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Joe Murphy Article 12th June 2024

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The Joe Murphy Column


This week has been a very busy time, as I have been attending to my birds, then when it has been dry managing to get out into the garden. Once I had weeded it, I managed to get my lawn cut for the first time this year. Believe me when I came in at night, I could hardly bend down to put my slippers on, the back of my legs where killing me, still it is good to look out and see the place looking spick and span. I have had a few requests for my book on the ‘First 50 years of the Dewar Trophy’. Some fanciers have expressed how much they have enjoyed reading about the top-quality pigeons that have done so well in the SNFC races. I have also received some requests for the book to be posted out to them, one fancier wrote; ‘Hi Mr Murphy; Could you please give me the details how to acquire a copy of your new book. I enjoy your articles in B.H.W. every week especially the articles about outstanding pigeons and the fanciers that raced them, also the articles about the birds with the GPS trackers fitted. Which goes to show what our feathered heroes have to overcome to reach home. When I started helping my Dad in the early sixties the Scottish National races were featured in the fancy press the week after they were flown. I came home from school and read about these fantastic pigeons flying into Scotland. Recently when my son was living in Edinburgh we travelled up and I saw the places that I had read about as a boy. In fact, the first birds I owned were a matched pair my parents bought for me from Willie McAlpine of Armadale for my 12th birthday which were the Dr Anderson strain, thanks; yours in the sport Neil Messenger’. I thanked Neil, for his email, and his kind words about my articles in the BHW.  Yes, back in the 60-70's there were some outstanding fanciers and you COULD NOT get a better start than having birds from Willie McAlpine of Armadale; a household name up here’. Neil will read about the present-day top distance pigeons now that have won the Dewar Trophy for Scotland’s Bird of the Year. I cannot wait to hear his reply once he has read the book; or anyone else opinions for that matter.


East of Scotland; news from Tom McEwan with the result of the Catterick race flown on 20th April; with the convoy liberated at 07.00am into a North West wind. Topping the federation and also taking 4th open having a good race is Keith Howie of Prestonpans club. His federation winner is a 2-year-old chequer hen that won 5th federation last week. Past SNFC Gold Cup winner George Veitch of East Saltoun was well to the fore winning 2nd 6th 7th & 8th open; well, done George. Last week’s federation winner Graham Wardhaugh is in with another nice one in 3rd open. John Baillie of Tranent is in with a nice double winning 5th & 9th open. Completing the top ten are Tom and his son Scott McEwan from Elphinstone.

Prestonpans Homing Society; Taking the top award is Keith Howie with a 2-year-old chequer hen bred by Graham Stewart of Whitecraigs; being Vandenabeele bloodlines. Keith is also 2nd club with a 2-year-old blue hen once again Vandenabeele bloodlines. Sire is a ½ brother to ‘Flight Leader’, while the dam is from G Stewart being a granddaughter of ‘Shadow’. As a young bird this hen won 31st section 33rd open SNFC Young Bird national. 3rd club is John Baillie of Tranent with a 2-year-old blue white flight cock. Once again, I thank you for adding our club and federation result to your weekly column Joe, as it gives us wonderful publicity, all the best to you and Margaret, yours Tom.

Arbroath Racing Pigeon Club; news from Charlie Cameron with the result of the 1st Wooler old bird race; the convoy was liberated at 09-30am into a light north wind with 6 members sending 140 birds. Paul Cameron takes 1st & 3rd places with the winner doing a 1232 velocity. Paul has kindly sent me a photo of his winner The sire was bred by Frank Murray of Dundee and is a Busschaert of Jimmy Bambling bloodlines. Dam is Leo Heremans bred by Louella Lofts. This was the cock’s first race ever as he was only trained as a young bird. As you can see from the photo Paul has a very small loft 9’ x 5’; which is divided into 2 sections 1 for racing cocks and the other half for young birds and racing hens. Congratulations to Paul and I thank him for forwarding the details and photos to go with this report to Charlie. Charlie & Glen Cameron win 2nd 4th & 5th positions, with Graeme McKenzie winning 6th & 8th with Chic & Anne Carrie taking 7th spot. A & A Shepherd take the 10th positions. 

