy told me I was to email you a bit about the winning pigeons from the weekend. Winning 1st club and fed is a blue bar yearling hen which was also 8th federation, 23rd national 5th yearling open last week. She has won £2600 in the last 2 weeks the 2nd hen a blue chequer 2-year-old hen which was already 9th fed this year and is a super consistent hen every season from a young bird. Both were bred from the best stock of Billy and Richard Murphy & Michael Connor of Alnwick 

Central Federation

News from Bernie who writes ‘Hi Joe, hope you and Margaret are well, here is the result from our 8th race flown from Thirsk with the 362 birds liberated at 07-00am into a light west wind. Gordon MacKenzie takes the first 4 places with J Ferguson taking 5th 6th 11th & 15th places. Steven & Gullan win 7th 8th 9th 14th open with H Rafferty winning 10th 12th 13th & 16th open.  

News from Peter Keogh with the Winchburgh Club were 6 members sent 74 birds: Sorry no info on Alan Campbell birds I'm afraid so here is this week's report. A tough test was expected and duly experienced. 

Taking 1st club 8th fed are T & G Weir with a natural late bred hen sitting 7 days gifted from Peter Keogh from his One Loft winning Fran Zwols lines cross with a Dougie Barnes hen from the best of Syndicate Loft Frans Zwols. 2nd club 9th fed is Alan Campbell. 3rd club 12th fed is T & G Weir with another Peter Keogh natural late bred cock sitting 4 days. This time from a son of Martin Sneddon of Boness 2nd open SNFC Reims when paired to a direct daughter of Virtues Pride 1st open SNRPC Reims and breeder of a dynasty of top National winners for P Virtue and others; 4th club is Alan Campbell.

Broxburn and Uphall Club:

Gordon MacKenzie first 4 in club and in the federation; would like to say a huge well done to Gordon. Great race and great flying. My 1st & 3rd pigeons were bred by Aly McLean of Oban and my 2nd & 4th pigeons are my own Gaby's. The pigeon that is 2nd was my first bird from the national. I have attached a photo of Gordon and his race winner, thanks again Joe, yours Bernie.


Angus Federation

News from David Liddle who writes, ‘Hi Joe, We had a comeback race from Wooler on Saturday and the results from the Forfar club and Angus Federation are attached. Leading the way in club and federation was Davie Glen with his star pigeon ‘Number 9’. This Busschaert mealy cock is flown on widowhood and has been to all eight races so far this season and has scored in five of them. He was 6th club and federation from Wooler, 2nd club and federation from Blaydon, Darlington and Kettering prior to his win this weekend. He also won the federation from Melton Mowbray last year. Ian Scott was 2nd club and federation with a yearling hen flown on Ian`s roundabout system. Ian informed me the breeding was a combination of progeny of 2 SNFC winners from Roye, being his own ‘Sun Princess’ the winner in 2019 and Jock Scott`s ‘My Gem’ which won in 2016. Ian and Jock exchanged young birds off their 2 national winners. Now for the result of the Wooler race flown on the 8th June with a 08-30am liberation, with 22 members sending 299 birds these were liberated at 08-30 am into a west to north west wind. Davie Glen wins 1st 5th 15th 17th & 20th places winning 20 points. Ian Scott of the same Forfar club is 2nd 7th 8th 9th & 13th open winning 19 west section points. Kenny Droog & son win 3rd place and 18 points; with Willie Nicol winning 4th place and 17 points; David J Liddle wins 6th & 24th positions winning 15 points; with A Intorsura of the Forfar club winning 10th open & 11 points. Charlie & Glen Cameron are 11th open and 1st east section winning 10 points, followed by W Dorward of Gourdon club winning East 9 points. D & D Hay of the same Gourdon club are 16th & 17th open winning 5 East points and finally Graham McKenzie winning East 2 points.

East Section; Charlie & Glen Cameron of Arbroath win 1st 6th 7th & 10th section, with W Dorward of Gourdon winning 2nd 8th & 9th places. D & D Hay of Gourdon are 3rd & 4th section.


Club Winner; Arbroath 6 members 88 birds, 1st Paul Cameron velocity 1141.33 with C & G Cameron.

Forfar; 12 members 171 birds, D Glen velocity 1253.43

Gourdon; 2 members 25 birds; D & D Hay velocity 1128.95 with W Dorward.