North of Scotland Federation; new from George Duthie regarding the first old bird race of the season from Brechin were 48 members sent 1457 birds, these were liberated into a light north west wind. The East Section had 24 members sending 884 birds; with Inverurie club member S Witherspoon takes the first 3 places in the race with his 3 birds coming together his winner was doing 1264.69. N Holt of Peterhead & District wins 4th & 5th places with Colin McRae of Fraserburgh & District winning 6th spot. A W Buchan of Fraserburgh & District club wins 7th 8th & 10th positions. G Findlay of Peterhead & District club wins 9th section and open. The West Section had 24 members sending 573 birds; A Hay of Devern Valley club wins 1st 2nd & 6th section 32nd 33rd & 37th open. N Raymond of Devern Valley wins 3rd section 34th open. A Cruickshank of Keith club wins 4th section 35th open. Devern Valley club members take the remaining section positions; J Abel is 5th section 36th open; N Pirie wins 7th section 38th open; A Wilson is 8th section 39th open with R Hay & Family winning 9th & 10th section 40th & 41st open. 

Clubs Winners; S Witherspoon wins Inverurie velocity 1264.697. N Holt wins Peterhead & District velocity 1250.260; C McRae wins Fraserburgh & District velocity 1236.951; A Higgins wins Fraserburgh West End velocity 1194.429; C Donaldson Individual velocity 1161.047; A Hay wins Devern Valley velocity 1154.622; A Cruickshank wins Keith velocity 1029.081; P Thomson wins Elgin & District velocity 872.277. Well, done to S Witherspoon on topping the federation and also well done to A Hay on winning the West Section. Other East section winners are as follows; R Bain of Fraserburgh & District 27th section and open. J Holt of Peterhead & District 28th & 30th section and open and G Willox of Peterhead & District winner of 29th east section and 29th open. 

Fife Federation of Homing Pigeons Societies:

News from George Todd with the result of the Wooler race held on 20th April; with 1352 birds liberated at 10-15am into a light north wind. Birdage; Methilhaven 172 birds; St Andrews 145 birds; Lochgelly 193 birds; Dunfermline 253 birds; Crossgates 217 birds; Kennoway 266 birds; Novar & Leslie 106 birds. C Buchanan of Crossgates club takes the first 5 places in the West section and open with the 5 birds dropping together and the winner doing a velocity of 1409. A Ritchie of Dunfermline is 6th & 7th with Frank Mitchell of the same club winning 8th & 9th places, and J Hynd & son of Lochgelly makes up the top 10 places. The East section is won by Kennoway’s Brian Chalmers with David Armour of Methilhaven club takes the next 9 places in the section. Other club 1st birds were as follows; Novar & Leslie Turpie & McCord 1305.13.

Angus Federation Of Racing Pigeon Societies

News from David Liddle of the Wooler race flown on 20th of April with 22 members sending 594 birds; the convoy was liberated at 09-30 am into a light north wind. Davie Glen takes the 1st & 2nd federation places with 2 widowhood cocks. The winner is a 2-year-old bred from Jelle Jellema stock. The 2nd pigeon is a 4-year-old of Vandenabeele breeding; Davie also win 5th 6th & 7th positions. In third place was Brian Peet flying as W Peet & Son. His timer was a 3-year-old cock which won 1st club 3rd federation from Darlington last year; he was bred by Brian from Frank Murray pigeons. David J Liddle is 4th 8th 9th & 13th open. Ian Scott wins the remaining places from 13th to 20th open. 

Club Winners; Members; Name & Velocity

Arbroath had 6 members sending 140 birds’ winner is P Cameron velocity 1232.69. Forfar had 13 members sending 394 birds winner D Glen velocity 1334.61. Gourdon had 3 members sending 60 bird’s winners are D & D Hay with a velocity of 1067.82. Montrose Club had no entries.

Forfar had 13 members sending 394 birds; Davie Glen takes the first 2 places with W Peet & son in 3rd spot. D J Liddle wins 4th position.

Kingdom RPA

News from Pete Penman who writes; ‘Hi Joe, hope you and Margret are both well. The Kingdom RPA held its first race of the season on Saturday April 22nd from Wooler. With the convoy liberated at 10-15am into a light north wind. Coaltown of Balgonie's Gary Hall took the first five positions all with cocks. Rosyth partnership of Lou Mitchel and nephew Darren Stonehouse were next. St. Serfs was won by Sandy Proctor and Tom Berwick took the honours at Leuchars.

Pentland Hills Federation

News from Andy Miller regarding the Catterick race flown on Saturday 20th April; with 66 lofts sending 1784 birds, these were liberated at 07-00am into a light north west wind. Joe for our second race of the 2024 season from Catterick on 20th April, with a distance of 112-126 miles for the members. Liberated at 07:00 in a north west wind, with a low temperature. Winning 1st Federation is Sighthill partnership of Mr & Mrs Girdwood who timed their yearling widowhood hen (Girdy) see photography she was doing a velocity of 1419. Sire is from stock obtained from Blackett & Renwick (UNC) and the dam is from Alfie Hawthorn (WDA) bred by Dad. Steven Girdwood who himself had a fantastic race taking the next 4 federation positions. With F & W Robertson of Danderhall club winning 6th & 7th. Black & Robertson also from Danderhall club take the next 3 places to fill the top 10 positions. Joe returns were erratic at first, with some lofts reporting heavy losses and pigeons being reported as far away as Plymouth! As always, many lofts fared better with only the odd birds missing. Andy has also included a photograph of the Pentlandhills new transporter which has passed its MOT with flying colours, Andy wishes to add a special THANKS to William & Freddy Robertson; yours Andy.


To all clubs; It would be more interesting reading about the winners if fanciers could give the Press Officers some details on their winner; i.e. nest condition; previous wins etc. Even a photo of the federation winner as Angus & Pentlandhills federations have done this week. We all have mobile phones and it just takes seconds to take a photo and send it by email to either the press officer or myself. (Email address at the bottom of my column) Anything to make the race reports a little bit more interesting reading. I don’t think people realise how many fanciers read my weekly column and IT’S YOU who are missing out on this wonderful opportunity to give your birds some publicity. 


This week’s Photos

We have Paul Cameron who won Arbroath 1st race of the 2024 season plus he also forwarded a photograph of his winning hen, as I said above, I wish more fanciers would do this as they are missing out on the publicity. I have been scanning some old photographs to go with my weekly column as I don’t know why but fanciers do not send me pictures of their winning pigeons nowadays. The small blue loft is Jack Wylie’s which housed 2 x 1st open SNFC Rennes winners, a 2nd open SNFC Rennes winner and a 1st open SNFC Sartilly winner. Truly outstanding results from a small back garden loft; which proves, it is the quality of pigeons housed in the loft that matters. My next photo is the lovely chequer hen ‘Kardale Starmist’ bred and raced by the late Dale Newcombe of Macmerry. ‘Starmist’ won 6th open SNFC Young Bird national flying a distance of 260 miles in 1993. She was also 17th open SNFC Niort flying 672 miles in 1996 and then won 8th open SNFC Nantes flying 603 miles in 1997. Her sire was a son of John Cosgrove & son 1st open SNFC Nantes winner. While her dam was a daughter out of ‘Lothian King’ and ‘Lothian Queen’ the wonderful stock pair of John Ellis of Elphinstone. The old saying that BLOOD ALWAYS TELLS is the same today as it was away back in the 1990’s; and I truly believe this.  


Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to joejmurphy1@gmail.com REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or log onto www.elimarpigeons.com www.fancierchat.co.uk www.pigeon-chat.co.uk who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland

© Compiled by Joe Murphy

'Girdy' Mr & Mrs Girdwood's Pentlandhills Fed Winner from Catterick.pngJack Wylie's Loft see text .jpgKardale Starmist see text .jpgPaul Cameron holding his winner outside his small loft.JPGPaul's winning pigeon see text.JPGPentlandhills New Transporter  see text.PNG





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