Montrose; 2 members 15 birds; A & S Whyte velocity 770.1

Forfar Racing Pigeon Club; had 12 members sending 171 birds; Davie Glen wins 1st & 5th places; with Ian Scott in 2nd 7th 8th & 9th positions. Kenny Droog & son are 3rd with Willie Nicol in 4th place, club secretary David Liddle is 6th with A Intorsura in 10th spot.

Almond Valley's Federation

News from Lynne Stewart with the federation result of the Melton Mowbray race flown on 8th June with a 11:30 hours liberation of the 364 birds. John Hadfield of Armadale club takes the top honours with a 2-year-old doing a velocity of 1140. John is also 8th 14th 15th 16th & 19th open. Freddie Jamieson & son of East Calder are 2nd with John Bird of West Calder club winning 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 9th 10th 13th 17th & 20th open. Geordie Harris of Bonnybridge club wins 11th & 18th positions with club mate Vic Couper winning 12th place.  

Armadale 50 birds; J Hadfield velocity 1140.826, 1108.567, 1099.919, 1094.447

Balerno 31 birds; C Ross velocity 1033.015, 984.846, 969.797, 937.700

Bonnybridge 100 birds; G Harris velocity 1106.336, V Couper 1106.262, G Harris 1080.187, Law & Brady 1062.698

Carnwath 28 birds; Thomson Bros & I Thomson 1039.723, McArdle & Thomson 1021.292, 983.639, Thomson Bros & I Thomson 954.542

East Calder 12 birds; F Jamieson & Son velocity 1129.005, 1029.719, 996.497, 987.136

Fauldhouse 81 birds; C Smillie velocity 1074.810, 1063.666, R Smillie 1051.247, C Smillie 1048.697


27 Day Space Weather Outlook Table.

     Issued 10th June 2024

   UTC      Radio Flux   Planetary   Largest

  Date       10.7 cm      A Index    Kp Index

2024 Jun 10     175          35          6

2024 Jun 11     170          20          5

2024 Jun 12     170          10          3

2024 Jun 13     165           5          2

2024 Jun 14     165           5          2

2024 Jun 15     155           5          2

2024 Jun 16     155           5          2

2024 Jun 17     165           5          2

2024 Jun 18     175           5          2

2024 Jun 19     185           8          3

2024 Jun 20     185           8          3

2024 Jun 21     185           5          2

2024 Jun 22     190           8          3

2024 Jun 23     195           8          3

2024 Jun 24     200           5          2

2024 Jun 25     200           5          2

2024 Jun 26     205           5          2

2024 Jun 27     205           5          2

2024 Jun 28     205           5          2

2024 Jun 29     205           5          2

2024 Jun 30     200           8          3

2024 Jul 01     190           8          3

2024 Jul 02     180           5          2

2024 Jul 03     175           5          2

2024 Jul 04     170           5          2

2024 Jul 05     165           5          2

2024 Jul 06     160           5          2


Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to joejmurphy1@gmail.com REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or log onto www.elimarpigeons.com www.fancierchat.co.uk www.pigeon-chat.co.uk who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland

© Compiled by Joe Murphy











      27-day Space Weather Outlook Table


   UTC      Radio Flux   Planetary   Largest

  Date       10.7 cm      A Index    Kp Index

2024 May 20     190          24          5

2024 May 21     190          16          4

2024 May 22     185           5          2

2024 May 23     190           5          2

2024 May 24     190          15          4

2024 May 25     185          12          3

2024 May 26     195           5          2

2024 May 27     200          12          4

2024 May 28     210           8          3

2024 May 29     210           5          2

2024 May 30     215           5          2

2024 May 31     225          10          3

2024 Jun 01     225          12          4

2024 Jun 02     225          12          4

2024 Jun 03     220           8          3

2024 Jun 04     220           5          2

2024 Jun 05     210           5          2

2024 Jun 06     210           5          2

2024 Jun 07     210           5          2

2024 Jun 08     200          10          3

2024 Jun 09     195          12          4

2024 Jun 10     190           8          3

2024 Jun 11     185          12          4

2024 Jun 12     180          10          3

2024 Jun 13     170           5          2

2024 Jun 14     170           5          2

2024 Jun 15     165           5          2


Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to joejmurphy1@gmail.com REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or log onto www.elimarpigeons.com www.fancierchat.co.uk www.pigeon-chat.co.uk who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland

© Compiled by Joe Murphy

A Baillie's 2nd Fed Winner see text.jpgGordon McKenzie's Central Fed Winner see text.jpgPentlandhills Fed Winner for A Baillie.jpgThe Baillie's with their winners see text.jpegWilliam T Gardiner see text.jpg

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